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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Sorry for stealing the topic abit but after the update (using default files), I keep getting this in my rpt log

    10:01:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
    10:01:39 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 248
    10:01:39 Error in expression <imit = _random select 1;
    _qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
    10:01:39   Error position: <_vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;

    Anyone know what it is?

  2. Nej inte GT :P, jag kan inte tala svenska så bra...men jag kan tala lite :P


    But yeah Battleye can do nothing with mysql calls...The reason you have to add these calls to the server files is that you want to avoid "the more experienced users" aka hackers.

    There are some securities reasons (especially remote sql queries) that you should rather have them 'blind' into how your tables are structured in the db, than show them exactly what is where.

    I mean in the end this will be a public release so everyone could see the code .... but you dont have to have that released db structure...you could tweak the cell names a bit..so they dont know the names of the table cells.

    It goes without saying that your db user SHOULD NOT have "showtables" access.

    My dayz db user is strictly using the dayz db only...cant create new users or see other tables etc.....its the most minimum access account.

    Oh I see, your Swedish is still nice =)

    Yea, I've done most of those things. The only thing that worried me is what kind of privileges the arma 2 server needs in order to function towards the database. Although, I restricted most connections to local only, in an attempt to block outside influence. 



    I might propose to have someone run a stress test server for the old version (hoping it will get a decent ammount of players). This being epoch with the single currency with 999 calls.


    This way we can double check if the  system is stable.


    What do you guys think?


    I can always assist in setting-up / editing excisting pbo's to the system.


    i do NOT own an anti-hack btw.

    I own an anti-hack and run atleast one mildly saturated server. I asked a few of the players and they did not seem very pleased with me stress testing in on the server. Although I could test it on the panthera server if it suits well. It's not much of a stress test since the server does not have a lot of players anymore. 

  3. BattlEye filters are not supposed to protect the hive calls directly. They are more for protecting and logging unwanted usage of variables. In one of Saidbirds posts, he mentions the use of PVDZE_something variable. These are usually something you wish to protect from outside usage or log the usage of. However, I could also be wrong. 

    Epoch does not use 999 calls directly, however there is a few modded versions and beta versions of the HiveExt.dll file which has 999 calls enabled. Some are in need of compiling and some are already compiled.

  4. Pretty much what TheVampire said. I never really went far below the default minimum setting. However, I do change the maximum setting instead. I think that makes it easier for me to regulate how often missions spawn. Currently people are asking me why no mission spawns (~50+ mins after restart). So it may require more tuning. When I test it on my test server, I usually set the settings for all timers to 5. I've not seen any problems with it. The missions tend to spawn within a few seconds of me joining and allows me to check if they work in reasonable phase. 

  5. Go to: \dayz_server\EMS\Scripts. Open DZMSAddMajMarker.sqf and DZMSAddMinMarker.sqf. Edit the lines in that file to your liking. 

    Here is a list of different markers:



    In your case it would be:

    _nul = createMarker ["DZMSMajMarker", DZMSMajCoords];
    "DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    //"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    //"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    "DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerType "mil_circle";
    "DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerSize [275,275];
    //_nil = createMarker ["DZMSMajDot", DZMSMajCoords];
    //"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    //"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerType "mil_dot";
    //"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerText DZMSMajName;

    Something along those lines.

  6. I only have, are there more? I do not see any boxing moves.


    Filters are pretty sweet as well. (scripts.log)

    Thumper (XXX) xxx - #133 "pons;
    { for [{ b=0 },{ b < 25 },{ b = b + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine;
    cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned"
  7. The latest anti hack comes with a neat function. Checking vehicles spawned without being at a trader:

    2014-06-17 20:25:35 infiSTAR HackLog | macqurade (xxx) | Try to spawn Vehicle without trader: SUV (SUV_TK_CIV_EP1) | Spawn Position: [10349.2,1602,0.00139713] | Player Position: [10347.2,1594.9,0.00139284]   |DayZ Instance: 114|

    As well as the dupe warning:

    2014-06-17 07:44:37 infiSTAR HackLog | infiSTAR.de Log: Comaste (xxx) | disconnected near VaultStorage [["DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1"],[1,1]] - might be backpack duping!
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