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Posts posted by ToejaM

  1. Please stop referring to these degenerate oxygen thieves as hackers, not even the ballbags that create the scripts are hackers. By referring to them as 'hackers' you are giving them credit where credit is not due.


    They are skiddies, you know, the thing you do in your underwear after a few too many beers and a curry. Script kiddies, nothing more.


    You must also be patient with the mod as it is still in testing and not designed for permanent play, you won't get peace of mind game of Epoch until it is in the hands of those who have enough time to moderate and admin the servers, performing rollbacks when servers are nuked and providing support when glitches and bugs cause issues.


    Unfortunately even though you are all begging for these skiddies to be fixed, there is ALWAYS a way around any fixes that are made, the best line of defence is a good admin team and unless the Epoch team start 'hiring' volunteer admins to moderate/admin servers you cannot get attached to your gear and base.


    So please, stop with all the threads! There should be more threads thanking the devs than there are about 'hackers' but at the moment its the wrong way round.

  2. The stupidly funny thing about Altis and people, is that if you confine a mode to a portion of the map that is suitable for the numbers.. I.e if you cut off the right side of the map, people dont like it because they're not using the full map.. but then cry that the map is too big. You cant win with the population unless you physically remove things.

  3. In light of this thread: I thought I'd make a thread to help people get Epoch when they need it but also to encourage people in the same position as me, who have a server that can seed permanently. I heard the other day there was NO-ONE seeding at all!?


    If you've got a good home connection, do the same thing but if you're like me and you only have 300kbs upload.. but access to a server, then use your server!


    I'll be leaving my server seeding permanently with at least 125000kbs (12.5mbs) upload. When updates come out, I'll raise it to accommodate if necessary. At the moment we're hosting three servers which use a fraction of our upload speed, 125000kbs is 50% of the upload speed and we have unlimited traffic.


    If at anytime someone needs more seeders, post in here and hopefully more people will see it and they will make an effort to seed also.


    I hope this helps.

  4. I would welcome a well run hardcore server - I'd even host this myself, I wrote this script:  for the purpose of adding as Uro1 says - immersion because I absolutely love it! I put it on my server and though my server is low population (even before the addition of the script!) many people who didnt even try it voted against it as they are too attached to their crutch (any of you reading this, dont start your crap here! ;))


    I'm a big fan of MilSim and CTI (Arma 3) if you've ever done either of these, the problems are.. CTI is too PvP.. and by that I mean respawning and getting into the fight so quickly isnt as great as it is in DayZ where death is a huge time sink. Milsim is great but at the same time it lacks the player involvement, of course you can add players as the opposing force but the 'good guys' have to outweigh the badguys so it can be a bit futile for the badguys sometimes.. of course it all depends on your expected and sought after end to the operation.. sometimes the good guys dont win. The problem with both of these is that they arent DayZ.. for many people play DayZ because they know that alot of other people know about it.. so there are more people to get involved with..


    Definitely correct with there being more servers for hardcore than there are for arcade mode!


    "Realism" and games dont generally go well together without honour, some things you just cant put into a game in full detail as it makes the game awful to play.. but first person is not one of those things, first person makes the game epic.. and even now when you get shot at after playing DayZ for over 2 years.. you still get a rush, in third person you find a tree or a wall and you sit there safely watching the guy missing or hitting nothing, there is no adrenalin in this!


    The biggest problem is the ability of third person was given to the masses.. and if youve ever run a server, its hard to give players something and then take it away. Luckily for us we've always run our server without OP military vehicles like the Armoured SUV and the GPK Hmmv. Everything else uber OP has always been expensive enough that people buy them rarely and never use them! ;)

  5. On an extended note, the internet is a funny place.. no matter how much you think you can trust someone, never give them full reign.


    Moderators and admins have full access to the server logs, this access is read only. The only person who has write/removal access is myself. When the server is up, the logs are read only even to me - so anyone can check on anyone including me, without being stopped.. of course people have to get the current logs of the current session to check on me but there isnt a lot more I can do about that. I think this is a great way to do it though, keeps everyone aware they are always being watched. It means any member of the server can approach any admin to check on another admin, even moderators.


    I'm also the only with access to the dedibox and the website ownership.. pretty much there is a 'stop' at certain levels to prevent total destruction, I've never been a victim of it but I have been part of communities where people have wrecked everything and I've seen several go under because of it.


    What also helps is that we have around 7 or a 8 groups on the server, who are all rivals most of the time.. these groups all have an admin in. Not many know this as they just see the admin tag and assume we all work together, its true sometimes we team up (when others from our group arent on) but most of the time we like to kill each other.. afterall, all the admins started as players and have never been told to change their allegience.. there is no favouritism here! I even have videos of admins destroying admins on my Youtube! :D


    Overall, if you end up 'trusting' random people, give them limited access and make them earn their position.. don't be impatient and don't give players more powers when they ask for it, impatience and tantrums from prospective admins is a good indication that they are there to cause damage. Everyones a troll, just some trolls get kicks out of certain things.


    I think I've had around 10 ish people come and ask to be an admin and request dedibox access... it must work on some people as they wouldnt ask otherwise which is worrying. You can set access to do everything through the FTP, a website panel or through ingame commands with ZERO need for dedibox access.

  6. Unfortunately not many people like hardcore servers, I made a script that forces players into first person through various acts but even then people are too attached to their crutches. RIP DayZ! Hopefully future mods and games will not allow third person ever.

  7. I'd advise you to recruit from players within your playerpool on the server after you've gotten to know them.


    The way we do it: Regular for X amount of time, then moderator (very limited powers) and then admin.. this way they have to show for an extended period of time they are trustworthy and at the very least if they do decide to nuke everything, their one blip is seriously outwayed by all of the good work they have to do first.


    Dont recruit randoms from a forum, you're just asking for security issue troubles. One bad admin can turn your server upside down.

  8. No you'd want to set it exactly like this: _multi = 4/3; - 4/3 means 4 divided by 3 which = 1.33333333333333r


    Think of it this way... what he's saying is that 4hours day means that 4 hours REAL time will make one day go past if the server is up.


    If you have a 4 hour restart and you set it to 2, you'll get 2 days going by his key above.


    Which means you should set it to "_multi = 4/3;" as you will see in 3 hours real time which is one full ingame day go past and then another real hour still before a restart, so if your hive ext is around noon 0800-1000 and you set the multi to 4/3 it should be fine. Example, if your hiveext is set to 1000 and you reboot the server, three hours later it will be 1000 ingame again and you should see roughly 6 more ingame hours pass by the restart, possibly more as dusk moves quicker than day.


    Also it appears that the new time_control addresses an rpt error that I didnt notice before until I checked some previous rpts and all seems smoother and better fps, maybe because of the rpt error fix or better coding, either way its looking good.

  9. Updated.

    I use a custom view distance changer for clients, its a bit annoying constantly resetting view distance with the third person base building addition so now I have added to the script the ability for it to remember your previous view distance and it should be automatic.

    If you use a different script, post it here and I'll show you where to add the variable.

  10. I use this to prevent brute forcing but it doesnt work with your fix.

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	player_unlockDoor = {
    		private ["_ok"];
    		if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then
    			_obj = dayz_selectedDoor;
    			_objectCharacterID 	= _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
    			if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then
    				[player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1];
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_latch", 1];
    				DZE_Lock_Door = "";
    				[player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;};
    				[] spawn {sleep 30;KeyCodeTry = nil;};
    				[] spawn {
    					while {KeyCodeTry} do
    						_display = findDisplay 41144;
    						_display closeDisplay 3000;
    						sleep 0.1;
    			_display = findDisplay 41144;
    			_display closeDisplay 3000;

    I'm trying a few things but while I do maybe you know how to make it work with this? As I get wrong code entered when I try it with your fix.




    This works:

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	player_unlockDoor = {
    		private ["_ok"];
    		if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then
    			_obj = dayz_selectedDoor;
    			_objectCharacterID 	= _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
    			DZE_Lock_Door = CGG_Lock_Door;
    			if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then
    				[player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1];
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_latch", 1];
    				DZE_Lock_Door = "";
    				[player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;};
    				[] spawn {sleep 30;KeyCodeTry = nil;};
    				[] spawn {
    					while {KeyCodeTry} do
    						_display = findDisplay 41144;
    						_display closeDisplay 3000;
    						sleep 0.1;
    			_display = findDisplay 41144;
    			_display closeDisplay 3000;
  11. Based on this thread here: 
    Created this thread to keep it up to date in the OP and so that I'm not spamming someone elses thread.
    Current Script Function / Features
    When you meet certain requirments it will force you into first person, each individual requirement below is annotated with what it does.
    "If's" - Enabled by default
    // If player is within 50m of any objects in the array, force player into first person.
    // If player is not in a vehicle and is in combat, player forced into first person.
    // If player is in a vehicle and near objects within _countCPC, player forced into third person.
    // If player is not in a vehicle and is near objects within _countCPC, player forced into first person only if they use their camera view changer (numpad enter by default)
    // Allow third person while building. Player once in third person will have their view distance set to the value in the config at the top of this file.
    "If's" - Disabled by default - uncomment the /* and */ around the block of code to enable in the script below.
    // If player is in a vehicle and the vehicle is moving faster than 30 KPH, player forced into first person.
    // If player is near another player, player forced into first person.

    // If player is in a vehicle and is in combat, force first person.

    Version 1.0.4
    [ADDED] If in vehicle and in combat, force first person. - Off by default.

    Version 1.0.3

    [FIXED] First/third person loop bug while building.

    Version 1.0.2
    [ADDED] Full config support at the top of the script to stop the need for hunting around.
    [MERGED] Previously there were two separate scripts, with a simple config setting at the top "_viewDCPCStatic" it doesn't matter if you use a view distance changer or not. This makes it easier for those without view distance changer scripts to install and use this script.
    Version 1.0.1
    [FIXED] Fog is removed after performing any actions

    Version 1.0 - Initial working release, no errors.
    [ADDED] Support for action menus and view distance changers. See Step 2a
    [ADDED] Standalone version for servers who do not have a view distance changer for clients. See Step 2b)
    Step 1)
    Create new .sqf file called "PFP.sqf" and place into your mission folder/pbo.
    Step 2)
    Copy the following code into your new PFP.sqf file:

    Original thread: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10973-release-limited-3rd-person-view-script/
    Credits: Halvhjearne / saintanthony / ToejaM
    Purpose: In certain scenarios force player into first person.
    Config: To allow extra restrictions detailed below, remove the commenting done via the slash and star around each block of code.
    private ["_countCPC","_viewDCPC","_viewDActionCPC","_viewDCPCStatic","_nearPCPC","_viewDCCPC","_objectACPC","_objectDCPC","_playerDCPC","_viewVSCPC","_viewVVSCPC"];
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"};
    //Initial Config that must be set early
    // Set Default view distance - This setting should mirror the setViewDistance in your init.sqf in the root mission directory.
    _viewDCPCStatic = 750;
    // Maximum view distance in meters while in third person and building. If you have a script that allows you to change your own view distance, please see my thread on how to use both this script and your view distance changer script.
    _viewDCCPC = 10;
    // Object Array
    _objectACPC = "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ","Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked","CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked","WoodFloorHalf_DZ","WoodFloor_DZ","WoodFloorQuarter_DZ","MetalFloor_DZ";
    //Player distance from object array before being forced into first person.
    _objectDCPC = 50;
    // Player distance from other players before being forced into first person. This scenario is disabled, please uncomment it in the code below.
    _playerDCPC = 50;
    // Vehicle speed before being forced into first person. This scenario is disabled, please uncomment it in the code below.
    _viewVVSCPC = 30;
    // Config is now done. script Starts below this line, all config settings are above.
    // Setting up the default value for the variable if no value set.
        waitUntil {!alive player ; !isNull (findDisplay 46)};
    		if (isNil {player getVariable "VARviewDActionCPC"}) then { 
    		player setVariable ["VARviewDActionCPC",_viewDCPCStatic];
    //Waiting for initial loop to start
            if (!isDedicated) then { //preventing start on server
        waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; //making sure player is spawned 
    	    if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then {
    		    while {true} do {
        waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"};
    // Config - Config that needs to be refreshed each cycle for script to function.
    // Objects Array
    _countCPC = count nearestObjects [player, [_objectACPC], _objectDCPC];
    // Maximum view distance in meters while in third person and building.
    _viewDCPC = _viewDCCPC;
    // Vehicle speed
    _viewVSCPC = _viewVVSCPC;
    // Players near
    _nearPCPC = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", _playerDCPC]) > 1;
    			// Mandatory to set view distance variable, no need to change. Config setting is above under _viewDCPCStatic
                _viewDActionCPC = player getVariable "VARviewDActionCPC";
    			// If player is not in a vehicle and is in combat, player forced into first person.
    			if  (((vehicle player) == player) && (dayz_combat == 1)) then {
    				player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    				setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			// If player is in a vehicle and near objects within _countCPC, player forced into third person.
    			if (((vehicle player) != player) && (_countCPC > 0)) then {
    				(vehicle player) switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
    				setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			// If player is not in a vehicle and is near objects within _countCPC, player forced into first person.
    			if (((vehicle player) == player) && (_countCPC > 0) && (!DZE_ActionInProgress)) then {
    			player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    			setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			// Allow third person while building. In current state can be exploited to use third person while no intention to build, not recommended.
    			if (((vehicle player) == player) && (DZE_ActionInProgress)) then {
    			player switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
    			setViewDistance _viewDCPC;
    			//Mandatory to restore vision after refuelling and performing other actions.
    			if (!DZE_ActionInProgress) then {
    			setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			// If player is in a vehicle and the vehicle is moving faster than 30 KPH, player forced into first person.
    			if (((vehicle player) != player) && (speed (vehicle player)) >= _viewVSCPC) then {
    				(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
    				setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
                            // If player is in a vehicle and is in combat, force first person.
    			if  (((vehicle player) != player) && (dayz_combat == 1)) then {
    				player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    				setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			// If player is near another player then force player into first person. - Untested, should work.
    			if(_nearPCPC) then {
    			        player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    			        setViewDistance _viewDActionCPC;
    			sleep 0.1;

    Step 3)
    Edit the config at the top of the PFP.sqf to your liking. If you don't have a view distance changer, make sure to set "_viewDCPCStatic =" to the default that is in the init.sqf.
    Step 4) - Only required if you have an optional view distance changer for your clients.
    If you are using an action menu that allows the client changes their view distance, you will need to add the following command into each file that changes the view distance:

    player setVariable ["VARviewDActionCPC",VALUEHERE];

    I use:

    I have modified the files to remove the weather changes and simply all that happens is the viewdistance changes and it sets a variable which allows the player to remember their last view distance, if you don't do this and you use the base building portion of the script it will leave people in permanent fog until they manually change their view distance.
    Example of my full file: \ActionMenu\fog\1500.sqf

    setviewdistance 1500;
    player setVariable ["VARviewDActionCPC",1500];

    I had a lot of fun working out and learning about simple variables and a small change like this adds a huge convenience to players, especially players not so keen on 1st person.
    Step 5)
    At the very bottom of your init.sqf add:

    // Partial Firstperson
    [] execVM "PFP.sqf";

    Step 6)
    Save all files and re-pbo if necessary, you are done.
    Some people really don't like first person but I think there are a few things people can do to improve their experience.
    Firstly watch this video:
    It says it better than I can explain why 3rd person is bad, I get that people like it when running around but while in your bases and in combat, you should be first person imo or you're just cheating yourself out of some immersive, fun gameplay aswell as against other people.. you're cheating them to! 3rd person is a crutch that I hope one day people won't need.
    Secondly checkout this thread:
    Some tips on improving your first person expierence not only in DayZ but any game that has the features mentioned.

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