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(HPG) Heavy

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  1. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Tradewell20 in [WIP/RELEASE] Bank Robbery V3.   
    In the ai.sqf you can set the skills for the AI.  I have mine set to the same as the skills in the ai_suv.sqf.
    If I'm not mistaken, to keep AI from running off, change [10] to something like 1 or 2.  If you notice in the ai_suv.sqf the AI are set to "0.6" so if they happen to eject from the vehicle, they won't travel too far.
  2. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Face in A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued   
    After taking a few weeks break from development, this is the current changelog for the next A3EAI version (0.8.4). I expect it to be ready for release on the 22nd.
    Also after the 22nd, I will be looking into another A3 mod to see whether A3EAI can be ported to it. If this happens, A3EAI development may wind down after this point.
  3. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Oshydaka in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    Awesome script !
    Here is some modifications i've made to fit more my way
    First, i've set a random number of crash (here, i got between 5 and 10 crash on each restart)
    _crashNum = (floor(random 6) + 5); Second, the loot pile number, i've set it to have between 3 et 5
    _lootNum = (floor(random 3) + 3); The loot array, i've redo it completly, to have less "high" weapons, and more "small" things (the much the item repeat, the much chance to have it)
    _loot = [ "ChainSaw", "CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts","CircuitParts", "JackKit","JackKit","JackKit","JackKit","JackKit", "ItemLockbox", "ItemCompass","ItemCompass","ItemCompass","ItemCompass","ItemCompass","ItemCompass","ItemCompass", "ItemGPS","ItemGPS","ItemGPS","ItemGPS", "VehicleRepair","VehicleRepair","VehicleRepair", "ItemWatch","ItemWatch","ItemWatch","ItemWatch","ItemWatch", "Binocular","Binocular","Binocular","Binocular","Binocular","Binocular","Binocular", "NVG_EPOCH","NVG_EPOCH","NVG_EPOCH","NVG_EPOCH", "srifle_GM6_F", "srifle_LRR_F", "srifle_EBR_F","srifle_EBR_F","srifle_EBR_F", "srifle_DMR_01_F","srifle_DMR_01_F","srifle_DMR_01_F","srifle_DMR_01_F", "sr25_epoch","sr25_epoch","sr25_epoch","sr25_epoch","sr25_epoch", "arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Katiba_F", "arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MXC_F", "arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MXM_F", "LMG_Mk200_F","LMG_Mk200_F","LMG_Mk200_F", "arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MX_SW_F", "srifle_DMR_02_F", "srifle_DMR_04_F", "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F", "MMG_01_hex_F", "MMG_02_camo_F", "m249_EPOCH","m249_EPOCH", "m107_EPOCH", "m16_EPOCH","m16_EPOCH","m16_EPOCH","m16_EPOCH","m16_EPOCH","m16_EPOCH", "m4a3_EPOCH","m4a3_EPOCH","m4a3_EPOCH","m4a3_EPOCH","m4a3_EPOCH","m4a3_EPOCH", "M14_EPOCH","M14_EPOCH","M14_EPOCH", "AKM_EPOCH","AKM_EPOCH","AKM_EPOCH", "FoodBioMeat","FoodBioMeat","FoodBioMeat","FoodBioMeat","FoodBioMeat", "FoodSnooter","FoodSnooter","FoodSnooter","FoodSnooter","FoodSnooter", "ItemTrout","ItemTrout","ItemTrout","ItemTrout","ItemTrout", "scam_epoch","scam_epoch","scam_epoch","scam_epoch","scam_epoch", "honey_epoch","honey_epoch","honey_epoch", "ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet", "ItemSodaBurst","ItemSodaBurst","ItemSodaBurst","ItemSodaBurst","ItemSodaBurst", "ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaPurple", "Rangefinder", "ItemCorrugated","ItemCorrugated","ItemCorrugated","ItemCorrugated" ]; To have the loot pile randomly around the helicrash, i use a random generation for the crate createVehicle function
    _val = [-6,-5,-4,-3,3,4,5,6]; _posCrate = _val call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _posCrate2 = _val call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _crate0 = createVehicle ["weaponHolderSimulated", _vehHeli modelToWorld [(random 10) - _posCrate, (random 10) - _posCrate2, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; Same for the setPos on crate
    _posNumb = _val call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _posNumb2 = _val call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _crate0 setPos [(getPos _crate0 select 0) + _posNumb, (getPos _crate0 select 1) + _posNumb2, 0]; I've also remove the seconde _crate, so i only have _crate0
    Finally, i've use the code of Halv so i don't have heli crash all together sometimes
    _allpositions = []; vSpawnCrashes = { for "_j" from 1 to _crashNum do { _posOfCrash = _spawnCenter; while{true}do{ _posOfCrash = [_spawnCenter,_min,_max,_mindist,_water,20,_shoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a random loc if({_posOfCrash distance _x < 2000}count _allpositions < 1 && _posOfCrash distance _spawnCenter > 2000 || count _allpositions < 1)exitWith{}; }; _allpositions pushBack _posOfCrash; }; }; That's it, the result is quite good, and i'm happy with it ^^
    Thanks Richie for your script !
  4. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Sawboss in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    Uhg, didn't see the updated version, trying now.
    ***All seems to be working now, we gots lootz!
  5. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Sawboss in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    Ha, Sawboss....brings back mad memories.
    Wrecks seem to be spawning fine on Cherno for me, however loot does not.  I'm pretty sure loot quit spawning after the 1.48 update, not from the latest Epoch release.  Either way, still a lovely script :)
  6. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Panduhh in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    FYI, in line 18 of the Helicrashes.sqf file there is a spelling error for the Navid: should be "MMG_01_hex_ARCO_LP_F" instead of "MMG_01_hex_ACRO_LP_F".
  7. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Face in A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued   
    Take your time, no rush....and as always, thank you :)
  8. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Leigham in [WIP] UPDATING, Major Overhaul. Preview   
    KiloSwiss, the guy that helped with the server side pbo, for this script put in it, "if it spawns a goat, Were all fucked"
  9. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Face in A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued   
    What is A3EAI:
    A3EAI is a general-purpose AI addon designed specifically around A3 Epoch and its unique features, built from a heavily modified version of DZAI 2.2.1. "A3EAI" simply stands for "ArmA 3 Epoch AI". For users of DZAI, you'll know exactly what to expect from A3EAI.
    A3EAI Features:
    Automatically-generated static AI spawns: A3EAI will spawn an AI group at various named locations on the map if players are nearby.
    Dynamic AI spawns: A3EAI will create ambient threat for each player by periodically spawning AI to create unexpected ambush encounters. These AI may occasionally seek out and hunt a player. Random AI spawns: A3EAI will create spawns that are randomly placed around the map and are periodically relocated. These spawns are preferentially created in named locations, but may be also created anywhere in the world. Air and land vehicle AI: AI patrol in vehicles around the map, looking for players to hunt down. Cars and trucks may roam the road, and helicopters (or jets) search the skies for players. Helicopters with available cargo space may also occasionally deploy an AI group by parachute. Dynamic AI may also sometimes summon an air vehicle to their location for support. Custom AI spawns: Users may also define custom infantry and vehicle AI spawns at specified locations. Adaptive classname system: A3EAI reads Epoch's loot tables to find items that AI can use, such as weapons and equipment. Users may also choose to manually specify classnames to use instead. Error-checking ability: A3EAI checks config files for errors upon startup. If errors are found, A3EAI will use backup settings and continue operating as normal. Classname verification: A3EAI filters out invalid or banned classnames and prevents them from being used by AI. Universal map support: A3EAI supports any and every map for Arma 3 without changing any settings. Plug-and-play installation: Installing and upgrading A3EAI is a simple copy and paste job and does not require modifying any Epoch files. Easy configuration: A single configuration file contains all settings for A3EAI. This config file is external to the A3EAI pbo, so configuration changes can be made without ever having to unpack or repack the pbo file.  
    What's new about A3EAI:
    A3EAI is intended to be a near-total redesign of DZAI in terms of how the three major AI spawning systems (Static, Dynamic, and Random) work together. In DZAI, the 3 systems worked mostly in isolation: Static AI was for cities and towns, dynamic was for everywhere else, and random was just... random.
    A3EAI seeks to change things up by using "zero-configuration heterogenous spawning system" that lets all three major spawning systems to work together as one. Instead of having manual static spawn definitions for each city, town, etc, A3EAI will place a single spawn area at each city/town/etc directly. The upgraded dynamic and random AI spawning systems will fill in the gaps by spawning AI wherever necessary. AI group sizes, skill levels, and to a certain extent, loadouts, will be assigned to suit the location - small villages will have the lowest level AI, with larger cities having tougher AI. "Remote" areas such as factories and military bases will have the highest difficulty AI.
    To put it simply, many changes have been made to A3EAI that I simply can't list here. You will have to see for yourself when it is released.
    Where to download A3EAI:
    Download at: https://github.com/dayzai/A3EAI
    How to install A3EAI:
    A3EAI install instructions are located in the download package as well as the A3EAI Wikia site: http://a3eai.wikia.com/wiki/A3EAI_Installation.
  10. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Kronky in Start the game in third person view   
    Halv, I added a sleep before the switch and it works flawlessly.  Called it from the (hasInterface) like you mentioned.  Respawn into the clone chamber, there's about a second delay, then you go 3rd person.  When you load into game not as a respawn, you are in first person for roughly a second, then blam, you go 3rd person.  I'll tinker with the sleep and see what I come up.  Thank you for the help and many thanks to Kronky for post.
  11. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Kronky in Start the game in third person view   
    Is there a way to set up showing the third person when starting the game either new spawn or relog ?
  12. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Halvhjearne in Start the game in third person view   
    i tested it and i can see it dosnt work, but im not sure why, try add a sleep and see if it helps ... ill see if i can find a better way to make it seem more natural
    edit, perhaps this works 9/10 times when you log in:
    waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; waitUntil{!dialog}; waitUntil{cameraOn isEqualTo player}; waitUntil{cameraView == "INTERNAL"}; waitUntil{!isNil "Epoch_my_GroupUID"}; player switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
  13. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Tophi in WAI: 1.0.0 - Alpha / Arma 3   
    can somebody take this project please
  14. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Brian Soanes in build 1 are you seeing this?   
    Anyone seeing this?

  15. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from kayzee in watermark   
    Same here, though I don't wanna use an image, just text.
    I configured things the way you would do on a A2 server, but text didn't show up.  No errors.  Assuming you have to use spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; or something???  Though configuring with an image works fine.
  16. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Scaris in Trying to add vehicles   
    That's why I asked the community here. I am not expecting the Dev's to answer me. That would be a complete waste of their time. I am not asking anyone to fix anything for me, I asking for some guidance from the community. There are those here that have gotten it working I am sure and can give me tips and show me in the right direction I am sure. As I said, I am not to working with Arma and Battleye.
    However, I will not ask for any help here in the future as it seems unwelcome and my topic keeps getting hijacked.
  17. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Scaris in Trying to add vehicles   
    We aren't talking about BE filters, move on please. And I hate to break it to you but just because you aren't running into a problem doesn't mean one can't exist. 
  18. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Scaris in Trying to add vehicles   
    You give up at what, telling me I am doing it wrong but not being helpful at all on how? You haven't given me anything helpful yet. I have added the vehicles correctly, other than syntax there is nothing you get wrong when adding them to the epoch config file. 
  19. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from Mr.XXX in WAI: 1.0.0 - Alpha / Arma 3   
    I commented that part out...
        if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers ("\x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf")) != "") then {
            ExecVM "\x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf";
            diag_log "WAI: Custom Config File Loaded";
  20. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Phail in WAI: 1.0.0 - Alpha / Arma 3   
    22:26:22 "WAI: position Road" 22:26:22 "WAI: Good position At [10801.9,10589.6,100]" 22:26:22 "WAI: [Mission: Sniper Team]: Starting... [10801.9,10589.6,100]"   22:41:19 "WAI: position City" 22:41:19 "WAI: Good position At [10801.9,10589.6,100]" 22:41:20 "WAI: [Mission: Rebel Base]: Starting... [10801.9,10589.6,100]"     I had problems with missions spawning in the same spot on Altis, see above. I tried to add that position to the Blacklist like this,   [[10600,10400,0],[11000,10700,0]],   It didn't work. I changed it to this and it worked.   [[10801,10589,0],[10802,10590,0]],   My suggestion is to find the exact position in Novy, I am sure it is the exact same spot in Novy  over and over and make the position in the Blacklist very small.        I have made quite a few changes to WAI, personally I like to randomize the number of AI at the missions so they don't get stale. I also like to separate the guns that go into the box from the guns the AI use. You may want to have the M320 in the box, but don't want the AI to use it.   Config.sqf setting   ai_wep_box  =[];   I changed the sniper complete to "crate" instead of "assassinate", this has been known to cause problems in the Arma 2 version, I won't ever use this setting.   I increased the roaming distance at the missions for the AI. They seem like shooting fish in a barrel at some of them, minimum 80 meters, maximum 180 meters.   I added some crash missions, Ural, Mi-48, Dropside Truck and C-192 also the Communications Center mission.   I also removed the bandit_behaviour check, I think that this adds to the lag these missions have caused on the server. The old 0.179 version of WAI didn't have this and the AI seemed much harder/smarter, more responsive.   If anyone is interested in trying the edits, they are here.      http://www.mediafire.com/download/0oaze60u9s5uin7/a3_epoch_WAI.pbo
  21. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from viper179 in A3 Epoch Server, What can be changed?   
    Ah, good to know, thank you sir.
    How would you go about configuring things to have no server spawned vehicles to force players to buy from traders?  I would prefer to have players grind it out.  Many thanks.
  22. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to viper179 in A3 Epoch Server, What can be changed?   
    It will be in your @epochhive folder under the epochconfig.hpp from there you can see all cars and amounts, you can add more or just remove the lines or decrease the numbers
  23. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Thanks a bunch IT07 :)
  24. Like
    (HPG) Heavy got a reaction from THEbookie in [WIP/RELEASE] Bank Robbery V3.   
    THEbookie, below is my ai.sqf.  Feel free to gank and use as you might find the AI to be more responsive.  Be sure to change the coords as the AI spawn in Zelenogorsk.
    private ["_unit1","_unit2","_unit3","_unit4","_unit5","_unit6","_unit7","_unit8","_unit9","_unit10","_unit11","_unit12","_unit13","_unit14","_unit15","_unit16","_unit17","_unit18","_unit19","_unit20","_unit21","_unit22","_unit23","_unit24","_unit25","_unitDriver","_unitGunner"]; execVM "bank_robbery\ai_suv.sqf"; diag_log text format["Bank Robbery: Creating AI policemen"]; sleep 0.5; //Init (create center etc) _CENTER = createCenter EAST; _aiGroup = createGroup EAST; EAST setFriend [WEST,0]; EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE,1]; _target = [2552.49, 5041.16]; //Way point in front of bank //Spawn 25 AI units _unit1 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2562.59, 5047.53, 0.001], [], 2, "COLONEL"]; _unit2 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2560.52, 5057.87, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit3 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2553.72, 5061.87, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit4 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2547.67, 5070.35, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit5 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2541.05, 5074.83, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit6 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2541.51, 5068.03, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit7 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2530.01, 5064.59, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit8 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2525.97, 5060.32, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit9 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2527.40, 5055.50, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit10 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2527.13, 5047.26, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit11 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2496.43, 5064.57, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit12 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2503.22, 5075.69, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit13 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2519.64, 5084.88, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit14 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2540.08, 5088.22, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit15 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2555.51, 5083.29, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit16 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2562.34, 5073.59, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit17 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2570.79, 5061.97, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit18 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2581.36, 5051.76, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit19 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2580.10, 5032.37, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit20 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2550.95, 5016.08, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit21 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2521.31, 5022.60, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit22 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2562.59, 5047.53, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit23 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2552.49, 5041.15, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit24 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2552.48, 5041.16, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; _unit25 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[2552.50, 5041.17, 0.001], [], 2, "PRIVATE"]; //Add AI to a "master" group [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] joinSilent _unitGroup; //Give everyone weapons. _unit1 addWeapon "M60A4_EP1_DZE"; _unit1 addMagazine "100Rnd_762x51_M240"; _unit1 addMagazine "100Rnd_762x51_M240"; _unit2 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit2 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit2 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit2 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit2 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit3 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit3 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit3 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit4 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit4 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit4 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit5 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit5 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit5 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit6 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit6 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit6 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit6 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit6 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit7 addWeapon "DMR_DZ"; _unit7 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_DMR"; _unit7 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_DMR"; _unit8 addWeapon "DMR_DZ"; _unit8 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_DMR"; _unit8 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_DMR"; _unit9 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit9 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit9 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit9 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit9 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit10 addWeapon "AA12_PMC"; _unit10 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit10 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit11 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit11 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit11 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit11 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit11 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit12 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit12 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit12 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit12 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit12 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit13 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit13 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit13 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit14 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit14 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit14 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit14 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit14 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit15 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit15 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit15 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit15 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit15 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit16 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit16 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit16 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit16 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit16 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit17 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit17 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit17 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit17 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit17 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit18 addWeapon "AA12_PMC"; _unit18 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit18 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit19 addWeapon "AA12_PMC"; _unit19 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit19 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit20 addWeapon "AA12_PMC"; _unit20 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit20 addMagazine "20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets"; _unit21 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit21 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit21 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit21 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit21 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit22 addWeapon "M4A1_RCO_GL"; _unit22 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit22 addMagazine "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag"; _unit22 addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"; _unit22 addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_M203"; _unit23 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit23 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit23 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit24 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit24 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit24 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit25 addWeapon "M249_TWS_EP1"; _unit25 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; _unit25 addMagazine "200Rnd_556x45_M249"; //Set AI Skills [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.8]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["aimingshake", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["aimingspeed", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["endurance", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.4]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["spottime", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["courage", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["reloadspeed", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["commanding", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setSkill ["general", 1.0]; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] enableAI "TARGET"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] enableAI "MOVE"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] enableAI "ANIM"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] enableAI "FSM"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setCombatMode "RED"; [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] setBehaviour "COMBAT"; //Move AI units area in front of bank [_unit1,_unit2,_unit3,_unit4,_unit5,_unit6,_unit7,_unit8,_unit9,_unit10,_unit11,_unit12,_unit13,_unit14,_unit15,_unit16,_unit17,_unit18,_unit19,_unit20,_unit21,_unit22,_unit23,_unit24,_unit25] moveTo _target; [_unitGroup,_aiGroup] moveTo _target; diag_log text format["Bank Robbery: AI policemen spawned in"];
  25. Like
    (HPG) Heavy reacted to Coco-Nuts in [WIP/RELEASE] Bank Robbery V3.   
    Ok guys, I'm not an expert in script developpment but I worked hard to do this.
    So, the concept is the same but I put a Vault Storage when the robbery end.
    Also, during the robbery, a red arrow appear to prevent where the Vault will spawn cause the Vault is transparent.
    To prevent another player to start the robbery again, there is the fonction (_nearVault) to check if anyone is near of the spawned Vault.
    If it's true, so you can't start the robbery.
    As requested, I put the message that the "Bank is getting robbed" in the global Chat using "call RE"
    Same thing when the robbery is finished.
    You can see the entire of the robbery system by looking this video :

    I just modified the file robbank.sqf
    You can download it here -----------> robbank.sqf
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