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    CordIAsis got a reaction from Zupa in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    Tells Sandbird his servers are crap with only 4 players and that he has always got 20+ players. Screenshot shows he has 4 players on his DayZ server. What a peach. So glad you captured the glory there Zupa.
  2. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from Killawhat in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    The attitude is probably because they spend day after day, working hard as hell to fix things, implement things and just make things better. Then people come one here, seemingly oblivious to the fact that IT'S NOT EVEN NEARLY FINISHED YET and start talking in a disrespectful way toward the devs and the mod. It can get tiresome when you feel unappreciated by the very community members you are building something for.
  3. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from McKeighan in Spawn Zombie Horde   
    I beleive zombies are agents, which don't get assigned to groups.
  4. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from Nasdero in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    The attitude is probably because they spend day after day, working hard as hell to fix things, implement things and just make things better. Then people come one here, seemingly oblivious to the fact that IT'S NOT EVEN NEARLY FINISHED YET and start talking in a disrespectful way toward the devs and the mod. It can get tiresome when you feel unappreciated by the very community members you are building something for.
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    CordIAsis got a reaction from BetterDeadThanZed in Rotate vehicle   
    You don't need to move anything anywhere. Just make the edits in place.
  6. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from deadlokd in Need Help setting up Overpoch server   
    Just stick at it, aslong as you're willing you will learn soon enough. It can be quite a daunting thing to learn so don't get disheartened when you make mistakes or you just don't understand something. There is also no need for you to spend money for help. As long as you show that you're trying your hardest to learn, the rest of this community will be more than happy to help you for free.
  7. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from Donnovan in [AdminTool] (I'm back) Working on it!   
    CSAT: Admin-Tool & Anti-Hack
    A free & pretty admin-tool and anti-hack.
    I was very ill, I'm no longer ill(ish).
    Which means that I'm now working on CSAT again at long last. I've been working on it for the last 3-4 days and have already got a handful of new features implemented and made quite a few improvements on what was already there. I won't be working on this as much as I used to, I gotta keep my health in check, but the days I do work on it I'm gonna go HAM on this keyboard.
    Patience, you must have.
    Ain't nobody got time for that.
    Computer says no.
    If you have any ideas of what you might like in an admin tool, let me know.
    Features: (Fractional List)

  8. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from calamity in help with this script whats wrong with this if statement   
    _vehicle _lilbird addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; You have a syntax error here. The syntax is object_to_add_to addMagazine "class_name";.
    You have 2 objects stated prior to executing the addMagazine command.
  9. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from calamity in help with this script whats wrong with this if statement   
    _hasmags = (({_x == "2000Rnd_762x51_M134"} count (magazines player)) >= 2); The reason it wasn't working was because you were performing the same check twice without editing the player's inventory in between checks. So if they only had 1 item the first check would return true, they would keep the item, then the second check would also return true. The code I provided here will work just fine for you.
    EDIT: Sandbird's suggestion is the way to go, but note there is a tiny oversight in there-
    if (_mgQTY == 2 and _isalb) then { Should ideally be-
    if (_mgQTY >= 2 and _isalb) then { Else, player's with more than 2 mags on them will not get the option which isn't logical.
  10. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from hambeast in Looking for some GUI help   
    You can use lbSetData and lbData to set and read data from a list entry respectively. Combining lbData with lbCurSel and ctrlSetEventHandler will get you your results. If you want a better explanation just ask, but the biwiki has a great section on these commands for you to look up.
    EDIT: Ah, beat me to it ;)
  11. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from FPGElliot in [AdminTool] (I'm back) Working on it!   
  12. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from DeanReid in [AdminTool] (I'm back) Working on it!   
    CSAT: Admin-Tool & Anti-Hack
    A free & pretty admin-tool and anti-hack.
    I was very ill, I'm no longer ill(ish).
    Which means that I'm now working on CSAT again at long last. I've been working on it for the last 3-4 days and have already got a handful of new features implemented and made quite a few improvements on what was already there. I won't be working on this as much as I used to, I gotta keep my health in check, but the days I do work on it I'm gonna go HAM on this keyboard.
    Patience, you must have.
    Ain't nobody got time for that.
    Computer says no.
    If you have any ideas of what you might like in an admin tool, let me know.
    Features: (Fractional List)

  13. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from FragZ in Variables called over Server?   
    In your explanation it states that both server_whitelist.sqf and admintools_main.sqf are both serverside, but your one line question at the top states one is serverside one is clientside. That's confused me somewhat. I'm gonna assume that you made an error in your explanation and just go from your one line at the top.
    Yes, you can. Once you have initialised your variables serverside you can use publicVariable "my_variable"; to broadcast that to all clients.
    Clientside you can just put them in a hold, waitUntil {!isNil "my_variable"}; then a quick if statement to work out if the player UID is inside the 'my_variable' array. I hope that answered your question properly.
  14. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from FragZ in Variables called over Server?   
    You would use the publicVariable command serverside, as you're wanting to send it from the server to the clients.
    The waitUntil{!isNil "my_var"}; command in the clientside files will stop the script proceeding until the client has received your variable from the server.
    This command will halt progress of the file it is in until the code inside the braces returns true. In this case it checks that the variable you send from your server using publicVariable command has been received by the client. Using this is important to prevent errors relating to your variable being undefined.
    Yes! Just like that.
    /****************************************************************************************************************/ //Super admin and Dev testing whitelisting FZ_SuperLovers = ["xxxUIDsxxx"]; Mod_list = ["000"]; FZ_Admins = ["0"]; publicVariable "FZ_SuperLovers"; publicVariable "Mod_List"; publicVariable "FZ_Admins"; That would do the trick just fine. ExecVm that from anywhere serverside and those variable will go to all clients.
  15. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from FragZ in Variables called over Server?   
    You can check for all variables in 1 waitUntil command.
    waitUntil {(!isNil "myvar1") && (!isNil "myvar2") && (!isNil "myvar3")};
  16. Like
    CordIAsis got a reaction from MPG in Variables called over Server?   
    In your explanation it states that both server_whitelist.sqf and admintools_main.sqf are both serverside, but your one line question at the top states one is serverside one is clientside. That's confused me somewhat. I'm gonna assume that you made an error in your explanation and just go from your one line at the top.
    Yes, you can. Once you have initialised your variables serverside you can use publicVariable "my_variable"; to broadcast that to all clients.
    Clientside you can just put them in a hold, waitUntil {!isNil "my_variable"}; then a quick if statement to work out if the player UID is inside the 'my_variable' array. I hope that answered your question properly.
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