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    Brummelpuh reacted to TheVampire in DZE_LootSpawnTimer   
    If you set it to 60 then the loot will sit there until the server cleans it up for a player not being nearby, or the player sits there an hour.
    At default it is set to 10minutes.
    Setting it lower will make loot respawn faster.
  2. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to Defay in [Release] Cen's Custom GUI for Epoch/Overpoch   
    Hey guys,
    so I saw that there are lot of people asking how to get an GUI looking like this:

    This is not my work, I'm only posting a tutorial on how to do it. This is from user Cen who was so nice to share it with us.
    All credits go to: Cen
    1.) First download these files and extract them in the root of your mission folder or mission.pbo.
    Download Link or Attached files.
    2.) Add this to the bottom of description.ext
    class RscPictureGUI { access = 0; type = 0; idc = -1; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0.38,0.63,0.26,0.75}; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0; lineSpacing = 0; text = ""; style = "0x30 + 0x100"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.2; h = 0.15; }; class RscTextGUIK { type = 0; idc = -1; style = 0x02; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; //color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; font = "TahomaB"; size = 0.03; sizeEx = 0.03; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.1; h = 0.2; }; #include "dayz_code\gui\ATD_Hud.h" 3.) Add this line to a custom compiles.sqf or overwrite the path in the existing compiles.sqf (depends how you call yours).
    I will not do a tutorial on how to add custom compiles as there are plenty of them already out here on this forum.
    player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf"; 4.) Edit ATD_Hud.h to your liking.
    And that should be it! If you have any questions or problems with it, please post down below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible or send me a PM.
    Let me know how I did for my first tutorial and thanks again to Cen for the HUD and letting me post a tutorial on this.
  3. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to Zupa in [INFO] DZE Configs & Variables / Init   
    This Topic will give you all default options you can change in your init.sqf/variables.sqf to personalize your server without putting any script in.
    If I made any mistakes, please clearify and I will change it!
    Simple add the line in the top half of your init.sqf to change values (unless stated otherwise)
    DZE_SelfTransfuse = false; // default value TRUE: Allows player to right click on a bloodbag to use a bloodbag on himself.
    Selfbloodbag values
    DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [12000, 15, 300]; // default value If  DZE_SelfTransfuse is set to true, this will define the value of that bloodbag,
    1st value is the ammount of blood you get from the bag;
    2nd value is the infection chance in %
    3th value is the cooldown in seconds
     Max Animals
    dayz_maxAnimals = 5; Amount of animals per player. They will despawn like zombies if no one is there.
    timezoneswitch = 0; Changes the murdermenu times with this offset in hours.
    Zombie settings dayz_maxLocalZombies = 40; Max number of zombies spawned per player.
      dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 40; Starting global max zombie count, this will increase for each player within 400m (Default: 40)   dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease = 10; This is the amount of global zombie limit increase per player within 400m (Default: 10)   dayz_maxZeds = 500; Total zombie server limit 
    dayz_zedSpawnVehCount = dayz_maxLocalZombies / 2; Zombies spawn from a vehicle (if a player is in it)
      dayz_spawnAirCount = 0; NO CLUE.
    dayz_zedsAttackVehicles = true; Zombies attack vehicles or not.
    Player Zombie
    DZE_PlayerZed = true; Allows the player zo spawn as a zombie when he died of an infection.
    GODMODE Bases
    DZE_GodModeBase = false; Buildables will be indestructable from the NEXT restart they were placed if set to true.
    DayZ Epoch Debug For Servers
    DZEdebug = false; If set to true, the server RPT file will have alot more info on what happends on the server. ( For debugging).
    Wiki explenation:
    DZE debug damage
    DZEDebug_Damage = true; Dont really know, i guess that nothing gets damage when Debug = true?
    Vehicle parachute trading
    DZE_TRADER_SPAWNMODE = false; Enable purchased vehicle parachute spawning setting this to true. 
    Tame Dogs
    dayz_tameDogs = false; If true, you can tame dogs ( with cooked meat right?).
    Sell Distance LAND Vehicle
    dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 10; Ammount in meters how far an LAND vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.
    Sell Distance SEA Vehicle
    dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30; Ammount in meters how far an SEA vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.
    Sell Distance AIR Vehicle
    dayz_sellDistance_air = 40; Ammount in meters how far an AIR vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.
    Para Spawn Player
    dayz_paraSpawn = false; If true, players will spawn in the air, dont forget to open your parachute!
    dayz_minpos = -20000; dayz_maxpos = 20000; The max and min distance from center of the map where a player can logout and still spawn on the same position when loggin in. Does this also affect the radiation you get when passing these places ( I dont think so)?
    DZE_checkNearbyRadius = 30; Distance where the building limits will look for objects.
    DZE_BuildingLimit = 150; Ammount of builables allowed in this distance.
    DZE_BuildOnRoads = false; Allow/Disallow building on roads.
    DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09; Ammount of damage a builable must have before being able to be maintained.
    DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 0; Ammount of animations you have to do before something gets build. ( always +1) so number 0 = 1 step, number 1 = 2 steps)
    DZE_PlotPole = [30,45]; 1st value is the radius of a plotpole
    2nd value is the radius where the next plot can be build.
    DZE_maintainRange = ((DZE_PlotPole select 0)+20); If you maintain this is going to be the range where it maintains. Default: (plotradius + 20 meters)
    DZE_requireplot = 1; 1= Need a plot to build, 0 = you can build anywhere.
    DZE_AntiWallLimit = 3; Not really sure about this. Amoount of tries u can get to get trough a wall before u get killed ?
    Humanity Showing
    DZE_HumanityTargetDistance = 25; The distance where it becomes visible if a player is bandit or hero ( blue red names).
    Friendls Saving
    DZE_FriendlySaving = true; Save the friend to the database or not.
    Custom loot tables.
    DZE_MissionLootTable = false; Set to true of you want to use own loot tables ( include them in description.ext ofcrouse)
    Config traders
    DZE_ConfigTrader = false; Set to true if you want to use config traders. Include them in your description.ext)
    DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10; Not really sure. The time that takes to start spawning loot in an area?
    Heli Lift
    DZE_HeliLift = true; Allow/disallow default epoch heli lifting
    Full moon nights
    dayz_fullMoonNights = false; If true nights wont be pitch black, moonlight will make it doable.
    Vehicle Ammo Saving
    DZE_vehicleAmmo = 0; 0 : amo in vehicles weapons will reset on restart. 1:ammo will save and respawn on restart.
    Access backpack in trader area.
    DZE_BackpackGuard = true; If true, it closes the gear menu when close to another player in trader area's
    DZE_CleanNull = false; No idea.
    Customize Death Messages   Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?) DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true; Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?) DZE_DeathMsgSide = true; Enables global title text messaging of player deaths. DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true; Vehicles allow without ObjecId and ObjectUID
    DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"]; // EDIT THIS INSIDE THE VARIABLES.SQF , otherwise overwritten Force Save vehicles
    DZE_AllowForceSave = false; If true players get a scroll wheel option to force a save of a vehicle to database.
    Cargo Check
    DZE_AllowCargoCheck = true; Allow a player to check cargo on a vehicle.
    DZE_ForceNameTags = false; If true it forces YES on the question to show name or not on players close to you.
    DZE_ForceNameTagsOff = false; Forces the answer NO.
    DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader = false; Forces name tag on in trader zones.
    DZE_HaloJump = true; Allow Halo Jumps from air vehicles
    DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true; Enable, disable the epoch weight system.
    DZE_Surrender = true Able to surrender, which drops all weapons and places hands on head ( Default "/" keybind)
    OldHeliCrash (
    Re-enable old heli crash method with OldHeliCrash = true;
    OldHeliCrash = true; spawnShoremode
    Controls if the player will spawn on shore or not. 1 = Spawn must be on shore, 0 = anywhere. (Default: 1)
    spawnShoremode = 1; spawnArea
    Controls how large of an area to search for a suitable spawn location. (Default: 1500)
    spawnArea = 1500; MaxVehicleLimit
    Controls the max overall vehicle limit if this limit is reached no new vehicles will spawn.
    MaxVehicleLimit = 50; DynamicVehicleDamageHigh
    Sets the highest possible damage a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)
    DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100; DynamicVehicleDamageLow
    DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 10; // Default: 0 Lowest damage on a spawned vehicle.
    Sets the lowest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 0)
    DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 0; DynamicVehicleFuelHigh
    Sets the highest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)
    DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 100; Dynamic Debris
    To change how many debris spawn edit the MaxDynamicDebris variable in the missions init.sqf.
    MaxDynamicDebris = 100; // Max number of road debris spawns (Default: 100) Customize fresh spawn loadout
    Server admins can now change default fresh spawn loadout by adding these variables to the mission init.sqf.
    DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"]; DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight"]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackItems = [""]; //  which accepts both weapons and magazines.//  DZE_defaultSkin = [["Male skin1","Male skin2"],["Female skin1","Female skin2"]]; //Default player skin for fresh spawns, selected randomly Ore Veins
    MaxMineVeins = 150; // Max Ore Veins Defines the ammount of oreveins that spawn on the map
    Ammo boxes
    MaxAmmoBoxes = 25; // Max Ammo boxes Defines the ammount of ammoboxes next to road.
    Database events
    Damage for maintain
    -- ---------------------------- -- Event structure for setDamageOnAge -- ---------------------------- DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `setDamageOnAge`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE EVENT `setDamageOnAge` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY COMMENT 'This sets damage on a wall so that it can be maintained' DO UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') ) ; DELIMITER ; This will "damage" walls, floors, etc every day so they can be maintained.  
    If i forgot anything please post it here so we can complete this information topic.
  4. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - Balota   
    Hi again!

    Once again, this has been done many times before, but I feel like my Balota is different from what other people have created and as such I wanted to share it with you guys.

    I have tried to bring some elements of Standalone over to the mod, in terms of graphical enhancements with my areas. Balota was the first area I decided to rework after having seen what it looked like in Standalone.
    Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell Standalone, but some things they have done are nice and perhaps I can bring some of that over to the mod!

    As usual, my areas won't have crazy barracks and weird buildings placed everywhere.
    I have surrounded the entire airfield with a wall/fence and added some military loot areas and a few areas of interest. The runway also has lights so it will look good on servers with night enabled!
    I have updated the file with a new industrial area just south of the airstrip near the dock there. This will add some anti-sniper spots for those annoying fire station campers!
    It is entirely optional, so remove the section AFTER the update marker in the .sqf if you do not want to have the addition!
    If you DO however use it and want to use the optional building that is enterable please remember to add "warehouse" to your AddOns section in your mission.sqm to stop that annoying error!
    The unenterable version which causes no errors is the default one used in the .sqf file.

    Link to the .sqf file

    Screenshots of the area
    More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:
    Kamenka - 
    NEAF + Krasnostav - 
    NWAF - 
    Vybor - 
    Zelenogorsk + 3 Army Bases - 
  5. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - Kamenka   
    Hi guys, I have been wanting to share my custom areas with the community for a while now and I am going to start with my custom city I made west of Kamenka.

    I know this has been done many times but I still wanted to share my creation as I wanted to give something back to this fantastic community.
    This city took a long time to make and a lot of detail and effort has gone into placing buildings, roads and trees etc on top of existing patches on the ground to make it seem realistic.
    This area is Epoch 1.0.5 ready. All buildings that will be enterable will have no bushes or ground lurking inside them!

    Link to the .sqf

    Photo album of the area
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:   Balota - NEAF + Krasnostav - NWAF - Vybor - Zelenogorsk + 3 Army Bases -
  6. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - Zelenogorsk & 3 Army Bases   
    Hi guys, this is a multi-release from me.

    This is my enhanced version of Zelenogorsk together with 3 military type compounds/bases that I created.
    Zelenogorsk now has a town center with a fire station, hospital, school and police station. I also added some apartments near the church and some trees and stone walls for cover along the dirt road as it felt very open.

    The military bases are situated at Bor, Dichina Hill (similar to DayZ Standalone) and at Novy Lug. Each military base is surrounded by a wall/fence and loot-wise has a military house, 2 or 3 barracks, a guardhouse and some tents here and there.
    I always found they were great for placing 2-4 AI at them for players to go to for a little challenge.

    Here are some coords for a map marker and 2 AI coordinates for each area:
    Bor Map Marker - 2882.0723, 4492.1831, 0
    Bor AI 1 - 2888.9021, 4475.9678, 3.0517578e-005
    Bor AI 2 - 2880.7908, 4490.1411, -3.0517578e-005
    Dichina Map Marker - 4482.2632, 8297.4492, 3.0517578e-005
    Dichina AI 1 - 4454.1675, 8281.6689, -6.1035156e-005
    Dichina AI 2 - 4500.3486, 8299.2656, -3.0517578e-005
    Novy Map Marker - 9339.9453, 11508.91, 7.6293945e-005
    Novy AI 1 - 9331.9229, 11506.843, 0.00021362305
    Novy AI 2 - 9283.7344, 11499.81, -0.00010681152


    Screenshots of the areas
    Zelenogorsk - http://imgur.com/a/58wMJ
    Military Bases - http://imgur.com/a/UnCVT

    Links to the .sqf files
    Zelenogorsk - https://github.com/IanHardy/ChernarusBuildings/blob/master/zeleno.sqf
    Bor Base - https://github.com/IanHardy/ChernarusBuildings/blob/master/basebor.sqf
    Dichina Base - https://github.com/IanHardy/ChernarusBuildings/blob/master/basedichina.sqf
    Novy Lug Base - https://github.com/IanHardy/ChernarusBuildings/blob/master/basenovy.sqf
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:   Balota - Kamenka - NEAF + Krasnostav - NWAF - Vybor -
  7. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to HollowAddiction in [Release] Center For Disease Control   
    Hollow's Center for Disease Control

    A nice little Balota Addition
    I made this build as a housing place for my CDC Trader in which you can trade zombie parts for gold, the idea is a single scientist is trying to find the cure and needs you to gather zombie flesh for him and he is willing to make it worth your wild.
    Below are tutorials for with, and without the trader.
    Tutorial WITHOUT Trader: (with trader tutorial below)
    click the download link above and download the CDC_Balota.zip
    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo
    Add the following code to the bottom of your server_functions.sqf  located at: 
    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\CDC_Balota.sqf"; Create a folder named "custom" and place the CDC_Balota.sqf
    you downloaded, inside the custom folder.
    Place the custom folder in the root of your dayz_server.pbo then repack and upload your pbo
    To add the map marker open your mission.sqm
    search for 
    class Markers and scroll to the bottom of the markers and add this code
    class Item20 { position[]={4843.2983,365.13501,2278.8335}; name="Centre for Disease Control"; text="Centre for Disease Control"; type="mil_triangle"; colorName="ColorYellow"; }; Remember to change the items=? and class Item20  to match your own markers.
    (keep in mind the first marker item is 0, so if you have 24 markers, it should read items=25 and this marker should be class Item24)
    Tutorial WITH Trader:
    Do the above, but substitue all CDC_Balota.sqf in the code with
     and use the Trader_CDC_Balota.zip download obviously.
    Open your server_traders.sqf and add this code to the bottom
    // CDC menu_RU_Doctor = [ [["Specimens",900],["Medical Supplies",901]], [], "neutral" ]; at the top of your server_traders.sqf add "RU_Doctor" to the list of servertraders
    Now make the new TID's in your Database and add the items to them
    (assuming you have changed or added items to traders before)
    Now your done. 
    Reply with any questions
    Additions to this build are welcome, everyone has full permission to use this how ever they want.
  8. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - Vybor   
    Hi guys, here is my enhanced version of Vybor.
    I always felt like this area was missing something and having played Standalone and seeing what they did with the area I thought I would give Vybor a facelift.
    I have tried to transform Vybor into a larger city, more like Zeleno, Elektro etc.
    I have added a hospital, firestation, large industrial area with smoke stacks (one is still smoking) and added housing with roads and a farm complex to the south. Also some graphical touches, like the pond under the bridge.
    Thanks for supporting my Chernarus Enhancements series so far, there will be more to come once I get around to making sure they are ready for the update.
    Screenshots of the area
    Link to the .sqf file
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:   Balota - Kamenka - NEAF + Krasnostav - NWAF - Zelenogorsk + 3 Army Bases -
  9. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - NWAF   
    Hi guys, it's me again!

    Another release from my series of Chernarus Enhancements. This is my North West Airfield enhancement. I have reworked the existing industrial areas, added a few building sites, added 3 barracks, reworked the barracks areas so they are enclosed and added a medical camp to the north end of the runway.

    As always, my areas won't have crazy barracks and weird buildings placed everywhere. Special care was taken to add details and make things look grounded in reality. I hope you guys like this release. Please let me know what you guys think.

    Link to the .sqf file

    Screenshots of the area
    More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:
    Balota - 
    Kamenka - 
    NEAF + Krasnostav - 
    Vybor - 
    Zelenogorsk + 3 Army Bases - 
  10. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to Axle in Patch Server/Client files !!Now on Steam!!   
    Epoch launcher is out of date but you can still download the new patch. It will require you to manually extract and install the client files.


    Report Bugs:
    Provide Feedback:
  11. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to vbawol in Official Server Files Release Date!   
    Since we are making great strides on the backend development thanks to our newest team member Fank. I feel that we should be ready for a public release of our server files on approximately December 1st. I know there was a thread for those "Trusted Communities" but the demand has been so great that we feel the need to make it public for everyone. Leading up to Dec. 1st, our code developers will all be hard at work adding features and fixing as many bugs as we can. Also, our content developers will be adding more content as it becomes ready.
    The version number will likely be 0.2.5 or 0.3 by this time and not the 0.5 as I stated before. Please keep in mind that we are still very much in Alpha and will be for some time. Running a server is not going to be easy or without problems, errors, and plenty of headaches. 
    After the files are released GSP's may start selling servers and private server hosts can host on there own hardware. I will be getting in touch with each of our current GSP supporters before release to make sure they have had a chance to test and report any bugs so they can be prepared to host when we do release the files.
    Everyone that runs a server must acknowledge that you are not to break BI terms of use http://www.bistudio.com/community/game-content-usage-rulesand that you accept our license:  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Failing to comply with the above terms will result in a Cease and Desist notice and or legal action if necessary.
  12. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to Shadow Moses in Shoot first, ask questions later.   
    There are more than a few of us that have been playing this game since Operation Flashpoint. We should get badges or something lol 
  13. Like
    Brummelpuh reacted to Firefly in SQL Price review for   
    still too expensive. Unless its capacity is increased to make it worth the extra amount. 6 itemgoldbar10oz
    Reasons, yes its armoured but the truth is because it does not have a weapon system on it most people won't be sitting around in it. Most vehicles survive encounters where they can drive away unless being hit by something nasty.
    Would keep at the 1 briefcase price. While it has two guns only one can be brought to bear forward and only on one side. At 1 briefcase it also makes the civilian version reasonable at 6. 
    Still too expensive, as mentioned previously in  two of us were killed inside the hummer from small arms. The wheels and engine are strong but chassis and glass are very weak. The lack of weapon and backpack slots hurts as well. 
    HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1, LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1
    While they have the GMG they have zero protection, in theory a decent burst can kill everyone inside although you don't really have to aim with the GMG.  Probably leave it at 1 briefcase since the PK and M240 are easy enough to find ammo for. 
    These are made from paper and blow up all the time, 4 10oz for the gun although the technical is the better deal.
    Some of the pricing is a little off on the weapons, some are on the high side and some on the low. 
    Heli Lift, capacity, speed, 2Xm134 and one M240. I would go for 5-6 briefcases for these. 
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