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Posts posted by flow0815

  1. I run it serverside.





    private ["_objs"];
    _objs = [
    	["B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH",[14273.4, 13115.4, 8.59157],353,[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],false],       
    	["I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH",[14250.9, 13044.2, 0.41],355,[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],false],    
    	["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",[11560.6, 11945.5, 0.1351],121,[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],false],             
    	["I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH",[11713.8, 11861.6, 2.6],218,[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],false],       
    	["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",[12430.7, 15215.2, 0.3],90,[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],false]                 
    	private ["_obj"];
    	_obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    	if (_x select 4) then {
    		_obj setDir (_x select 2);
    		_obj setPos (_x select 1);
        _obj setVariable["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH",1000000000000];
        _obj setVariable["LAST_CHECK",1000000000000];
        _obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;     
        clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _obj;
        clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearItemCargoGlobal       _obj;		
    	} else {
    		_obj setPosATL (_x select 1);
    		_obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
        _obj setVariable["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH",1000000000000];
        _obj setVariable["LAST_CHECK",1000000000000];
        _obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;     
        clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _obj;
        clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearItemCargoGlobal       _obj;			
    } foreach _objs;


    Vehicles respawn to same place after restart.


    Do the vehicle stay after resatart or just spawned new? they are not saved to hive i guess? This was the solution i was thinking about. You could use that with macas custom pbo for example

  2. Hey togehter,


    we have custom military area at the airfield and is just wanted to know if anybody could say how to spawn a custome vehicle in a defined place there.

    The vehicle should not be permanent (shold not be the same vehicle after restart, if they can sell it it is okay). After the restart the vehicle should be on the same place again.

    So there is always this vehicle setup fresh on restart and the "old" one deleted. I hope you understand what i mean.


    Gues this should not be to difficult but no idea to get it on. Maybe like a object in arma which i would place in altis.h mapfile?



  3. Can anybody advise how to get less transparecny to the logo? the brackground is transparent which is right but the whole logo is barley readable due to its high transparency. Any advise?


    PS: Of course the logo source is not transparent and looks like the paa should look after.

  4. Can't confirm that. Performance is "good" as allways with arma 3. Stuttering or FPS drops may be caused because of vehicle simulation. Have to put this to true. Server fps will suffer but client fps will be better. BI said they fixed the bug but they absolutly don't. Vehicle Simulation Handler should be false to have more server fps but it is not possible atm.

  5. Hey,


    just wondered why some players simply can't connect to our server. I compared the bikey file for 0.3.1 from client to 0.3.1 server which is on github.

    Correct me if i am wrong but shouldn't be this two files exactly the same? They differ in filesize and i don't know if you need other key for server because it is only signing the mod (?!)

    Misstake or do i think wrong?


    Also i wonder why bikey for is in server key directory because afaik it should only contain a3.bikey and bikey of actual mod version.





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