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  1. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from unrealPANDA in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    This is brilliant and runs in conjunction with my other mission pbos. A++ work man. =)
  2. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Madbull in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Co-signed x100.
  3. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from blacklabel83 in When will vehciles be locakable?   
    base locks, lockbox locks, garage door locks all stay locked until someone within the group ID they are saved to, unlocks them. so there is absolutely no reason why you should be getting any vehicles stolen from you if you know how to build. 
    the half hour locks prevent the ridiculous clutter of locked vehicles all over the open map that no one can access to, or ever have access to because the owner decided to switch server, or quit. I fucking hated that in Arma 2 overpoch, with its idiotic key system. So this is a welcome change. its long enough to lock up when you are raiding, or doing runs, but still possible to retrieve the vehicle as a new player if its been abandoned.
  4. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    Anyone manage to get the PricingCfg.hpp to integrate properly for MAS weapon pricing additions to epoch traders? The new update killed the load in for this file, or its just being overwritten by the defaults. Rather annoying, since any mas guns i add to the loot table is essentially worthless in trade value, aside from actual use of course. =\
  5. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from cen in Launchers not picking up my server   
    GTX auto names it 'AiATerrainPack' unfortunately and it doesn't let you change the name without some ridiculous syntax errors. 
    All their servers aren't being listed currently. Luckily im in the process of moving the legion servers over to a OVH box. =)
  6. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from lowrey in When will vehciles be locakable?   
    base locks, lockbox locks, garage door locks all stay locked until someone within the group ID they are saved to, unlocks them. so there is absolutely no reason why you should be getting any vehicles stolen from you if you know how to build. 
    the half hour locks prevent the ridiculous clutter of locked vehicles all over the open map that no one can access to, or ever have access to because the owner decided to switch server, or quit. I fucking hated that in Arma 2 overpoch, with its idiotic key system. So this is a welcome change. its long enough to lock up when you are raiding, or doing runs, but still possible to retrieve the vehicle as a new player if its been abandoned.
  7. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Vanguard in When will vehciles be locakable?   
    base locks, lockbox locks, garage door locks all stay locked until someone within the group ID they are saved to, unlocks them. so there is absolutely no reason why you should be getting any vehicles stolen from you if you know how to build. 
    the half hour locks prevent the ridiculous clutter of locked vehicles all over the open map that no one can access to, or ever have access to because the owner decided to switch server, or quit. I fucking hated that in Arma 2 overpoch, with its idiotic key system. So this is a welcome change. its long enough to lock up when you are raiding, or doing runs, but still possible to retrieve the vehicle as a new player if its been abandoned.
  8. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Fyz1kz in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    here is another nifty addon I'll toss in here to look.. It will allow players to wear any of the uniforms in game, rather than just the epoch designated classnames. Opens up the loot spawner script with more possibilities. ;)
  9. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from TheDanius in When will vehciles be locakable?   
    base locks, lockbox locks, garage door locks all stay locked until someone within the group ID they are saved to, unlocks them. so there is absolutely no reason why you should be getting any vehicles stolen from you if you know how to build. 
    the half hour locks prevent the ridiculous clutter of locked vehicles all over the open map that no one can access to, or ever have access to because the owner decided to switch server, or quit. I fucking hated that in Arma 2 overpoch, with its idiotic key system. So this is a welcome change. its long enough to lock up when you are raiding, or doing runs, but still possible to retrieve the vehicle as a new player if its been abandoned.
  10. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in Disable ugly spawn box   
    Yeah, it was taken down already. lol 
    Short lived. Bah.
    I'm adapting Panthera A3 currently and that'll be hosted on my dedi once done. I think it should turn out pretty sick. Love the new version of the map. Trying to get raptors to spawn in correctly with the dino pack. =p
  11. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    here is another nifty addon I'll toss in here to look.. It will allow players to wear any of the uniforms in game, rather than just the epoch designated classnames. Opens up the loot spawner script with more possibilities. ;)
  12. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from MisterT in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    here is another nifty addon I'll toss in here to look.. It will allow players to wear any of the uniforms in game, rather than just the epoch designated classnames. Opens up the loot spawner script with more possibilities. ;)
  13. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in help please   
    contact Chris via his board with any issues you are having. 
    this board does not condone the use of his tools sadly, so no support can be offered.
  14. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Loving the new bandit camps you integrated in. Keep on keepin' on. =)
    One idea that may be cool for down the road - a Hostage situation mission. Civilians guarded by bandits in one of these camps. The less hostages (civis in some kind of cage or fence) die in the cross fire or outright killed by the bandits, the better the loot yield at the end. Something along those lines. Would really encourage some tactics. I know this may difficult as you'd have to setFriend then unset it to get the Ai to hurt the Hostages, and then stop hurting them. lol but maybe eventually something we could put on paper.
  15. Like
    pr0dukt reacted to KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    The AI already has a slightly randomized number and the loot too, but I see what you aim for.
    You are free to edit the loot by Yourself and if others demand the same as You I am willing to implement/change it in one of my future releases.
    In fact I don't like that the AI currently drops so much nice gear (weapons, vests, etc.).
    On my To-Do List for the next release is to implement an option to make the AI remove all weapons and gear when they are killed, so only the loot inside the crates and boxes is left.
    That would actually be doable, because the AI does not need to move when they are paradropped.

    No changes on the BE filters from v0.5.1 to v0.6
    Should've mentioned it in my post, but I will eventually mention it in the changelog if there are any new or changed exceptions for the BE filters.


    Greez from the arrogant, thinks he is something better, wannabe mod KiloSwiss that should work on his personality (according to some random forum user)

    I don't take this so serious as it seems, I actually have my fun posting here in these forums, e.g look what I've done to the guy who fully quoted my post with pictures in it :)
    And I have many Years of experience as a forum moderator in a active board.
  16. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Major Khunt in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    I was one of those 25, for the record. I've wanted that fixed even before epoch. Though i do really think you all should take a few minutes out of your day to upvote that issue, since kilo has taken several hours out of many of his, to bring this release to the public so you all can enjoy it. It's really not asking all that much considering. Plus in reality, you're only helping yourself by doing it, since it will FURTHER progress the already awesome missions system we have in place.
    Do it.
  17. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Leniaal in Vehicle / Heli fix   
    This bug drives my player base nuts, and a lot of times they have the vehicle that decides to randomly explode inside of their base, that then of course causes all kinds of rage when it happens. Then my admin team has to tele around the map compensating everyone. <_<

    This is one of those "needs hotfix NAO" type of bugs.
  18. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    I was one of those 25, for the record. I've wanted that fixed even before epoch. Though i do really think you all should take a few minutes out of your day to upvote that issue, since kilo has taken several hours out of many of his, to bring this release to the public so you all can enjoy it. It's really not asking all that much considering. Plus in reality, you're only helping yourself by doing it, since it will FURTHER progress the already awesome missions system we have in place.
    Do it.
  19. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from MisterT in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    Working flawlessly on my overpoch server now. Next endevour will be to get these zombie skins looking less like a homeless guy who spilt some of his 711 burrito on his shirt, and more like a zombie. =p

    Got a guy in Legion who does 3D modeling working up some skins and possibly some movement simulations. Should be interesting to see this script develop into something that could knod at the dayz era. =]
  20. Like
    pr0dukt reacted to KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    ArmA Servers work like this:
    - Server starts and gets into a waiting state, called "creating".
    - First client connects and starts the Mission by pressing OK on the briefing screen.
    - Then The Server loads the missions init files, and all MOD config Entrys with the "postinit" flag (like my SEM).
    What you are demanding is already the normal behaviour and could've easily been checked by reading the servers logfile (.RPT) and watching the timestamps.

    AI does not accept any Waypoints or move commands after their locality has been changed via setOwner.
    Please read the issue I linked in the first post (in the spoiler, right before the download), or read one of the other Posts in this Thread where I explain it several times.

    Your link was broken, fixed it in the quote.

    To everyone demanding BE filter files:
    Learn to do it by Yourself (considering the mass of tutorials and examples out there, everyone can!), this tutorial will help You to understand it better:

    Someone without the basic knowledge about ArmA Servers should definitely NOT host a Early ALPHA MOD and try to customize it, at all!
    There are much easyer ways to learn how to edit the basic stuff in ArmA (open pbo containers, understand sqf syntax, add exceptions to Your BE filters etc.) than the EPOCH MOD in its current ALPHA state.

    Back then when I had my first (car) driving lession, I was not taking a seat in a F1 car, trying to compete with Michael Schumacher and started complaining that I don't know how to keep this wheeled rocket on the track.
    I was learning the theory first and then started driving with a normal car in a driving shool.

    Greez KiloSwiss
  21. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Alot of this stuff can be adjusted to fit your own preferences guys. It's really not that hard to look and find what setting it is you need to change. He cant accommodate everyone or else this mission system will be in a never ending battle with itself. =p
  22. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from Tywin in How to edit Startgear?   
    Could always check the scripts section of the board. You'd be surprised at what you find there. ^_~
  23. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    I think I was just stupid for a second lol, it was working on my altis server when I threw it on there to run from clientside but chernarus was initially set like;
    /if(isDedicated)exitWith{}; //Everything below this line is only executed on the client (player or local host) //Wait until these variables are broadcasted to the client waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI}}; waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI}}; diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: variables received: Weapons %1 - Magazines %2", SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI, SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI]; fn_createMissionMarker = { private["_create","_markerPos","_markerName","_marker"]; _create = _this select 0; if(!_create)then[{ //delete marker if (getMarkerColor "MissionMarker" != "")then{ //Only delete existing Marker deleteMarkerLocal "MissionMarker"; }; },{ //else create marker _markerPos = _this select 1; _markerName = _this select 2; _marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy"; _marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerDirLocal -37; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8]; }]; }; leading me to believe I left the / on accident, as i was rushing after a restart. About to test it now.  >.< 
    Yes, you can from the fn_spawnAi.sqf. It's all customizable.

  24. Like
    pr0dukt got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    "FAK" is the only first aid classname you should use with epoch. FirstAidKit and MedKit will heal you to .25 regardless if you are below that already, and do nothing at all, respectively. Goes for those of you running the loot spawner system script as well.

    Test build Defiantly has more responsive AI, however as darth said without adding every possible variable of attachments to guns available to the AddWeaponCargo exceptions, someone will eventually get kicked. Atm I have that filter set to '3' just
    To log the catches so I can manually add each exception as the filters catches them. Pain to do but eventually I'll have the filter filled out.

    Overall good progress on this system, most well rounded mission script currently
    Posted on the forums imo.
  25. Like
    pr0dukt reacted to KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Update to v0.4 is now available for download in the first post.

    - You can now define what weapons and magazines will be deleted when the AI is killed (currently RL and Snipers).
    - BE Kicks should no longer happen (even thou I had a strange setdamage restriction kick, but that was not related to my missions).
    - Removed some weapons from the loot, and added EPOCH Weapons (M16, M4A3, AKM, etc.).
    - Replaced all FirstAidKits with EPOCHs "FAK" (Thanks to pr0dukt for the information in )
     - And many other changes, just try it out and report back, as usual.

    I'm sorry, but You won't be able to do this any longer with the new Update ;)
    Greez KiloSwiss
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