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Posts posted by mimic

  1. Hello,


    I've been using this tool for a little over a week now and I love it. Works great. My only complaint is that it's very difficult to customize the menu for different groups.




    Right now people that are in admin have full privileges, and people in moderator have fewer privileges, but they still have access to a few things I don't want them to. Like god mode. I'd like to give moderators the zombie shield. I'd like to remove the ability to teleport anywhere on the map, but I still want them to be able to teleport to players, or teleport players to them. Just a couple of examples of what I'm talking about.


    It would be nice if the scripts were broken up into an "a la carte" type system. Where they could be added or removed from a groups menu.


    If this is already possible, I'm sorry posting this, but looking at the script right now I don't see an easy way of defining what permissions each group has.

  2. The problem is that DZAI doesn't offer the features and functionality that SargeAI does.


    I have had zero problems running SargeAI on my Epoch server for the last 6 months.


    I've removed a lot of things that aren't necessary, like the heli patrols, and vehicle patrols. I've also dumb down the dynamic spawning, and in the new HEMS I will have it turned off by default and opt for 8 static spawn groups that patrol 2.5KM area's of the map. During testing I've run into them several times unintentionally. Sometimes I get ambushed by them while attempting a mission, which usually results in my death.

  3. I'm not sure where Fuchs as gone again, I know he said he was going on holiday's, but he didn't tell me if that meant he'd be offline the whole time.


    Anyways, I'm making lots of progress on my "Hardcore Epoch Mission System (HEMS). Look for a release over the next couple of days. I'll make a new thread for it.



    • Epoch 1.0.3.x compatible
    • No map markers
    • Text hint and debug monitor show nearest city/town/landmark of the active mission
    • Mission could be as far as 1000m from location given, you'll have to hunt for it
    • AI patrol up to 300m from the mission center point
    • Restructured AI using SargeAI (Requirement for HEMS to work, sorry no DZAI, or factions support)
    • Customized SargeAI conifg and groups config file (Required for HEMS to work as intended)
    • Loot from certain missions adjusted to be less abundant
    • High value missions are extremely well defended and nearly impossible for an individual to complete on their own
    • and more...

    A release is just around the corner. Definitely before Christmas.

  4. So i think i got the most of it to work after the 1.0.3 patch. eveything spawn in like it should.

    But some missions are clearing it self, and some missions i have AI´s running around with no weapons xD..

    Are they running Sarge? since i havent look at them yet since the update.

    Some missions have been converted to use Sarge AI, others haven't.

    We haven't formally released a version of EMS that supports 1.0.3 yet. Fuchs and I are working through the bugs still. Hopefully we'll be able to get a release out to you guys soon.

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm not sure where Fuchs has gone. He hasn't responded to any of my PM's or emails in the last 3 days. He also hasn't pushed any new updates to his repo in over 3 days. I've been working on updates and fixes on my server which is running 1.0.3. I have the system working, just a few bugs to iron out. It's deleting vehicles again when a player interacts with them. Also some of the loot ammo crates that are supposed to appear, aren't.


    It's his project, and his repo, so I'm not sure what to do at this point guys.

  6. I'm working on the AI placement on the missions, so they're not all bunched up on the center of the mission like they are now. I have figured out the code, just have to test it with the new SargeAI changes to ensure it's working.


    Each mission will have a minimum and maximum distance that the AI can be from the center of the mission. Each squad that is spawned will be given a random distance between the min and max value specified. This will place the AI in random positions around the mission. Should make it a lot more challenging as the AI won't always be directly on the mission center point. One group could be 50m away, while another might be 150m away in the treeline. I have already tested this with the Arma2AI and it works great. Made the construction missions damn near impossible to do just by yourself.

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