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Posts posted by mimic

  1. I am calling server_functions.sqf to load some custom buildings, yes.


    This is at the bottom of my compiles.sqf file.

    //Server Only
    	if (isServer) then {
    		call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf";
    	} else {
    		eh_localCleanup = {};

    This is at the bottom of my server_functions.sqf file.

        //Balota Airfield Camp
        call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\buildingsepo\epochbalota.sqf";
        //West Kamenka Enhanced
        call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildingsepo\epochkamenka.sqf";
        //Cherno Military Camp
        call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildingsepo\epochcherno.sqf";
  2. Nope, building files are in my dayz_server.pbo not in my mission.pbo.


    That screenshot taken was when it was a fresh restart on the server, locked, and I was the only one on. Regardless of whether I have 1 or 10 people on it's only showing two copies. I have also commented out the addition of extra buildings to see if that was causing it. That didn't remove the duplicates.


    I'm running the following mods:

    • SargeAI 1.5.3

    • Misssion System (server side mod)

    • Refuel

    • Animated Heli Crashes (server side mod)

    • Custom Debug

  3. I installed a fresh server using Epoch Updated to last week and since the update the tents and objects in the trader cities was duplicated. There is a copy of the object. just offset by about 1 meter from the original. In the case of the tents they're inside the original and because of the offset it's blocking the door so you can't get in to grab any spawned loot.


    Any idea how to fix this?

  4. Thanks for the hard work put into this tool but i cannot get it to show anything on the map.


    Map shows etc but nothing on players/vehicles/safes etc.


    When i do /REST/players/index.php nothing shows up. But when i do it for /REST/vehicles/index.php the whole vehicle database is dumped onto the screen.


    Any ideas ? I know the sql sockets are open etc as i have no other issues with anything connecting to the sql database.

    I'm having the same problem. It might be related to the update of epoch. It worked fine on and

  5. I'm having this same problem on my stock Epoch server and on my Epoch Lingor server with SargeAI.


    I have done the DB updates as per the install instruction for upgrading to


    I played for an hour yesterday with no issues. This morning however I'm getting kicked randomly between 2 and 15 minutes. No error's in the RTP files or server log files. Just says I disconnected. But my client says I was kicked.

  6. Greetings Epoch Devs!


    First I just want to say that I am very grateful and appreciative of all your hard work on this project. I run 2 Epoch servers, one vanilla and one modded.


    I saw on the github you're looking to release some time on or before the 25th. Is this still the estimated release date? I'm holding off on updating my modded server until comes out.


    Again, I'm not trying to put any pressure on you, if it isn't going to happen by Friday then that's not a huge deal to me. I was just curious so I could plan to set some time aside this weekend to do the updates.


    And again, thank you very much for all your hard work on this project. Myself and the players on my server love Epoch and what it brings to DayZ. Keep up the good work!

  7. any chance we could get the ability to angle floors/roofs when we place them?


    I'd like to be able to build a small incline to drive a vehicle onto a platform, or a have a peaked roof.

    This would be awesome. Expand upon the ability to rotate 180° horizontally, with the ability to maybe rotate objects vertically in 5° increments up to a maximum of 45°.


    Avid Epoch player here. here are some new bugs i have found.


    1. Aircraft dealer- the new way that air vehicles spawn is bad. They will parachute in and either blow up right away or be damaged, to where you have to fix all the glass. This is a pain.
    2. When you try and buy a mozzie, it BLOWS UP RIGHT AWAY.
    3. The rear gunner view of the chinook is backwards. ( unable to aim at all )
    4. Please make dynamic base buildings, zombie proof. We are tired of zombies walking through walls, barbed wire, sandbags, ect.
    5. make safes really strong but have a limit to where they will get destroyed with some gear in tact.


    The zombies walking through placed objects isn't a bug in It's always been there. However I've noticed that after a server restart the zombies respect the fact that there is an object there now and will try to walk around it, or just stop in front of it.

  9. i understand people want to be able to do this and your not the first to ask i just dont get why. at the moment the storage shed (the one you cant go in) holds 40 weapons. yes its not lockable however now you can place it inside walls and lock them etc. yes they can be knocked down with enough effort however things should not be 100% safe or there is no point having bandits as what would they raid??

    There are some people, not me, that do enjoy the aspect of acquiring as much loot as they can, and collecting everything they can. I can understand this. For these players, it's about the loot and the search for rare items. They play to build a collection.

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