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Posts posted by mimic

  1. Yea the problem is if you do that it needs to be specific to every AI system, you can't simply switch from Sarge to DZAI then.. only reason you can until now is because you never use it in the first place :D

    But what you can do is add a special file for every AI system, so admins can just switch that out,, for the first release you can only add support for Sarge and then extend it later to other Ai systems, maybe..

    Exactly what I was thinking already.


    Have one set of files for DZAI, one for Sarge, and one for stock Arma. Then the server admin can pick.

  2. @Menetekel,

    Thanks for all the awesome feedback. I'll look into the theory that the AI aren't using Sarge, but I'm fairly confident that they are. The spawn me this you've proposed would be a neat way of doing it, only problem using that is you can't define AI load out easily. As it wants to reference the load out in the SAR_config.sqf file.

    I'll mess around with it a bit and see what I can come up with.

  3. Nice to see that Fuchs, and now mimic as well are still working on this mission extension.


    If i can help with anything, please let me know again.


    The setup was pretty good, but there were some items etc. in it (you guys probably already know about) that aren't in vanilla epoch (items/vehicles really should be kept vanilla epoch to avoid compatibility issues etc.)


    The only thing where i can give you guys some backup at the moment are the wrong classnames (which you already know),


    and maybe change the "Accomplished mission text" from a few missions, so it isn't personal (because every player on the map sees this text, only a minor thing i guess)



    So for example change this:

    Good work you've secured the helicopter!

    into this:

    Survivors have secured the helicopter!


    Added to the issue tracker on GitHub. Scheduled for the next release.

  4. After running the server for about 2 hours now, it appears that the missions that use "fillBoxesS.sqf" are having issues and getting the "no entry bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons" error. Someone mentioned it could be the MakarovSD throwing the error so I removed it and added a weapon that I know isn't giving any errors (M9SD + ammo) and it was still giving the same error so I'm thinking it may be one of the other weapons in the fillBoxesS.sqf giving the error.




    Edit.. The mission load times were shortened (minor 10 mins, major 20 mins) so I could actually see what was happening on the server and what missions where giving the error, it appears those that use the fillBoxesS.sqf are giving the error.

    It has to do with two things. First is some AI are equipped with weapons and gear that is named incorrectly, so it spits out an error. 2nd is some of the loot crates have misnamed loot in them, again giving the same error.


    This is going to be addressed in the next release.

  5. hello,


    i get 100 humanity after killing AI.

    i have edit the SAR_config.sqf but nothing change...

    // Humanity Value that gets substracted for a survivor or soldier AI kill
    SAR_surv_kill_value = 5;
    // Humanity Value that gets ADDED for a bandit AI kill
    SAR_band_kill_value = 5;

    what i'm doing wrong? :-/

    Look in "bodyclean.sqf". The Mission AI don't count as bandit kills and use a different humanity setting than SargeAI. 

    _ai = _this select 0;
    _aikiller = _this select 1;
    _humanityBoost = 100; //Set this to whatever you want the humanity to increase by
    _humanity = _aikiller getVariable ["humanity",0];
    _humanity = _humanity + _humanityBoost;
    _aikiller setVariable["humanity", _humanity,true];
    sleep 600;
    deletevehicle _ai;

    Edit the line "_humanityboost = 100;


    Change 100 to whatever humanity gain you want to give players for killing Mission AI.

  6. I've looked at your files, and everything looks in order to me too.


    Can you please do me a favor? Shut down your server, delete your current RPT file, then restart your server. Jump on it, or get someone to jump on it for approximately 30 minutes. This will ensure a minor and major mission will spawn with the settings you've chosen.


    After 30 minutes shut down your server, and send me your RPT file. You can do it in a PM if you want.



  7. For EMS to work properly right now you'll have to have SargeAI installed already. I have included a sample SAR_config.sqf in the EMS release. You can use this to give good balance to the mission AI. If you don't want any roaming AI then turn off dynamic spawning in the config.


    Change this:

    SAR_dynamic_spawning = true;

    To this:

    SAR_dynamic_spawning = false;

    It's on line 22 of my config file.


    This will then use SargeAI for the mission AI, but not spawn any roaming groups.

  8. No way right now. Killing all the AI doesn't end a mission, you have to get within a certain range of the mission center point for it to become completed.


    I know there was a bug with one of the major missions that spawned a C130 that didn't complete because the range was 5m and no one was able to get close enough to complete it. It'll be fixed in an upcoming release.

  9. Same with this:

    Warning Message: Error: creating weapon RPK_74_DZ with scope=private
    Warning Message: Error: creating weapon MG36_DZ with scope=private
    Warning Message: Error: creating weapon VSS_vintorez_DZ with scope=private
    Warning Message: Error: creating magazine SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper with scope=private
    Thats all i can find in my RPT log for now


    I also have problem with SM11 that the vehicle disappear when you enter and then exit the vehicle.

    Thanks for the RPT log. I'll get that error cleared up.

    AI shouldn't be spawning with pistols anyways. It glitches them out if they switch to it. I'll remove pistols from the AI for the next release.

    Are you sure you used the exact lines I posted in the install instructions for the "server_cleanup.sqf"?

    Vehicles stay on my server until restart.

  10. I have installed on my server and it works perfect, but as far as i can see there is only 1 mission at a time.

    Would it be possible to change that so there would be 2 missions at the same time ?



    And btw keep up the good work :D

    By default, EMS will only spawn one of each type of mission. One major, and one minor. These missions will stay there until completed. Once completed the timer for the next mission starts.


    Major missions start every 41-54 minutes.

    Minor missions start every 15-25 minutes.


    These times can be adjusted in the "SMGoMajor.sqf" and "SMGoMinor.sqf" files in the Missions folder.

    _wait = [2500,800] call fnc_hTime;

    The two numbers are: fixed time in seconds, variable time in seconds.


    Meaning the minimum amount of time needed to pass before this mission will start is 2500 seconds, with up to an additional 800 seconds. The script uses the 2nd number and picks a random number between 0 and it. So in this case, the script would pick a random number between 0 and 800, then add that on to the 2500 to get the mission start timer.


    When a mission spawns you can tell whether it's a Major mission or Minor mission by the size of it's map marker. Minor missions have smaller markers than Major missions.

  11. Some errors on rpt:


    12:33:08 Error in expression <s\debug\addmarkers.sqf"

    _MainMarker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];


    12:33:08   Error position: <createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];


    12:33:08   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

    12:33:08 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 3

    12:33:09 Error in expression <bug\addmarkers75.sqf"

    _MainMarker75 = createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];


    12:33:09   Error position: <createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];


    12:33:09   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

    12:33:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\debug\addmarkers75.sqf, line 3

    12:33:14 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sign_DangerMines_ACR,

    12:33:14 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sign_DangerMines_ACR,

    This is because the script is run during server start up, but no missions have spawned, so there are no coordinates for the script, so it spits out this error one time in the RPT. If you see this "error" the script is working. There's nothing actually wrong.


    Thanks for the feed back though.

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