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Posts posted by mimic

  1. Installed the 2.2.0 Beta on my server. It'll go live in 9 minutes when it restarts. Anyone interested in trying it out can join.


    Put coins on the AI as well. Each AI unit has a random amount between 0 and 20000.


    TARFU Overpoch Taviana - Coins | Missions | Snap Build | Vector Build | Group Management

    Additional Launch Parameter: -mod=@Taviana;@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;

  2. Looks fine Mimic, I'm guessing Jack Frost doesn't have the required mods or isn't launching correctly.

    I'd try and join but my GPU died and i'm waiting for a new replacement.

    Thanks Richie. Sucks about your GPU, hope you get a replacement soon.


    The server runs fine, there are 5-6 of us that join nightly and play on it. I just see in the log files at least 50+ unique attempts per day that have the same result as Jack Frost. I guess it's just because I'm running Taviana and they don't know how to launch Overpoch Taviana.

  3. Hello,


    I'm just curious if I've done things right.


    My server is up and running, players can connect to it, and everything seems to be working correctly.


    I'm just curious about my @mod launch parameters on the server startup.


    Is this correct, or should I have things in a different order?


    For clients to connect they have to use the following launch parameters.


    I ask because I'm seeing a ton of people trying to connect, but they never actually make it in.

    [2014-10-16 | 10:21:37] Player #2 Jack Frost (***.***.***.***:2304) connected
    [2014-10-16 | 10:21:38] Player #2 Jack Frost - GUID: *************************** (unverified)
    [2014-10-16 | 10:21:38] Verified GUID (***************************) of player #2 Jack Frost
    [2014-10-16 | 10:21:39] Player #2 Jack Frost - Legacy GUID: ***************************
    [2014-10-16 | 10:21:39] Player #2 Jack Frost disconnected

    I'm assuming this is because they don't have the Taviana map downloaded, or they don't have their launch parameters set properly.

  4. Is it possible to show current trader stock in an itemised list, a la Arma 3 Epoch? Your UI reminds me of the A3E one and it'd be great to have a system similar to that, where upon having a natural economy, you can also see directly what is in stock, rather than categories, lists and having to click Buy on each item to see whether it is in stock. Guessing it's possibly an Arma 2 limitation also?


    This might not be anything like what you're actually trying to achieve here, so ignore this if deemed unsuitable.

    Correct me if I'm wrong Zupa, but with Single Currency there is no inventory. Items are for sale, or they're not. Single Currency does not use the SQL database for looking up prices or inventory. It's all stored in the trader files.

  5. Is there a way to make the AI Patrol the area around the mission so they're not always clumped up directly on it?

    I adjusted "group_waypoints.sqf" so it looks like this:


    if (isServer) then {
    	private ["_wp","_skill","_mission","_wp_rad","_wp","_pos_x","_pos_y","_pos_z","_unitGroup","_position"];
    	_unitGroup 		= _this select 0;
    	_position 		= _this select 1;
    	_pos_x 			= _position select 0;
    	_pos_y 			= _position select 1;
    	_pos_z 			= _position select 2;
    	_wp_rad 		= 250;
    	if(count _this > 2) then {
    		_skill = _this select 2;
    		call {
    			if(_skill == "easy") 	exitWith { _wp_rad = 60; };
    			if(_skill == "medium") 	exitWith { _wp_rad = 100; };
    			if(_skill == "hard") 	exitWith { _wp_rad = 180; };
    			if(_skill == "extreme") exitWith { _wp_rad = 250; };
    			if(_skill == "random") 	exitWith { _wp_rad = random(100); };
    		_wp = _unitGroup addWaypoint [_x,10];
    		_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    	} count [[_pos_x,(_pos_y+_wp_rad),0],[(_pos_x+_wp_rad),_pos_y,0],[_pos_x,(_pos_y-_wp_rad),0],[(_pos_x-_wp_rad),_pos_y,0]];
    	_wp = _unitGroup addWaypoint [[_pos_x,_pos_y,0],_wp_rad];
    	_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";

    Increased the _wp_rad value hoping it would make the AI patrol around a larger area.

  6. I'm running WAI on Taviana, and it's working great.


    Is there any way I can prevent the missions from spawning on mountain tops? I was thinking if there was a way to set an altitude limit that would be ideal. Like no missions will spawn higher than 60m above sea level. This would allow them to spawn on hills but not on mountains.



  7. Where do i edit the spawn locations of the missions?


    Im running it on taviana but some missions seem to spawn in the sea giving me rpt errors.



    Check your "config.sqf".


    Make sure "wai_near_water" is set to something realistic. I am running WAI on Taviana 2.0 and it's working fine. No missions have spawned in or near water. Mine is set to "wai_near_water = 50;".

  8. OK, so I have the traders sort of working... I can walk up to one and access the Trader Menu, but when I click on some of the categories nothing gets listed.


    Categories Not Working:

    • Vehicles

    • Weapons
    • Ammunition


    Also, not seeing a Bank option on any of the traders for depositing or withdrawing money from your account.


    Also, the bleeding to death for no reason thing seems to only be affecting me. My friend can join the server and he doesn't lose blood.

  9. Hello,


    I'm trying to get Soul's 2.0 SC mod working on Taviana Overpoch. I'm starting from a working Overpoch Taviana install. Both Epoch and Overpoch are updated to newest versions available. respectively.


    So here's what I did so far:

    • Downloaded Soul's 2.0 Release Pack
    • Put the server pbo file in the appropriate place
      1. Extracted the server pbo file
      2. Went into the "missions" folder and put the "DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi" folder in there from the stock Epoch server pbo because it wasn't included
      3. Repacked the server pbo file
    • Extracted the Chernarus mission file and made some modifications so it's for Taviana
      1. Adjusted the init.sqf file so it references the correct mission in the server pbo
      2. Edited "mission.sqm" and fixed the addOns list so it's for Taviana Overpoch
      3. Replaced all the "class" markers with Taviana ones so the correct markers and trader AI show up
      4. Edited "description.ext" to include the custom Overpoch loot tabes I have
      5. Repacked the mission pbo file and put it in the MPMissions folder
    • Setup my instance folder and config/hive/battleye files
    • Ran the SQL file to create the extra table and fields needed in the MySQL database
    • Put the DLL files in their appropriate places

    Server startup command looks like this:

    start "arma2" "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_1_overpoch\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_1_overpoch\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_1_overpoch" -name=instance_1_overpoch "-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@Taviana;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"


    I'm able to connect to the server, and everything appears to be working. I see the custom debug with the gold and bank. No error's about anything missing, or scripts not found.


    There are two problems I've isolated though. If you guys are able to help me fix them then I'll release the pbo's for everyone else to use.

    1. As soon as I spawn I'm losing blood. Drops about 50 per second. Bandaging, blood bagging, morphine, and pain killers do not fix it. Eventually I die.
    2. When I approach any trader, instead of getting the scroll option "Trader Menu", I see "Give money to..." and some randomly generated name the game has given the trader.

    I'm not seeing anything that would indicate why this is happening in the RPT file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    If you need to see any file's just let me know.


  10. Take a look at this tread dude.

    The download contains installation instructions :)



    There are allot of here who can help, nothing better than cracking a issue yourself though ;)

    The instructions for that pack just tell you to use the server and mission pbo's provided, which are for Chernarus. I'm looking to get it setup on Taviana Overpoch.


    I've made some progress, but I am having some issues. I'll create another thread for these issues.

  11. I'm finding the install instructions extremely difficult to follow. It looks like it's pre-set to run on Chernarus. The instructions only tell you to copy and replace the mission and server pbo files with the ones provided in the download.


    That's fine if I want a Chernarus server and don't have any mods already installed, but what if I'm trying to put it on my existing Napf server which already has a modified mission and server pbo files?


    Any chance more detailed instructions could be given, and made generic so that other maps can be supported easier?

  12. Not sure why you'd use those ports. 27XXX is typically used by Source games. Just set those ports to your gameport +1 and +2. You should also consider switching to Dayz Launcher. Never had a problem with a server not showing up in that.

    So just to be clear, if your server is running on port 2302, which is the default port, then it should be set like this?


    steamport = 2303;
    steamqueryport = 2304;
  13. It truly is unfortunate that this script doesn't use the trader items and prices already set in the database. The hassle alone of having to add any custom items, and match up trader prices, especially if the server has a customized economy, is enough for me not to bother with this script.


    Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome concept, and yes, definitely makes the players lives a lot easier, but the simple fact that it could take hours of setup for me, the server admin, completely turns me off.


    Maybe look into doing a database lookup in the traders_data table for the item and item price instead of setting it in your script. For any server admin who has a custom economy and has customized prices on items, this would save A LOT of setup time.

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