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Posts posted by mimic

  1. I stopped using DayZ Commander about a week ago. DZL has a few issues still, would be nice if it remembered previous instance filters, but at least it actually displays the servers correctly. The mod detection works perfectly, and I've never had a problem joining servers with DZL. No dicking around with launch parameters anymore.


    I would highly recommend everyone ditch DZC and switch to DZL.

  2. Oh, Raymix) Thx u for reply)

    1. Bec is enabled d4e6b2f459.png

    2. I looked ur shedule and didnt find some differents O_o

    2.1. Only Firtst Strange ur is <?xml version="1.0"?>, my is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

    2.2. In my schedule is russian symbols O_o

    Maybe try a very simple version of a schedule.xml file with only 1 task that repeats frequently, and in english, without Russian characters.


    Try this scheduler.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <job id="0">
            <cmd>say -1 This is a test message. Shows up every 30 seconds.</cmd>              

    It should start the message 2 minutes after BEC starts, and run every 30 seconds after that.


    Do you have access to your BEC error logs?

  3. Does your BEC console show that it's loaded any tasks from the Schedule.xml file?

    12:01:35 : Checking for new Bec version...
    12:01:39 : Bec is running latest version! : 1.602
    12:01:39 : Connecting to Battleye server ***.***.***.***:2302
    12:01:39 : Scheduling 18 tasks

    You should see something like the 4th line somewhere in your BEC console.

  4. Hello,


    I've built a custom trader city near Kamenka. Placed all the objects, traders, and safe zones. Works great.


    I have a helipad set where I'd like vehicles that are purchased to show up, but right now when a vehicle is purchased it shows up in a different location.


    How can I get vehicles purchased to show up in a specific location?


    Thanks in advance!

  5. DayzLauncher is showing over 10,000 servers. I've had a new Chenarus server up for about 12 days now and it's still not showing on Commander, which is why I recommend to everyone on my servers to use DayzLauncher. I just wish the general populace of players would learn about Launcher.

    OK, update...


    I deleted my "settings.xml" file for DayZ Commander, relaunched it. Instead of showing 3687 like it did yesterday it showed 306 and none of my servers showed up. Waited 10 minutes and did the same thing again, this time is says 795 servers, and one of mine is showing up. Waited another 10 minutes and deleted the "settings.xml" file again, relaunched DZC and now it says there are 1917 serves and all of mine are showing up.


    I'm switching to DayZ Launcher, and going to encourage people to use DayZ Launcher from now on. DayZ Commander is horrible. Not to mention the download speeds of mods is just horrible through it.

  6. Use game-state.com Free and paid version of their app. Paid version just removes ads. You can add multiple servers of different types. 4x1 widgets, you pick the server from your favorites list. Update servers as frequently as every minute automatically, or manually by tapping a refresh button.

  7. Anyone know how frequently DZC updates it's cached list of servers? Been sitting at 3687 total servers for a few days now, and my two new servers don't show up in DZC, but do in DZL and in-game server browser which are querying Steam directly. Kinda silly that DZC is using a cached list of a cached list. If anyone has DZC and DZL installed, try this. Filter for "TARFU" in both. Only my Taviana server will show up in DZC, but my Chernarus and Napf servers show up in DZL. The Chernarus and Napf servers have been up and running for 3 days now. The Taviana server has been up almost 2 weeks now.

  8. hi,


    2 things you can do:


    1.)  set "LOG_CFG_ALLOW_LOCKED" to false, in the config


    2.)   open "/logistic/tow/attach.sqf" and look for:  "if ( _object distance _tug <= 20 )", and change the value of your choice. (meters)


    1. Here's my config

      LOG_CFG_lANG = "en"; 			/*  en = english , de = german , fr = french  */
      LOG_CFG_ALLOW_LOCKED = false;	 	/* allow to transport locked vehicles */
      LOG_CFG_ALLOW_CHAINING = false; 	/* allow chain towing  */
      LOG_CFG_ALLOW_GETIN = false; 		/* allow player to get into a towed / lifted object  */
  9. This feature already exists and works without issue . Maybe you should check the config.sqf file, it is enabled by default.

    I updated my post with video's.


    All that setting does is eject the player from the vehicle after they try to get in, it doesn't prevent them from actually getting in. See the first video for how it's used to breach base security.

  10. Nightmare,


    We're using this script on my server. It works great except for two MAJOR exploits. Below are descriptions of the problems, and video's demoing the problems.


    1. Players can glitch through walls into bases with your script. They tow a vehicle, push the towed vehicle through the wall so the driver's seat is inside the base. They can walk up to the towed vehicle, and use any of the Get in vehicle options. This warps the player into the drivers seat on the other side of the base wall, then ejects the player out of the vehicle inside the base! When a vehicle is being towed, the player should not have the option to get into it.
    2. Players can attach vehicles that are not within line of sight to each other. This glitches vehicles from up to 20m away through floors, walls, and doorways. Can be used to steal vehicles out of bases. Would be good if there was a line of sight check, or reducing the distance a vehicle can be attached from to something like 5m. So they basically have to be touching.

    Sorry for the crappy video quality, but I think it's good enough to see these problems. If you could fix these exploits ASAP it would be greatly appreciated. I've already had to ban 2 players from my server because they wouldn't stop using this glitch/exploit, even after repeated warnings from admins.


    Thank you!

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