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Posts posted by mimic

  1. Can you give me some idea's as to clock speed recommendations?


    I have my own dedicated server. It's an i5 quad-core 3.5Ghz with 16GB RAM and an SSD. I have it overclocked up to 3.75Ghz, but could push it further if needed.


    I'm running two server instances on this one machine. Both have 100 slots, but the most I've ever seen on one of my servers is 22 players, which was putting CPU usage at 65%. Missions and AI are offloaded on a headless client running on a totally separate machine.



  2. Changing the mapsize for Bornholm had not effect on the convoys moving. They still just sit there.


    On Altis it's put the missions all over the place now as opposed to more centralized. Which is good IMO because it forces players to move around the map.

  3. [
    	[10088.2,9045.73,0], //Map Center
    	25000, //Map size
    		//Exclusion Areas
    		[[4144.52,9255.61,0],[3144.52,8255.61,0]],	//West Spawn Area
    		[[11466.9,12192.4,0],[12466.9,13192.4,0]],	//East Spawn Area
    		[[3537.25,15053.3,0],[3537.25,16053.3,0]],	//North Spawn
    		[[13313.2,6376.4,0],[14313.2,7376.4,0]]		//Clone Lab
    		//Default Areas

    This is what I have in my "GetWorldInfo.sqf".


    I noticed your worldsize was not the same as what's in the "@epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings\configs\maps\bornholm.h" so I just changed that now.


    Also noticed that on your "East Spawn Area" line you have a "." after the 0 in the coordinates. I removed that "." and will test with the updated world size and report back.


    ** EDIT **


    Noticed the worldsize for Altis didn't match what was in the "@epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings\configs\maps\altis.h" file either. I've updated that and will test on my Altis server. You have 12000, and that other file has 20000.


    I added your easy kill messages to my server but I can't seem to get them working.
    I created a new folder "addons" and a sub folder "messages" and placed those folders into my MPMISSIONS root folder. 
    I tried to add [] execVM "addons\messages\init.sqf"; to the top of my inti.sqf and the messages do not work. I then added

    [] execVM "addons\messages\init.sqf";

    to the bottom of my init and that did not work. 

    Any suggestions


    I'm having the same problem. They were working, and then they stopped.

  5. Mimic,

       Here is the info FuMS is using for the Bornholm map:

    			[10088.2,9045.73,0],  //Map Center
    			13500, //Map size
    				//Exclusion Areas
    				[[4144.52,9255.61,0],[3144.52,8255.61,0]],  //West Spawn Area
    				[[11466.9,12192.4,0.],[12466.9,13192.4,0]],  //East Spawn Area
    				[[3537.25,15053.3,0],[3537.25,16053.3,0]],  //North Spawn
    				[[13313.2,6376.4,0],[14313.2,7376.4,0]] //Clone Lab
    				//Default Areas

    I am out of town for the next few weeks, so can't hop on to take a look, but if you can send me a server.rpt and HC.rpt for your Bornholm server I'll take a look at them and see if I can see any issues.


    What you are describing is very odd. I don't see why the AI would not be working, unless their way points are possibly being defined to points that are 'off the map'

    Where does that go? I searched through some of the FuMS files and couldn't find that code.

  6. FuMS does not work properly with Bornholm map. I know that's a broad claim, but I have done HOURS of testing between my Bornholm server and my Altis server which are literally identical in setup except for the map.


    What works:

    • Missions spawn
    • AI spawn
    • As of 1.5e structures at missions spawn

    What doesn't work:

    • AI do not patrol around the missions, they just stand there at the mission center until a player is detected, or they're shot at, then they start looking for defensive cover
    • Convoy patrols do not drive around the map at all. They just stay where they spawn and do nothing until engaged


    How I tested this was I setup a brand new Altis server and installed FuMS 1.5e on it. Configured the missions the way I like them, and tested it. Noticed immediately that there was a HUGE difference in the AI. They are not all sitting on the mission center, but are based around the mission, sometimes up to 300m away from the center. They are all exploring or moving around, even before they spot a player. The convoy's were driving around the map, something they never did on my Bornholm server. I spent the next few days really customizing and tweaking the missions to my server. After I was happy with it, I took an exact copy of FuMS from my Altis server, and copied it to my Bornholm server. The results listed above still apply. So both the Altis server and the Bornholm server are both using the exact same version and modified instance of FuMS, but they don't work the same.


    You can join my servers and see for yourself.


    Bornholm -

    Altis -


    Thanks for any assistance.

  7. Hey guys i know this is the wrong place to post this but no one will help me over in A3EAI forum and there are no step by step tutorial on how to set up a headless client. i have this mod work perfect thanks to the awesome instructions that was given could some one help with running A3EAI with FUMS.

    In your init.sqf make sure it's loading FuMS before A3EAI.


    To be honest, I removed A3EAI from my server because FuMS was able to do everything that I wanted out of A3EAI. Mostly the roaming vehicle patrols.

  8. Would this bug affect buildings or wrecks that are supposed to spawn at missions?


    I have no buildings/wrecks at any of the SEM missions even though they're defined in the mission file.

    I reverted  back to 1.5e and everything shows up properly. 

  9. I read up on the headless client because I had never heard of it before. From what I understand it's a low overhead method of running AI that doesn't use the server processes. The AI utilizes the client's resources instead. I am by no means an expert so someone else is likely to come correct me but that was what I got out of it. I am running a pretty solid server that runs consistently at 50fps so I haven't been worried about doing the headless option otherwise I may have dug more.

    A headless client at it's core is a method of off-loading the AI processing to a dedicated machine, separate from the server.


    Purpose: To reduce CPU load on the server and improve AI responsiveness.


    Deployment: Setup a client on a 2nd dedicated machine that connects to the primary server and processes all the AI.


    Pros: Reduced CPU load on primary server / Ability to have 200+ AI running around on the server with minimal impact to performance / Faster, more accurate, and more responsive AI


    Cons: Extra cost/resources needed to run the headless client

  10. This doesn't always happen for me. 95% of the time, when the revive multigun tool is used on a player they revive normally. Yes their gun dupes on the ground, but it disappears within a few seconds.


    The odd time though it boots you to the lobby. One time after getting booted to the lobby, when I pressed the OK button I ended up back where I died, and all my gear was still on me. It's like I did revive, but was logged out.

  11. Mimic

      You have broken something in your installation. Provide some more specifics about what you are seeing.

    Let me be more specific.


    They're just kinda standing on the mission center point until a player comes near and is detected, or until they're shot at. Then they start to move around. Like the convoy missions for example, the trucks are just sitting there loaded with AI not moving. Only once a player is detected or they get shot at do the AI bail out and the truck starts to move.


    What I'm wondering is if there is anyway to have them already moving around before they detect a player or get shot at? Maybe have them patrolling an area around the mission. Especially the vehicles on convoy missions.


    Otherwise the missions are running great. Just figured it would be more challenging if the AI weren't so clumped up on the center, and were already moving around.

  12. Is there any way to make the AI more "lively"?


    Right now they're all just sort of standing around the mission, not really doing much. Is there any way to make them roam around the mission area so they're more spread out and not so grouped up. Would make the missions a little more unpredictable.






    It still is not working on my side (I got Epoch Server mod 3.0.3 B4 installed).

    I'm getting the following messages but it's not restart the server.

    I do have infistar installed so maybe that might be the cause?


    16:47:22 "server shutdown: now"
    16:47:37 No speaker given for Idris Zakhilwal
    16:47:37 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
    16:47:42 "server shutdown: now"
    16:48:02 "server shutdown: now"
    16:48:22 "server shutdown: now"
    16:48:42 "server shutdown: now"



    I installed the b4 update yesterday afternoon and set the flag in the config to true for the 4h restart schedule. It appears to be working now. Every 4h it restarts, kicking players and giving warnings as it should. Thanks for the quick fix.


    MoSquTo; I have infi* installed on my server and it doesn't interfere with this. Make sure you've updated all your DLL's and PBO's with the ones included in the server files.

  14. Hello,


    I updated my server to last night and setup the config to restart the server every 4 hours.


    4 hours after restart the server was locked and players kicked. But the server never shutdown. It stayed up and locked. I started my server at 23:01, and it should have restarted at 03:01. At 03:01 this is what I see in my RPT file.


    3:01:15 "server shutdown: kicking players"
     3:01:20 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:20 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:22 Error: Object(4 : 464) not found
     3:01:22 Client: Object 4:464 (type Type_119) not found.
     3:01:23 Error: Object(4 : 299) not found
     3:01:23 Client: Object 4:299 (type Type_119) not found.
     3:01:25 Client: Object 4:299 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:01:25 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_125) not found.
     3:01:27 Client: Object 4:464 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:01:30 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:30 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:35 "server shutdown: kicking players"
     3:01:39 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_125) not found.
     3:01:40 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:40 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:41 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_154) not found.
     3:01:43 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_390) not found.
     3:01:45 Client: Object 4:299 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:01:45 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_390) not found.
     3:01:46 "DEBUG: static weather: [75.5,0,[0,0,0],0,[1,1]]"
     3:01:46 "Weather Change: fog: [0,0,0] rain: 0 overcast: 0 windx: 1 windz: 1 forced: false"
     3:01:47 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_154) not found.
     3:01:47 Client: Object 4:464 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:01:50 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:50 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:01:53 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_125) not found.
     3:01:55 "server shutdown: kicking players"
     3:01:58 Error: Object(4 : 464) not found
     3:01:58 Client: Object 4:464 (type Type_119) not found.
     3:01:59 Error: Object(4 : 299) not found
     3:01:59 Client: Object 4:299 (type Type_119) not found.
     3:02:00 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:02:00 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:02:05 Client: Object 4:299 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:02:07 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_125) not found.
     3:02:07 Client: Object 4:464 (type Type_91) not found.
     3:02:11 Client: Object 4:297 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:02:11 Client: Object 4:462 (type Type_126) not found.
     3:02:15 "server shutdown: kicking players"


    It literally repeats exactly that for the next 3.5h until I woke up and checked it now.


    Any idea why the server never shutdown, but did everything else it was supposed to?

  15. What exactly do you mean by "context menu option" ? Do you mean the scroll option?




    Yes, the scroll option. I realize there is a setting to do this, but when I hide it, pressing F9 does not allow the menu to be brought up. I think it's infiStar blocking the F9 key and I can't seem to figure out how to configure infiStar to allow the F9 key.


    I was hoping that there would be a way to have a button or something on the interface that would hide the scroll option after a player clicks on it.

  16. Horbin,


    I just wanted to report that the heli crash missions are having problems with loot spawn. I think the loot is being placed underground. In some cases the loot shows up, in other cases there's nothing there, and sometimes I get the indicator to loot something, but when I open my inventory, nothing is there. Seems to affect 8 out of 10 spawns.


    I'm hosting it on Bornholm 1.3.

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