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Posts posted by mimic

  1.     _nearestCity = nearestLocations [_marker_pos, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","NameLocal"],1000];
        if (count _nearestCity > 0) then {
            if (((_nearestCity select 0) == "Center") && (count _nearestCity > 1)) then {
                _text = "Bandits Have Been Spotted, Near " + (text (_nearestCity select 1));
            } else {
                _text = "Bandits Have Been Spotted, Near " + (text (_nearestCity select 0));
        } else {
            _text = "Bandits Have Been Spotted, in the Wilderness";

    Same code as player fsm to show player location in bottom right corner....

    First draft of some new code i adding to my mission system..

    Possible to improve on this dependin on how u spawn mission location + using distance calculations...




    We'll look into implementing something like this for the next release.

  2. Whether you have SargeAI, DayZAI, or just use the factions.sqf method, this script should would with any AI system. "Out of the box" it's going to be configured to work with SargeAI 1.5.2+. If you want to make it work with a different AI method it should be the same as the original scripts from Lazyink and TheSzerdi.


    @Richie, If you're having problems with SargeAI spawning invisible AI, or stealing vehicles, your SargeAI is not configured properly. I have been running SargeAI on several servers that are populated every day, and no one complains about invisible AI or their vehicles being stolen (there's an option is sar_config.sqf to turn this off). The plan is to release a version this weekend that includes a "suggested" SargeAI config that players can decide to use or not. It's a config I have been tweaking for months, little here, little there, just to make the AI challenging, but not too hard. A lot of the extra SargeAI options have been disabled to reduce server fps lag. My server never goes below 50fps.


    The idea is to make this script as universal as possible, being able to support different AI systems is something that we can tackle in a future release. This initial release is just to address some bugs, and customize the missions for Epoch a bit. But do keep in mind, it's just a minor release in the grand scheme of things we have planned.


    @Axe Cop, I love the idea of your debug monitor showing the mission information. Are you able to display different graphics for different missions? I also like the idea of not knowing where a mission is exactly. That would be a challenge as each mission has around 10 possible coordinates it could spawn at, so they're not always in the same place all the time. So getting the script to pick random coordinates from a list, then having physical location information for those coordinates might be difficult. I'll do some testing and see if I can make it work. It would definitely make the missions more challenging, not knowing exactly where they are.

  3. Please do try and kill the habit of people snipping from a distance. It's not really the way I think these missions should be played out. Make like a huge compund that people have to go through and clear. No shots can be taken from a distance this way. Maybe you have to dumb them down a bit just to make the close combat a little easier...


    I know its not a simple as that but please have this in mind :D


    Missions are great and I love them! The hill billy one gets me every time :') 

    I have a few concepts I'm going to test after this next release that will address players killing off the AI by long range sniping.

  4. I don't know if it is possible but maybe try and set something up that would be indoors. As we all know our players like to just snipe the missions from a distance. Boring but effective. Maybe have them set up in houses that spawn so they actually have to go in and clear the house? 


    just an idea. Don't know if it is possible. 

    I can look into spawning a mission indoors, kind of like assaulting a building. I have made some modifications to the AI config that makes them more dangerous, even to long range sniping. I'm also playing with a few ideas of spacing out the AI mission groups so some are at a greater distance from the mission than others.


    Is it different from the Chernarus Mission System on OpenDayz.net? 

    This is based on that. Fuchs took Lazyink and TheSzerdi's mission systems and with permission merged them for more missions. Then did some SargeAI changes. We're dropping most of the SargeAI stuff he did and focusing on making the merge missions more specific to Epoch.

  5. What are your intentions to achieve? More missions or complete different mission structure? I am very interested in this keep it going...



    Initially we will launch with 26 missions. 13 Major and 13 Minor. These missions will be slightly customized for Epoch servers. Having mission rewards with Epoch specific loot, stuff like that.


    The initial release will be performance improvements and bug fixes, with clearer documentation over the existing release that Fuchs has out. We've also got a GitHub setup so we can push through proper releases, code management, and bug tracking / fixes. This will be considered a "minor" release.


    The next release will be much more significant. Reworked missions, perhaps having a storyline built into the missions. More immersive experiences at the missions, and making them more challenging.


    Also including some suggested AI configs for SargeAI to improve the mission AI units for more challenging scenarios.


    If you have any idea's or suggestions we're completely open to them.

  6. Included in the release files are suggested configs for SargeAI. These offer a good balance between difficulty, and fun. They have been tested and proven to work with no issues. 

    • AI have 600m detect range
    • Reduced accuracy (highly inaccurate beyond 300m)
    • Reduced aim speed
    • Increased commanding and courage
    • Increased response time
    • Lower dynamic spawn numbers
    • No vehicle patrols
    • No helicopter patrols


    Replace your SAR_config.sqf and SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf in your mission PBO with the ones provided in the release files to take advantage of these features.


    *Always make a backup of your files. We're not responsible if you lose or ruin your config.

  7. Installation Instructions


    Download and unpack the most recent release of EMS from our GitHub Release Section. Currently this is version 0.2.1


    Make a copy of your dayz_server.pbo and rename it dayz_server.pbo.bak


    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo to a folder called dayz_server


    Copy the Missions folder from the EMS download and paste it into the root of your unpacked dayz_server



    Edit your server_functions.sqf
    Located: dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf


    Around line 30 look for this:

    server_deaths = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDeaths.sqf";

    Add this after it:

    fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf"; //Random integer selector for mission wait time

    Around line 540 look for this:

    dayz_recordLogin = {
      _key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
      _key call server_hiveWrite;

    Insert this after it:

    MissionGo = 0;
    MissionGoMinor = 0;
    if (isServer) then { 
    SMarray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10","SM11","SM12","SM13"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\major\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts major mission system
    SMarray2 = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10","SM11","SM12","SM13"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\minor\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts minor mission system

    Edit server_updateObject.sqf
    Located: dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf

    Around line 22 look for this:

      diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
      //force fail
      _objectID = "0";
      _uid = "0";

    Insert this after it:

    if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

    Edit server_cleanup.fsm
    Located: dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm

    Around line 298 look for this:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    Replace with this:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    Repack your dayz_server.pbo and replace your original one.



    Mission PBO Instructions



    Unpack your mission PBO file using PBO Manager into a folder

    Copy the debug folder from the EMS download to the root of your mission folder

    Edit your init.sqf file

    At the very end of you init.sqf file paste the following block of code:

    // Mission System Markers
    [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
    [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; 

    This will make the mission markers show up on the map for players that have died and respawn, or connect to the server after a mission has already spawned.

    Repack your mission PBO using PBO Manager and replace your existing mission.pbo file

  8. Epoch Mission System
    Lazyink, TheSzerdi, Falcyn , TAWTonic, EPOCH DEV's
    Merged DayZ Chernarus Mission System's from TheSzerdi and Lazyink with permission.
    Modded & Developed by: TheFuchs & MimiC
    Epoch Mission System ( EMS ) is a modified version of Lazyink & TheSzerdi's DayZ Chernarus Mission systems. The two projects were merged by Fuchs and released with some SargeAI configs to enhance the gameplay of Epoch Chernarus servers. The project was then renamed to "Epoch Mission System" after MimiC joined Fuchs and further development was done on it. It has now been released as a new project, with a total of 26 unique missions that are specific to Epoch servers.
    This mission system will not work properly on non-Epoch servers or servers that do not have SargeAI already installed.
    • Notepad++
    • PBO Manager
    • SargeAI 1.5.2+ (Already on your server)
    • Epoch Server
    Easy : 10-15 minutes
    • Some knowledge of Epoch Server & Mission file locations
    • How to use PBO manager to unpack and pack PBO files
  9. Sweet, I'll start working on this ASAP tonight.


    Getting the current files loaded on GitHub and some clear instructions for install should be first step.


    Does anyone have any requests or suggestions for this?


    One thing I'm interested in doing is either adding or modifying a mission to spawn industrial loot useful for basebuilding in Epoch. Thus making this an official Epoch exclusive edition of the Mission system.

  10. Fuchs,


    Found a bug, missing file in the release, probably going back to the original release.


    In Major\SM9.sqf & Major\SM13.sqf you call for "fillLaunchBoxes.sqf" to put inventory in a crate. This file does not exist. In any of your releases.

    [BOX] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\misc\fillLaunchBoxes.sqf";

    Do you have this file for release? Do you want help creating it?


    I'm working on customizing this pack you've released to better suite Epoch. My first goal is to adjust loot spawn so it's not so plentiful, and then to create or modify a mission to spawn industrial gear that would be used for base building. Cinder blocks, mortar, plywood and lumber packs, scrap metal, etc.


    I wouldn't mind helping you with this project if you're interested. I don't have a ton of coding experience, but I can take existing stuff, read it, understand it, and modify it to work how I want. I also have a lot of experience configuring and setting up SargeAI.

  11. I have used all of those mods and have not had a problem.


    I know it is a pain is the ass, but the only way to know for sure is to start over with vanilla and add one by one, testing functionality in between.


    Again, I know that is not what you want to hear, but it likely that you just missed one step from one of the mods.

    Agreed, I just had to do this with my server because the trader city buildings and objects all duplicated and offset just a bit from each other. The vehicle dealer in Stary was completely inside a duplicate building and wasn't accessible at all. After a complete rebuild everything is good. Sometimes it's the only way.

  12. Found a fix. Debug works as does building.


    Remove this:

    dayz_spaceInterrupt = {
        private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
        _dikCode = _this select 1;
        _handled = false;
        if (_dikCode == 0x44) then {
            if (debugMonitor) then {
                debugMonitor = false;
                hintSilent "";
            } else {[] spawn fnc_debug;};

    The first block of code is looking for the "F10" keyboard input (0x44). But it also seems to be taking priority over key inputs, so when building the PgUP and PgDN keys are being intercepted by the debug monitor script and then being discarded because they don't match "F10".


    Just tested this on my server and it works. The only down side to this is that your debug monitor will be on 100% of the time, and won't be able to be hidden by your players.

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