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Posts posted by ZENITHOVMAN

  1. Yeah and your spoiler is broken as well Gr8! There seems to be another spoiler and then another spoiler and then another spoiler and then another spoiler and then another spoiler and then another spoiler it's like it's a never ending spoiler chasm or a chasm of spoilers.Sorry if I've spoiled your visual joke.

    Your Spoiler chasm is the biggest rip off since that movie called "The Neverending Story"



    I think Battleye just had a brainfart and pushed out a corrupted update to the servers.


    I'm now getting this in my server log:

    14:50:44 | Could not connect to BE Master
    14:50:44 | Update attempt failed

    Now that seems like a more likely scenario.

    lol @ Brainfart!  :P

    Looking into it now.


    300th post

  3. update your battleye dll on the server and relaunch (it's the same version number as before but it fixed it for me).

    If this was the case why did all AUST Servers event all simultaneously.Seems linked to some other another anomaly.  

    Strange DayZ Indeed.

  4. I can confirm the reload/magazine vanish is still happening.


    1. The server you were playing on.

    2. What arma3 build and what Epoch build you are using.

    3. What it was you were doing

    4. Is it repeatable.


    Zenithovmen Altis Vanilla.

    ArmA3 Build 1.40 | Epoch build

    Reloading Zafir.



    Desc Event : Reloaded Zafir after running out of Ammo had 3 spare in back pack (CarryAll_Olive)

    All mags disappeared from primary as well as backpack.

    Magazines were looted items as was the Zafir 

    Doesn't happen all the time though.


  5. Yep, I totally agree with this topic.Far too many drones. Don't get me wrong I'm all for keeping players on their toes but this is ridiculous.

    The sapper situation is a parallel problem as well.The server lag created by having these two antagonist categories set to reoccur so frequently is too much.

    Please make these two antagonist categories adjustable via config.




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