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    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to raymix in Players stuck on loading inventory after gender selection.   
    Yup, can confirm this, same on local dev server I have in other room and I'm the only one ever joining it. Usually takes 10-20 sec to load inventory.
    Moving this to bug reports.
  2. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from rvg?! in Players stuck on loading inventory after gender selection.   
    On our Tanoa Epoch server, running scripts but no other mods, players are experiencing long and/or terminal hang at the point of loading inventory after the gender selection screen. Are any other Tanoa servers experiencing this and if so does anyone know of cause and even possible fix?
    Any answers, confirmation of similar issue gratefully received.
  3. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from waynewr in Option for Gender Selection   
    Personally like the option as it is the only chance in the Arma3verse not to play as a male character but as female. In 2035 apparently there are no women in Greek Islands or Pacific Islands, no civilian, police or military women...what happened...I sure hope BI and Arma devs are not prescient in this  
    Gender selection is a USP Epoch should be rightly proud of, please do not change it!
  4. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from He-Man in Option for Gender Selection   
    Personally like the option as it is the only chance in the Arma3verse not to play as a male character but as female. In 2035 apparently there are no women in Greek Islands or Pacific Islands, no civilian, police or military women...what happened...I sure hope BI and Arma devs are not prescient in this  
    Gender selection is a USP Epoch should be rightly proud of, please do not change it!
  5. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from AltisTales in Epoch 0.3.9 - which mods work with it?   
    I think your best bet is to look through this section as you should find the status bar or hud display in there, plus various mission systems and maybe details as how to add logos etc. 
  6. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to He-Man in Magazines going missing   
    It is a known Arma bug :(
  7. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to rvg?! in Building disallowed   
    To help others with the same problem in the future it would be nice to post your solution.
  8. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from rvg?! in [GER/ENG] [UKGZ] Epoch Tanoa | PVP/PVE & More   
    Some screenies of the amazing Tanoa
  9. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to Richie in [GER/ENG] [UKGZ] Epoch Tanoa | PVP/PVE & More   
    Updated, both Epoch servers now running a custom built mission system, props go to Rvg and SSR
    Any bugs, errors or feedback welcome
  10. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from havock in Returning player. This as good as arma 2 epoch was ?   
    Installation is much improved client side, with Arma 3's own in built launcher, I use Steam Workshop to load mods where available and Armaholic.com for most everything else, Arma launcher will now track manually added mods in whatever folder you tell it to. There is a server browser in the launcher which when selecting a server to play will prompt you to load mods required or handle it, (nearly), all for you.
    Epoch has an edited range of Arma 3 vehicles and three self made, (Mosquito, jetski, electric motorcycle). With additional mods like CUP all Arma 2 vehicles, weapons and terrains can be added to Epoch to expand that variety.
    Whilst Arma 3 Epoch does not have zombies, it has sappers, cultists, militia and phantoms, all providing various challenges to the clone player. It is still required to eat and drink and in fact there are a multitude of health considerations to keep in order and survive.
    If you require zombies they are now officially supported by Epoch via an external mod called Ryan's Zombies and Demons.
    I think you will find most servers have some form of ai mission system running.
    As to hosting and installation, i'll leave that answer to others.
  11. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to He-Man in Blow me up Fred   
    What about only getting the new explode menu if player alive time is longer than xx minutes? So not every bambi can run to my vehicles and only wait to geht killed to blow them up.
  12. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to Richie in [GER/ENG] [UKGZ] Epoch Tanoa | PVP/PVE & More   
    Updated, Apex sneak peak no longer required, stable Arma 3 with Apex and Epoch 0.3.9 is all that's required, see you in the jungle
  13. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to axeman in Blow me up Fred   
    Lock your car ?
    It does have to be a PvP kill to trigger the extra options.
    So for gaining loot from a PvP I was already looking at spreading the victims belongings around the destination site and randomly deleting some items. I had noticed that weapons and held items often dropped on the ground anyway.
    Would that solve PvP loot issue ?
    The problem with switching everything off is: Yay a new feature being tried out in this mod -> oh, it doesn't do exactly what I want right now and players are crying because <insert reason why player doesn't like change> -> switch it off as the most vocal won't stop going on about it -> no need to offer positive feedback, we're not using it anyway -> feature doesn't get updated in ways you might want -> players are bored and want more features -> players move to Minecraft -> Devs add more hats and tins of food, dies of boredom.
  14. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to axeman in Blow me up Fred   
    I like the particle effect to warn that an explosion is imminent, or an effect that shows the victim 'may' still be in the body ? Adding certainty and / or turning every feature off is kind of pointless and no longer Epoch..
    The ten minute timer will force the dead player to respawn so maybe reduce that timeout when the new Tapout menu is used ? That way the victim has to make a fairly quick decision..
    Ultimately it was designed to combat the quick battles outside spawn points, aka spawn camping, and to introduce the player as antagonist option as a new / revisited feature.
    The idea that every scenario should be an absolute and no danger exists for players is boring to play and awful to develop for. Please no more pandering to this attitude and let's start making it risky to play again.
    Want to play Epoch ? Then be prepared to lose all your shit at a moments notice.
  15. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to He-Man in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Epoch Winter Edition :D
    Looks good!
  16. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from Sneer in Arma 3 Zombie mods   
    Arma 3 Epoch's  forthcoming patch will have full support for Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod, to add zombies to the Epoch list of antagonists. As to maps there do not seem to be many running maps outside of Altis and a few pushing on to Tanoa. will be hard pressed to find a server with Namalsk, Lingor, Panthera or Caribou map in Arma3 Epoch. Having said that Epoch mod supports all CUP terrains so all the old Arma offocial maps are supported.
  17. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to He-Man in Why remove legacy downloads?   
    I think this is only a mistake.
    But you can download it with the direct link:
  18. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to raymix in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Hi folks
    I've decided to finally publish preview of my terrain on forum. It has been roughly 1.5 years since I started on it. Terrain has gone through many major changes - from size to textures to complete redesign. Current shape has been revamped 3 times already, so this is where I'm settled at.
    270 sqkm - 16.4km x 16.4km
    Heightmap - 4096x4096 (can't get 8192 to work)
    Sat/mask/normal maps - 16384x16384
    World Machine - procedural terrain, satmap and normalmap
    Grome - carving roads into terrain
    Photoshop - mask editing
    Current progress: Terrain, carved roads and textures only
    I wanted a decently sized snow map in Arma but with a hint of green - best of both worlds. So it's not completely white making it too easy for me and it's not yet another summer map either, we have enough of those already.
    Originally map was designed for Dominion Mod - started by Rimblock and myself about a year ago, idea is not gone as the map will be used to create Epoch Dominion Mode using Epoch as a framework instead.
    Idea is similar to wasteland - 3 teams fighting for territories, as simple as that.
    The map is heavily inspired by Namalsk and STALKER game and will keep their aesthetics as much as possible.
    I'll keep editing this post if I come up with anything else to add, at work atm lol
  19. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to cring0 in [WIP] Iwagi, Japan   
    Sorry I haven't been up to date with my Navis project.  I've shelved Navis and started working on a smaller terrain, something a little more realistic as a first project.
    I'll keep the post I have over at BI forums updated: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192242-wip-iwagi-japan/
  20. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from He-Man in Can not connect to most epoch servers   
    My issue started with Arma 1.60 and our community server has noticed a steady decline and a lot of failed connections since then, normal troubleshooting as expressed above is useless in getting a remedy. It took a new hard ware install for mine to work and the same for one of our community members who came to us to ask for help.
    There have been numerous other posts all in a similar vein here over the past weeks, all saying the same thing and I have tried to help, but it is easier to move on to something that is not a hassle than to fix something and I believe many do just that, especially those casually browsing servers and mods.
    My own requests for help in these forums went unanswered and as my BI feedback ticket was addressed and it was suggested that the error lay in the Epoch code I opened a bug report on github, no response, no answer don't believe it has even been looked at.
    Whilst devs are busy, and I appreciate the time they give up to make this mod; when there are errors stopping people even joining a server, I would have thought that could at least be addressed by someone.
    And please do not argue that it is not devs responsibility to get individual players on to individual servers, I am not asking for that I am asking for investigation of error reports that show Epoch code is causing the log jam and making loading into server freeze, thus stopping players enjoying the mod  they created.
  21. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from rvg?! in Can not connect to most epoch servers   
    I will be on from 8pm tonight ts.ukgz.eu, will try to see if there is anything that can solved, but will have one eye on Wales v Belgium Euro 2016 football quarter finals, so no  promises 
  22. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to SWAT_BigBear in Antagonist Avoidance   
    I've seen the Phantoms in the past few builds, they are amazing, especially when it swoops up to you in a ghostly, fast animation. Wish I had it videoed.
  23. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to axeman in Antagonist Avoidance   
    I'd delete it instantly ;)
    The new custom zed code is geared more toward real world recognition, I try to avoid 'cheating' when crafting the antagonists brains.
    For example, the sense of smell, this was started with the sapper, but now is refined and works on a configurable distance and uses wind direction.
    The sapper is weighted by the targets position in some circumstances, this gives him an unrealistic awareness of your position.
    At the time we were more concerned with keeping performance levels up over larger numbers of antagonists and wanted to keep the current antagonist 'active'.
    We are about to add some more behaviour for the zeds, making use of the crouching and eating dead bodies and introducing faster zombies.
    Am interested in feedback for the zed behaviour, have tried to make the current slow ones more dangerous in numbers and trying to allow some emergent behaviour based on more simple rules.
    For the zeds, try hiding. Their sight is governed by a newer function in Arma. However they will smell you if the wind changes :)
  24. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat got a reaction from SWAT_BigBear in Antagonist Avoidance   
    Need a new thread, how not to give axeman any more ammunition to make sappers more difficult to cope with!
  25. Like
    TheStainlessSteelRat reacted to Richie in [GER/ENG] [UKGZ] Epoch Tanoa | PVP/PVE & More   
    -= [UKGZ] Epoch Taona =-
    Port:  2500
    -= Runing with and needed =-
    Arma 3 Apex
    Epochmod 0.3.9
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