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Posts posted by Ganja

  1. In MP Missions folder you will find a file called mission.sqm
    scroll down till you see 
    class Markers
    class Item0
    class Item1
    By default there are not 48 markers, I have added a bunch of custom onesd myself.  When making new markers always remember, the numbering starts at 0 not 1.  So if ya have 0-47 you have 48 markers, here is my last marker.
    class Item47
    text="Sleazy Sahranis Paradise Plaza and Clinic";
    as for the marker types  
    they can be found here (not sure about the Service Station marker specificly tho, but yave a look around with google, ya may find something.
  2. I would say it is safe to say it's skin related. I use a custom loadout system that changes my skin as well as giving me a loadout, and I have noticed a humanity issue as well. I need to test a few things more, but I can almost safely say it is related to skin changing. just not sure if it's caused from scripts that change your skin or putting on a skin from inventory. I'm thinking it is the auto change into skin ability that a few mods use. I'm going to disable the custom loadout one a bit later today and see what happens.  So many mods effect so many things, it's hard to tell what is causing what without doing a fresh vanilla epoch install and testing each mod/script separately (as i'm no coder and still learning how to read the code).

  3. Getting any errors in your server .rpt file? how about your local .rpt file? Not sure, how do you tell?


    I use a program called tail.exe  part of GnuWin then I made a simple .bat file to execute the tail command telling it to read/display the local rpt file as things happen.


    Here is an example of the .bat file I made



    echo Starting Local RPT Log Window.
    set tailpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuwin32\bin"
    cd /d %tailpath%
    timeout 1
    start "LocalRPT" "tail.exe" -F "C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT"
    Just copy and paste that into a notepad file and save it as .bat instead of .txt  change yourpcusername to whatever you have.  I have it setup for both my test server and my local rpt file so I can see any errors on both sides of the fence at once for troubleshooting. was surprised the amount of client side errors ya can get that don't show on server side logs.
  4. Getting any errors in your server .rpt file? how about your local .rpt file? Not sure, how do you tell?


    I use a program called tail.exe  part of GnuWin then I made a simple .bat file to execute the tail command telling it to read/display the local rpt file as things happen.


    Here is an example of the .bat file I made



    echo Starting Local RPT Log Window.
    set tailpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuwin32\bin"
    cd /d %tailpath%
    timeout 1
    start "LocalRPT" "tail.exe" -F "C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT"
    Just copy and paste that into a notepad file and save it as .bat instead of .txt  change yourpcusername to whatever you have.  I have it setup for both my test server and my local rpt file so I can see any errors on both sides of the fence at once for troubleshooting. was surprised the amount of client side errors ya can get that don't show on server side logs.
  5. are you getting any errors in your server .rpt file? how about your local .rpt file?  I use a program called tail.exe  part of GnuWin then I made a simple .bat file to execute the tail command telling it to read/display the local rpt file as things happen.


    Here is an example of the .bat file I made



    echo Starting Local RPT Log Window.
    set tailpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuwin32\bin"
    cd /d %tailpath%
    timeout 1
    start "LocalRPT" "tail.exe" -F "C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT"
    Just copy and paste that into a notepad file and save it as .bat instead of .txt  change yourpcusername to whatever you have.  I have it setup for both my test server and my local rpt file so I can see any errors on both sides of the fence at once for troubleshooting. was surprised the amount of client side errors ya can get that don't show on server side logs.
  6. See the example above that Nakama Mind and Myself posted above (Nakama's post looks better but same idea). When you only add the one line to the bottom of your init/server_functions.sqf that points to a custom mapfiles.sqf. You will only have to change 1 line of code when updating to a new version or restoring the backup of the maps. I backed up 40+ player bases, each base is a separate map file, which would be a pain to readd to the server_functions.sqf file, but the method we use makes the task so much easier and cleaner yet still keeping each map edit separate for any removal or editing of each map file.

    I did the same thing for my init.sqf file in my mpmissions folder, most of the mods I installed that wanted to have lines of code added to the init.sqf, i just added to a custominit.sqf file instead, then added a single line of code to call upon my custom file.

  7. Anyone figure out the solution (or even part of it) to my inquiry?



    Curious if anyone figured out how to lower your Food & Drink levels...makes sense to me to give the tokers the munchies

    as well is there a way to only smoke at the Hookah's? if so can someone tell me how or point me in right direction? 

    How would we add green smoke effect when smoking also? Hmm Gotta try smoking while driving to see if that works..would love to see a green trail going down the road or throu the air while Fly'n High  8>)


    "Ganja Airlines where we fly High"  currently that's my motto anyway as I always fly no higher than 100m usually only about 25m-50m.



    I was on a server a while ago that made green smoke and only allowed ya to smoke at the Water Pipe, can't find the info or the server again  8>(

  8. Thank You very much for this adding it to our PvE update. going to save our admins a bit of work...always a fan of those Self-Server channels. Only thing I changed was I decided to use the GPS instead of the Map as it made more sense to me that a digital device would display that info as we were all out of magic maps..lol   and I did rename right click option to "OffStar Vehicle Location"

    Again Thx for this and thx for saving our admins some time.

  9. Awesome Tutorial I smoke a Blunt in your honour. Thank You.


    Curious if anyone figured out how to lower your Food & Drink levels...makes sense to me to give the tokers the munchies

    as well is there a way to only smoke at the Hookah's? if so can someone tell me how or point me in right direction? 

    How would we add green smoke effect when smoking also? Hmm Gotta try smoking while driving to see if that works..would love to see a green trail going down the road or throu the air while Fly'n High  8>)


    "Ganja Airlines where we fly High"  currently that's my motto anyway as I always fly no higher than 100m usually only about 25m-50m.



  10. Loving the changes to the Mission System, Thx for all your hard work, very much appreciated by many.


    Sry if this was already covered, I skimmed through the replies but didn't see the answer I was searching for (then again scrolling through 40+ replies at 2:30am things tend to get blurry) 


    How does one change the amount of mission that are activated? default is 1 Hero and 1 bandit, I would like to change this to at least 2-4 of each type at any given time.


    PS: Mission system needs a weed mission...Such as "Bandits are attacking the Farmers weed fields"  lol  

  11. Not sure this has been suggested yet, as I read through the comments but may have overlooked it. But I'm going to share what I think is an easy way to organize your map files and will make it easier to restore many maps when you need to wipe your server. I decided to do this when I was adding each of our players bases to a separate map file for each. Typically this would mean adding each base as a separate line item to the server_functions.sqf. This could easily result in having to add 40+ lines of code, so instead I just added One line to the bottom of my server_functions.sqf 



    execVM  "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\mapcompiles.sqf";


    I then made a file called mapcompiles.sqf and placed it in my dfltcustoms folder. In the newly created mapcompiles.sqf I added each map edit to that file.
    //Call Custom Server mod buildings HERE not in server functions
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\chateau_de_ganja.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\mtwtf.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\ganjafield1.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\dobersshoreshack.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\campbananahammock.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\aitrucksparkystop.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\iambbase.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\castlefourtwenty.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\campkiwi.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\mattzmansion.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\dobersdoghouse.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\phyrsstormceller.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\chadcharities.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\vetguysretreat.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\hmsmurders.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\bryansbase.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\randomsrandomness.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\waynemanor.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\dgirlscrib.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\behemothsisland.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\behemothsbridge.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\homeofthebeast.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\yourmomshomesweethome.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\adysbase.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\stubbysstation.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\aiisland.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\dustinsden.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\jamiesjumble.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\greensmokesshack.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\sykocity.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\mapupdatedbaseinway.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\mysterybase1.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\aosareaodoperations.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\AeilHouse.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\ai_airfield.sqf";
    //Trader and Banks
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\dflt_banks.sqf";
    And as you can see I placed each map edit file in folder location dfltcustom\ganja_mapedits\
    So now when we update our server, we only have to replace one line of code to re-add every single map edit we done. Sure we could have added all these edits to one single map file, but that is messy and confusing, This way, if someone wants to remove a base or even temp remove an edit for an event we just have to // the line of the map edit.
    Again sry if this was already mentioned, but I didn't see it and thought I would share an organization tip to help keep your servers clean and easy to manage.  
  12. May I add, careful on the Skin you use. If it's one a player can get a hold of, it will give that player the trader status ability, and depending on the Anti-hack tool used and how it's setup, can kick a player for trying to trade with the other player. This is how I setup my character to be the Drug Dealing Admin, by using the Reynolds_PMC skin. This way only another admin or myself can change into the skin. 



    Wtf, doesn't that murder fps having all that crap in one place like that?  I messed around doing that crap in the editor just for sh!ts but figured it wouldn't work well on the server.

    LOL, That's actually what I decided to call it....Mt.WTF 


    I placed the Volcano on the server as a test and the players only experienced a slight drop in fps, but not too much. I can fly around inside it and stuff without any fps loss myself, but then again, I'm running a decent pc system I built. 

    One of the reasons i'm redoing our NAPF server, is it was having some fps issues and whatnot, before i even thought of Mt.WTF. since placing this, I have done some server cleanup to improve server performance. and things have gotten better. I left this on the server for a few days and then removed it for a few days, when I put it back yesterday, I asked if fps got worse, and they said they didn't see a drop after adding it back.  During the server redo i'm doing, I'm doing everything to optimize server performance, and keeping the MPMissions folder as small as possible by putting all my edits (or as many as I can) in the server pbo. As well we are not limiting our server by using one of those server hosting companies. we have a dedicated server, so I can get my hands dirty and fine tune everything without having to use some server control panel or asking server company permissions to add or alter or server files.


    The Five Caves I found after the updateare not base worthy, barely big enough for a poor depressed hobbit that has been vanquished from the shire. They would make great locations to setup as AI mini base camps.  


    Killhouses are fun, I keep bugging one of our players that based in one..I'll look at him and tell him he needs to fix that hole in his wall, then I shoot the hole open...lol.

  14. Thx  8>)


    I decided to use this as the Tip of the AI Mountain that i'm making. going to have many caverns and passages in it with AI roaming around and a few AI stronghold type places inside. Thinking it's about 3000m across at the base, have to measure it later on to see. Main thing i'm not liking is the fact that there are not many large rocks to choose from, so the hard part is avoiding a repeating pattern of the rock surfaces. would be nice if the vectoring in the editor would stay sideways or flipped when ya move them, but sadly, once ya add the vector variable to the biedi file and then load the map with the changes, the rock is at the different angle that ya want, until you go to move it and put it were ya want it, it goes back to it's original right-side-up type position, until ya save and reload the map. but that would mean move it, save it, add vector variable, reload map, see if rock is were ya want it, if not move again and save then reload it each time. That's a lot of save/reload work/time on something that is going to be at least 1000m across, and at least 500m upwards. I still have lots left to do on this and the map itself, with redoing the trader system and the AI systems and custom mods. But it will be worth it in the end as it will be a be a very unique place for our players.

  15. Nope, that's basically it, we have two running as well, Charnarus is our PvP Overpoch  and NAPF is our PvE Epoch (soon to be Overpoch). running on posts 2302 and 2303  two separately named databases on the same MySQL server. everything in the same Epoch server folder, so main server files to get server going is still shared.



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