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Posts posted by Ganja

  1. Can't be "online" if there is no internet connection. I remember there was a way back in the day for setting up an offline server for A2 and Dayz, think it was called Daizy or something like that.

    Here is my local RPT log file


    == C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe

    == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -noFilePatching "-mod=@Epoch" -nobenchmark -nosplash -nologs -skipIntro -world=empty -enableHT

    Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11

    Exe timestamp: 2015/03/02 15:29:40

    Current time: 2015/04/03 22:14:31

    Type: Public

    Branch: Stable

    Version: 1.40.129533

    Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll


    22:14:31 ManagerConfig()

    22:14:31 Entering off-line mode. Callbacks and content list updates will not work.

    Will post server RPT a bit later, as I'm using my phone to post this.

  2. High all, I'm attempting to set up an offline server for myself, as I will be at a location without internet. I would like to set this up so that I may practice and maintain my scripting abilities.

    I got all the required files and what not. Redis server starts up and awaits connection, which I can connect to using Redis desktop manager, so I know the settings are good. I start the game server and Bec starts band connects properly, and I can see the game server in the server list. But when I connect to it, I get kicked. I've checked and rechecking the connection info, password and IP stuff is all matching. Even completely redid stuff a few times. I have set up many servers in the past both locally and remotely, so I'm not a total newb at this. I did not copy the game files from install directory, as I have in the past when setting up an A2 server, instead I have been using the steamCmd. Method to get server files. While looking through the log files and RPT logs, I see mention of something to do with unable to create server while in offline mode. I can provide the log files at another time, as I forgot to bring them with me. I should also mention that I am also not able to use the international games ability to host a LAN server from the server list, says Epoch loading, but just hangs at 1/3 loading for 5min then map loads. Hitting continue results in a loading loop.

    Any help is appreciated, and if required more info on this will follow.

  3. The idea has crossed my mind a few times. Most maps are Islands, or have a large amount of water. Why not make a craftable water vehicle with different upgrade paths. Start it out as your basic raft, then give the crafting path option to either


    Upgrade Path 1: Upgrade it to a row boat (would be great for stealth as it has no motor) further upgrades would include, adding a motor for a basic speedboat, then upgrade even more to make it a fishing boat, then add some corrugated metal and make it a ship. More scrap metal, a couple tripod guns and ya upgrade it to a battleship type vessel.


    Upgrade Path 2: Upgrade it with a bigger platform and floatation devices (barrels or rubber dinghy's), then upgrade it with walls and floors, doors, etc..making it into a floating base/fortress.


    I thought of this while play'n ArmA 2 and I didn't think it would be possible to attach a static item to a movable/drivable vehicle, but while I was waiting for the Epoch 3 Server release, I setup a Wasteland Server and stumbled upon this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25210 http://youtu.be/dkxRBMr2I9E . I have this working with no issues on our Wasteland server. 

    Basically the guy just took and attached a SDV inside the full size Sub, to make it drivable, and attached another Sub to the outside. You can get in the inside sub and drive around while other players sit inside the SDV attached to the back of the big sub. Reminds me of the Bugs Bunny (or was it Huey Dewey and Louie) cartoons were he/they cut(s) out the sports car on the billboard and attaches it to his old crappy car.


    At the very least this has shed some light on the possibility that craftable floating water base may be possible.


    The maps have a large amount of water, but it is not being utilized. It's the year 2035...can we at least get an underwater air dome that we can upgrade to make an underwater base inside it?


    Epoch is about survival, survival is about being resourceful and finding ways to make your environment survivable.

  4. You need to have this kind of configuration in /arma 3 server/@EpochHive/epochAH.hpp

    adminMenu_Owner[] = {{"Insert your GUID here","Insert name for Admin"}};


    BEC should not have to be started before the server

    I pretty sure I read on another post one of the Devs said that BEC needs to be ran before the Epoch Server, Due to the way BEC and Watchdog will be communicating with the server. Which makes sence, since they are using a system that randomly generates a PV code, Watchdog needs to watch for the server to generate said random code.

  5. Okay unrelated to the original post but can somebody tell me exactly what this is doing?

    "disabledAI = true;" in the description.ext

    disabledAI Number When 1, removes all playable units which do not have a human player. When 0, a logging out player will have AI take control of his character. Default value is 0. (MP)disabledAI = 1;

    Disabling all the AI units will prevent JIP into playable units.



    According to this is should be either a 0 or a 1..but I guess True/False works here as well.

  6. Are you starting BEC before the server is launched? In the BEC Config file, make sure you have a line like "Timeout  = 30" This way your BEC will load up and wait 30sec for the server to start before it says it can't find it and closes.

    BEC and Watchdog starting before the server helped me with getting kicked for admin abilities.

  7. I'm also running this on Win2008R2, and I am finding this new DB system very unstable. Redis is constantly crashing.


    I personally am not pleased about using this new database system. How are we suppose to troubleshoot such things if we know little to nothing about it? Not everyone has the time or ability to learn a new database systems. We are loosing players due to playing for a few hours just to loose their progress. Since I see this as something out of my control, I just tell them to go have a chat with the Developers, as we are not the ones that chose this database system. All my settings in regards to the DB are default settings, except for the access password.


    As a Server Manager, I can't manage parts of my server, that's an issue.


    There is an old Technical Acronym that I must reflect on and suggest everyone do the same "KISS" (Keep, It, Simple, Stupid).

    This works as it reduces the ID10T errors.

  8. in the server mpmissions folder, extract the .pbo and open up description.ext and change it to something like this 
    onLoadMission= "It's a Dangerous place to build...";
    OnLoadIntro = "The AI don't take kindly to outsiders...and you, your an outsider.";
    //loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa"; 
    loadscreen = "dfltcustom\picz\loadscreen1.paa";
    OnLoadIntroTime = False;
    OnLoadMissionTime = False;
    onLoadName = "DFLT Sandbox: Epoch";
    disabledAI = true;
    scriptedPlayer = 1;
    enableItemsDropping = 0;
    briefing = 0;
    debriefing = 0;
    to get this:
    Most load screens are just the small box. I haven't checked to see if it is possible to make the entire screen different.

    I always just shoot any dog I see, tried to drop some food for one that didnt seem to want to attack me but didnt seem to do anything, holstered my weapon also.


    Any help with how to identify a friendly dog that can be tamed?  Or is it simply just the ones that dont attack?


    Sorry for jumping on your thread dude



    I've tames every dog that I've given raw meat too...even if the dog was going to another group member. I would wait till the dog is in sight and within 10ft, then I would lay the raw meat on the ground and back up about 2-5ft from the meat. the Dog will eat the raw meat and you should get the message that the Dog is Tamed. If it was a dog that was headed towards your friend, have them get behind you and do the same process, the only difference is, your friend will get the tamed message, not you.


    My next test is to try and tame 2 or more dogs at the same time. As the other day, I tamed a dog, and about 10 min later, I had another dog argo'd onto me, but didn't have the meat to give it.


    One way to identify an already tamed dog, is if you see a dog in the distance, and it is sitting down...look for the owner close to the dog. An untamed dog will always be chasing someone, usually it will chase after you and only sit when it get's close.

  10. I've tames every dog that I've given raw meat too...even if the dog was going to another group member. I would wait till the dog is in sight and within 10ft, then I would lay the raw meat on the ground and back up about 2-5ft from the meat. the Dog will eat the raw meat and you should get the message that the Dog is Tamed. If it was a dog that was headed towards your friend, have them get behind you and do the same process, the only difference is, your friend will get the tamed message, not you.


    My next test is to try and tame 2 or more dogs at the same time. As the other day, I tamed a dog, and about 10 min later, I had another dog argo'd onto me, but didn't have the meat to give it.

  11. Was your group leader the one to build the jammer? Jammers and locks won't work for everyone in the group unless the group leader is the one to build it.

    Is it dependent on the Group Leader at the time, or the person that created the group? 

  12. I don't know about you guys but I found a wooden box/crate yesterday that was labelled as a Freq jammer. from what I heard they do not spawn in but I found it on a shelf like you would find a ammo clip.. 


    Can they spawn in at all~? 

    Was the shelf already open? Someone may have drop'd it when they grab'd the item from the shelf.

  13. I was thinking, what about giving the different types of dog breeds a purpose. Such as one type being a good spotter/hunter, another being good with storing more items than the others, and another being tougher and attacking players not in your group. And some just being rouge and hard to train, but when trained, can call it's pack to help in time of need.

  14. Maybe it was the Cultists the whole time...they spread the Zed Infection, and we wiped them out, so they made the Growlers, in hopes of wiping us out...Maybe the Cultists will  turn the Dogs into HellHounds, which would explain why the dogz are so ruthless...

  15. Come now, you know they're never going to fully remove themselves from it.  The zedheads need closure!  "ALL YOUR ZOMBIES ARE DEAD GET OVER IT" works better than "wat, what zombies, I don't know what you're talking about, that never happened."

    "The zedheads need closure!  "ALL YOUR ZOMBIES ARE DEAD GET OVER IT""...But weren't they already dead?

  16. Known Glitch?  I had no idea I could pick it up. This is Alpha and the objective is to find these types of bug's. I was not trying to Exploit anything...why am I even bothering with you? Geeze..I got better things to do with my time, than discuss this with you..I posted my point, you posted yours...end of story...Move on, with life...

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