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    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in Missile Warning System   
    If I remember right it was enableSentences or enableRadio
  2. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to mgm in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    that's what Epoch gives you. a rich life with many options. sadly many don't see it 
  3. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    i dont like that either. But inbefore i change several AI spawns or blacklist waypoints for convoys etc. i go the way to remove them when they pass for example the safezone.
    For my epoch king of the hill i do a cleanout every 4 secs within 2.2km for loot, ai, antagonists. As far as i could notice, that doesnt cause any lag, If you dont run the loop several times in a frame.
    And i am to lazy to edit several scripts to blacklist areas and so on. Also some of the scripts are from A2 ported to A3.
    Who ever ported them, they look like a salad.
  4. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to axeman in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    It shouldn't cause any harm to the Epoch antagonists, you should get another spawn on you soon after leaving the safe zone, same as if you log out to avoid them.
    The Safe Zone Barriers can be custom set in the maps configs in server_settings, same as making custom trader cities etc.. The teleport create function creates one at each teleport output point, so the main trader cities are covered. There is one in altis.h that looks like a leftover as central spawn now has two barriers.
    Maybe looking for traders could be a separate option (they need special treatment), you would expect that the traders either pick a safe area or have some means of deterrent. If we are doing that we might as well allow an array in the config to specify multiple safe objects / locations. That would allow for custom safezones. Something like:
    _antagonistSafeZones[] = { {{"PlotPole_EPOCH",50},{"Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperB_F"}}, {{"ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",75},{"Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F"}}, {{{9435.9,20241.9,0},125},{"Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F","Epoch_Cloak_F"}},//Would make Abdera a safe town {{"Land_Airport_Tower_F",125},{"I_UAV_01_F"}}//No Fly Zone around airports }; I've not used A3EAI, wouldn't the best way with A3EAI be to stop them spawning in the first place if you are in a safe zone ? For performance I don't like the idea of creating something then almost straight away deleting it.
  5. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    The problem with the protectionzone_invisible_F is, that if you run roaming AI scripts e.g. A3EAi, the NPCs camp outside the safezone and just wait for you there. That was the reason to delete them on the fly by players in safezones. And inbefore i change several lines in several scripts, i just have one which does it all.
  6. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to axeman in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    All of the checks are done in https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_unitSpawn.sqf
    The nonTraderAIRange is worked out based on proximity to one of these ProtectionZone_Invisible_F. Normal traders aren't protected this way, you could create one of the protection zones and the mod will do the heavy lifting for you.
    From memory we did start by checking for traders but then the safe zones came in properly.
  7. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    I would understand nontraderAi for every epoch trader. Some of the devs should bring some light into it. If we could get a epoch internal solution would be much appreciated. So the antagoniszs dont even have to spawn and could be suppressed. Also you could define event areas to be antagonist free. Aslong as that doesnt happen i keep my scripts independent from epoch updates.
  8. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    But keep in mind, that "nonTraderAI" is not the same as "SafeZones".
    If I am right, nonTraderAI prevents only in ProtectionZones (Spawn Points)
  9. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to axeman in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    Those variables in OP increase the chance and track if you should have an antagonist spawning on you. These settings in CfgEpochClient:
    // suppress these units from spawning near Jammer or Traders nonJammerAI[] = {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F","PHANTOM","Epoch_Cloak_F"}; nonTraderAI[] = {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F","PHANTOM","Epoch_Cloak_F","GreatWhite_F"}; nonTraderAIRange = 150; will effect the spawning around Jammers and SafeZones. There has been a change recently as there used to be a double negative in EPOCH_unitSpawn, so now you need to add the Antagonists you DO NOT want spawning around Jammers or Traders in these settings. Previously they were ones that were allowed, you would want to allow Air Drops (B_Heli_Transport_01_F), Phantoms and the like as they are not so intrusive
    nonTraderAIRange is the range around a trader at which antagonists are banned from spawning, based on the targets position, not the antagonist spawn position. There is a range on the jammer but this is got from the building limit range (buildingJammerRange).
    I would use:
    nonJammerAI[] = {"EPOCH_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F"}; nonTraderAI[] = {"EPOCH_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F","Epoch_Cloak_F"}; nonTraderAIRange = 50; I will put a pull request in for the config change.
  10. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    You can try this:
    Add to your Init (you have to add your SafeZone coords):
    And in the posted code:
    Or you can add the script from rvg to delete the AI's if they enter the SafeZones.
    Another solution is to add "if (insafezone) exitwith {};" into the client side EPOCH_unitSpawn.sqf
  11. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    That happens when you try to read more than one post at the same time. Apologize.
    But to quote a previous post is a bad habbit ;)
  12. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to mgm in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    is your answer totally unrelated to the original question or am I misreading this. OP didn't write a single line of code BTW, he's showing what we all have in our Epochs  
  13. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in Remove Antagonists from Safezones   
    In EPOCH_unitSpawn it says:
    _restricted = nearestObjects [_targetPos, ["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F"], _nonTraderAIRange]; if(count _restricted > 0 && (_unitClass in _nonTrader))exitWith{}; But the only code I ever found, where ProtectionZone_Invisible_F was created is in the create teleport script.
    So I think, it only prevents near the spawn points.
    "insafezone" is not an EPOCH Variable. It comes only from 3rd party safezone-scripts. This should be the reason, that it is not implemented.
    So we come to a third way to do it: Create a "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" in every SafeZone on Server start ;)
  14. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in Redis cleanup.   
    Open your DB with Redis Desktop Manager and just delete all your log entries.
  15. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Grahame in mission.sqm convertation   
    And one advantage of EDEN, apart from it being a pretty good mission editor, is that those items in M3Editor that could not be rotated (for example razorwire) now can be (with Shift-Mouse Button 1). The mission file also seems cleaner though that's a minor thing.
  16. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in mission.sqm convertation   
    Hi ReDBaron, The main advantage is that you can edit the mission file with Arma 3's EDEN editor now and even use the binarization option.
  17. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in mission.sqm convertation   
    Hey Demellion, check out this PHP script I made to initially convert Epochs mission files over. Hopefully this gives you an idea of what I did to convert them.
  18. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Earplugs Script   
    Triffic, thanks guys. Moved it to the bottom of the init and now all is working. Well, all except the hotkey F4.... but, I'll take that! :)
  19. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Brian Soanes in Earplugs Script   
    No, that should work how it always has, make sure you still have call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf"; in  your init.sqf (I use that instead of execVM)
  20. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Grahame in Earplugs Script   
    Works for me with this at the bottom of my mission init.sqf:
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf";
    [] execVM "earplugsfix.sqf";
    If it matters I use InfiStar now so I don't know whether that would make a difference but auto inserting and removing are working on my server
  21. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Brian Soanes in Earplugs Script   
    Nice, thanks for your help :)
  22. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Brian Soanes in Earplugs Script   
    onPlayerRespawn.sqf no longer works on, hence the earplugs not working. You can delete that file
  23. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Brian Soanes in Earplugs Script   
    Thanks Brian, will give it a go :)
  24. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Brian Soanes in Earplugs Script   
    Ok here's how to fix

    Create a new file in your mission root called earplugsfix.sqf and copy in this content http://pastebin.com/PC9FS2DJ
    In your init.sqf (if you don't have one make a file called init.sqf in your mission root) paste this
    if(isServer)then {} execVM "earplugsfix.sqf"; Repack mission file
  25. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from He-Man in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    He-Man, so sorry! For some reason, as I have two of Halvs scripts that call this file, I had made it so they both call the same one but, for some crazy reason left the old one in another folder and have spent all this time editing that wrong one. I have now made your first reply's changes in the called version and all is good.
    Really appreciate your help :)
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