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  1. Like
    CartoonrBOY got a reaction from The Last Idaho in Show us your loadScreen!   
    I didn't want a large file and decided my load screen should be as close to the original as possible, whilst trying to convey the servers content. Aesthetically I do not like text explaining everything - my website does that. I think ambiguity reinforces that sense of exploration and loneliness that DayZ originally granted.

  2. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to Richie in [Release] BigEgg's Debug Monitor   
    Nothing wrong with choice, BigEgg didn't have to share but he did, at least be grateful instead of negative.
  3. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to Spodermayt in Teargas smoke   
    Wouldn't it be a bit better if you made the screen blink black slowly? Like your player would be closing his/her eyes. Because that looks like you're taking some shrooms or something. 
  4. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    if you have namalsk on your server you are able to add bloodsuckers to spawn:

    they spawn like zombies and are most the time invisible and decloaking before they attack their victim.
  5. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    yeah had this comment out right from the beginning, so never thought about that ^^
    nice found!
  6. Like
    CartoonrBOY got a reaction from SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    I think I've resolved it. The reason they were not de-cloaking was because their textures were being banned. Find in the init.sqf:
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf" Comment this out and they should spawn.
  7. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    no you dont have to.
    this is only for admins who already using infistar!
    Have followed this tutorial completly?
  8. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to Fogazi in [Release] Swap Kit 1.2   
    In this day and age of DayZ and Epoch/Overpoch particularly, it is no longer a case of getting killed and losing all your equipment forever. Nowadays most players re-spawn, halo in to nearly on top of their old body and then go through the monotonous process of transferring gear back 1 piece at a time. I can't remember that last time I went through and re-kitted by looting and farming buildings. Apart from dying in the water or some form of explosion cause your kit to be lost.

    I thought that process needed to be simplified, especially seeing as I was getting killed numerous times every hour be it by AI or other players.

    I looked around and couldn't find anything similar or even close to what I wanted so I wrote this script.

    I am an amateur when it comes to scripting so there will probably be mistakes and different/better ways to do what I have done. These things when bought to my attention will be fixed/implemented as I gain more knowledge on the topic.

    So here it is, a kit swapping(taking at this early stage) script.

    Fogazi's Swap Kit Script


    1. Allows you to take complete kits with a dead AI or player.
    2. Additional options to restrict this only to a players own dead body.

    -WARNING- This script takes the kit of the dead AI or player but deletes/wipes whatever equipment you had on you before you chose to swap.

    Future plans are to actually swap kits.

    Instructions and script files here

    Credits: seaweeduk from the OPENDAYZ community, I adapted some of his code from his Bury Corpses script.

  9. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Schwede's improved Flashlighst   
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Schwede's improved Flashlighst <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    What it does?
    It simply add a bit more light to your surrounding so flashlights are more effective then they are by default.

    How it works:
    This Scripts is completly local and is not visible by other players, since the light of the flashlight should be enough attraction for them.
    How to install
    You need to make changes in:
    first we make our new file called: flashlight.sqf
    and paste this in there and place it somewhere you like:
    /** Schwedes Flashlight improvement **/ Private ["_num","_light","_type"]; _type = _this select 0; switch (_type) do { case 0: { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL player); _light setLightBrightness 0.01; systemChat format['currentWeapon player: %1',(currentWeapon player)]; if ((currentWeapon player) == "MeleeFlashlightRed") then { _light setLightColor [0.5,0,0]; _light setLightAmbient [0.2,0.01,0.01]; } else { _light setLightAmbient[.9, .9, .6]; _light setLightColor[.9, .9, .6]; }; _light lightAttachObject [player, [0.1,2,0.5]]; }; case 1: { player action ["GunLightOff", player]; _light = nearestObject [player, "#lightpoint"]; deleteVehicle _light; Schwede_flashlicht = false; }; }; Next we create another file called and place it somewhere you like: lightcheck.sqf
    and paste this in there:
    /** Schwedes Flashlight improvement Light Check **/ Private ["_light"]; waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; //making sure player is spawned while {true} do { waitUntil {Schwede_flashlicht}; if !((currentWeapon player) in Schwede_FlashlightWeapons) then { player action ["GunLightOff", player]; _light = nearestObject [player, "#lightpoint"]; deleteVehicle _light; Schwede_flashlicht = false; }; sleep 0.1; }; Time to make this thing to work:
    search for
    // DayZ Epoch Client only variables and add right after:
    if(isNil "Schwedes_flashlicht") then { Schwedes_flashlicht = false; }; search for 
    if(!isDedicated) then { and place this somewhere in this area:
    Schwede_FlashlightWeapons = ["M4A3_CCO_EP1","SCAR_L_CQC_Holo","SCAR_H_CQC_CCO","MeleeFlashlight","MeleeFlashlightRed"]; //This array wants to be filled with weapons with flashlights compiles.sqf
    add this

    Schwedes_flashlight = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "PathTo\flashlight.sqf"; to the if(!isDedicated) then { area
    place this somewhere in it:
    //flashlight if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Headlights" && ((currentWeapon player) in Schwede_FlashlightWeapons) && ((vehicle player) == player)) then { if (Schwedes_flashlicht) then { Schwedes_flashlicht= false; _id = [1] spawn Schwedes_flashlight; } else { Schwedes_flashlicht= true; _id = [0] spawn Schwedes_flashlight; }; }; init.sqf
    add this

    [] execVM "PathTo\lightcheck.sqf"; to the if(!isDedicated) then { area
    Save everything and load up everything.
    Suggestions? Post them here
    Like my work? why not spend me a beer then ;D Link in my Sig :)
  10. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Sluggish fn_SelfActions   
    i think this should cover all what you need:
    (if i understood everything right with my broken english :D)
  11. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Namalsk Zombies spawning in Epoch   
    no, it is that simple ^^
    just need custom loot tables and add them in there, done
  12. Like
    CartoonrBOY got a reaction from mgm in Show off that Batcave!   
    My humble cave. Originally posted for my EvE Online blog, it hasn't changed much over the years. It looks like the apocalypse has happened already...

  13. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    I had this issue too but if I remember right there was a solution somewhere.
    I will check if I can find it.
    Try to follow the steps again, maybe you missed something
  14. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to SchwEde in Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help   
    i followed this tutorial here:

  15. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to bsmaff in Bloodsuckers 100% Working - All Maps - Release *TBC*   
    After posting that I had Bloodsuckers working on Namalsk, but I have now managed to get them working on other maps.
    I will release the code when I have perfected it and got it working with various AI addons and most importantly.
    Here is a short video showing them working and running on my Chernarus test server.

  16. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to Tech_Support in Spawning FIRE   
    hey i found this should help you.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn…
    To make something burn via BIS_Effects_Burn we’ll need this code in our init.sqf:
    BIS_Effects_Burn=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; Then to set something on fire we’ll use this command, either in a trigger or from it’s init or via a script:
    [object, intensity, time, lifecheck, fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; Object: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to.
    Intensity: the intensity of the fire.  Recommended to use values between 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though.
    Time: the time that the fire started.  Use the global variable time.  This is used to keep effects synced for JIP players.
    Lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as ling as it is dead (!alive unit).  Set to false to burn things like buildings and gamelogics.
    Fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying out.  Set to false if you want it to keep burning (affected by rain too).
    If you want to kill a fire you can delete the object it is attached to.
    Hint: you can attach a gamelogic to a moving object via the attachto command, and then make the gamelogic burn that way you can kill the fire without deleting the object.
    To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire:
    [mygamelogic,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn same with medium sized fire:
    [mygamelogic,5,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn To make a gamelogic burn and have the fire fade over time:
    [mygamelogic,10,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn To make it smoke, with no visible flame you can use an intensity of 3 or lower:
    [mygamelogic,3,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
  17. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to RimBlock in [Release] Ring of Protection - Warning then death if a player gets too close to a named object type.   
    You would need to change
    _classnameProtected = "Wooden_shed_DZ"; into
    _classnameProtected = ""; _ProtectedClasses = []; // put in all the classes you want to protect. You would then need to put all after
    _vehiclePlayer = (Vehicle Player); In a count loop (ie. { ....... }count _ProtectedClasses ;) and add after it
    _classnameProtected = _x; The
    }count _ProtectedClasses; needs to go before the last
    }; That would probably work for multiple classes.
  18. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to RimBlock in [Release] Ring of Protection - Warning then death if a player gets too close to a named object type.   
    Have just rewritten a script for MatthewK to try and help out (thread ) and though I would release for all to enjoy.
    Set the _classnameProtected to a class name of an object you want to protect.  Classnames are types of objects.  In the code below it is all wooden DZ sheds. 
    Save the following as something (i.e. mpmissions\[MAP NAME]\Custom\RingOfProtection\RingOfProtection.sqf)
    // Ring of Protection by RimBlock (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/12612-rimblock/) // // This script will allow you to set two rings around an object (vehicle, building, player). The first ring will create a warning, the second will kill the player. // // Completely rewritten from initial code by [MIC] Murcielago. Private ["_n","_classnameProtected","_nearbyProtected","_vehiclePlayer","_nearestProtected","_warningRange","_deathRange","_nearbyProtected","_aliveNearbyProtected"]; _n = 0; _warningRange = 20; _deathRange = 7; _classnameProtected = "Wooden_shed_DZ"; While {True} Do { _nearbyProtected = []; _aliveNearbyProtected = []; _nearestProtected = ""; _vehiclePlayer = (Vehicle Player); _nearbyProtected = nearestObjects [_vehiclePlayer, [_classnameProtected], _warningRange]; if ((count _nearbyProtected) >= 1) then { { if (alive _x) then { _aliveNearbyProtected set [(count _aliveNearbyProtected),_x]; }; }count _nearbyProtected; if ((count _aliveNearbyProtected) >= 1) then{ _nearestProtected = _aliveNearbyProtected select 0; If ((_vehiclePlayer Distance _nearestProtected) < _deathRange) Then {Player Setdamage 1;}; If ((_n == 0) && {_vehiclePlayer Distance _nearestProtected >= _deathRange}) Then { TitleText ["[WARNING]: Entering restricted area. Continuing will result in death.","PLAIN"]; }; _n = _n + 0.05; }; }; Sleep 0.05; If ( _n > 1 ) Then { _n = 0; }; }; Put the following in your custom compiles.sqf (just after "progressLoadingScreen 0.8;" should work).
    ringOfProtection = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\RingOfProtection\RingOfProtection.sqf";     Call it (probably from the init.sqf)  after the line "_playerMonitor = ..." with
    [] spawn ringOfProtection; Note this is likely to have at least a small impact on each player.
    Possible future upgrade:
     It could probably be addapted to a single item (i.e. admin base) but the item would need to be tagged (i.e. with a setvariable item "Protected" true type but of code) and then after the item classname is detected in range, the variable can be checked to see if that one in particular is protected.
  19. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to MGT in [Release] Custom Kill Messages   
    ok, the fix is as follows
    _pic = gettext(configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> (currentWeapon _killer) >> 'picture'); _kill_txt = format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>%1 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<img size='1.0' align='left' image='%2'/>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'> %3 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>[%4m]</t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)]; to
    _pic = gettext(configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> (currentWeapon _killer) >> 'picture'); _kill_txt = format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>%1 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,_distance]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<img size='1.0' align='left' image='%2'/>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,_distance]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'> %3 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,_distance]; _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>[%4m]</t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,_distance]; Ceil is trying to round up a string _distance as it's not a number, so incorrect syntax, by removing ceil you remove the rounding up and you get no error
  20. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to raymix in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  21. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [Howto/Release] Tie PlayerUID To All Buildable Objects / Keep plot pole after death [No SQL Triggers] UPDATE 16/04/2014   
    First off i would like to thank one of my players in my community Tim aka maccon for the patience to help me test this to the point where I think he don't like spawning and joining in DayZ any more. We have tried to test this extensively in many different scenarios and i just can't get it to fail at all. So i really hope this is true.

    Now to the fun part, converting to PlayerUID tied build system. This is not a beginner choice, but i will try and explain it step for step, even tho you might not fully understand why it has to be like this or that when we edit the code, just know that it has to be and you shouldn't edit it any other way then how i explain you to do it.

    I expect that you have custom compiles.sqf and fn_selfAction.sqf else search for it on the forum how to

    First off a little help for debugging, i'm going to show you how to log info from the clients connected to your server to the Server RPT! This is NOT the same as using the client RPT file so do not exclude looking in that if anything isn't working for you.
    Open "Client_PBO\dayz_code\init" folder and copy publicEH.sqf to your "MISSION_FOLDER\custom" folder Open your mission init.sqf and change call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; to call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\publicEH.sqf"; Open your publicEH.sqf that we just copied and search for PVDZE_obj_setlocalVars below this line add this in "WG_admin_Log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_logWGadmin = _this select 1;diag_log format["Client To Server: %1",_logWGadmin];}; any where you want to log anything from the client to the server log you use this code _log = (format["your text here: %1 %2 %3",your,variables,here]);WG_admin_Log = [_log];publicVariableServer "WG_admin_Log"; The above code will show "Client To Server: your text here: your variables here" in the server RPT Thats it for Client to server logging use it as you want, it helped me out alot! beside the Server and Client RPT

    Change Character to PlayerUID
    Then Search for
    Download Kronzkys String Functions Library from HERE
      Extract KRON_Strings.sqf to the root of your mission folder and open up the init.sqf in your mission folder and add to the bottom nul=[] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf"; Now open KRON_Strings.sqf and at the bottom add this KRON_convertPlayerUID = { private["_in","_up","_out"]; _in=_this select 0; _up=[_in] call KRON_StrUpper; _out=[_up,"AX","999"] call KRON_Replace; _out }; In your custom compiles add or edit the following (depending on how your run your compiles.sqf) to what in the codebox fnc_usec_damageActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_damageActions.sqf"; player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_updateGui.sqf"; player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_build.sqf"; Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageActions.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf" to the custom folder
      Open player_updateGui.sqf in the custom folder and go to line 155 and replace this _charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; _rcharID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; with this _charID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_charID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _charID=[_charID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; _rcharID = getPlayerUID _humanityTarget; _found=[_rcharID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _rcharID=[_rcharID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; and add "_found" to the private array at the top
      Open fn_damageActions.sqf in the custom folder and go to line 58 and replace this _charID = _unit getVariable ["CharacterID", 0]; with this _charID = getPlayerUID _unit; _found=[_charID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _charID=[_charID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now go to line 153 and change _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; to _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "custom\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; and add "_found" to the private variable at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf" to your custom folder and open it up and replace _callerID = _caller getVariable "CharacterID"; _targetID = _target getVariable "CharacterID"; with _callerID = getPlayerUID _caller; _found=[_callerID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _callerID=[_callerID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; _targetID = getPlayerUID _target; _found=[_targetID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _targetID=[_targetID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now add "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf" to your custom folder and open remove.sqf up and find at line 15 _activatingPlayer = player; just below add this _playerUID = getPlayerUID _activatingPlayer; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Find _isOwnerOfObj = (_objOwnerID == dayz_characterID); and replace it with _isOwnerOfObj = (_objOwnerID == _playerUID); Now find if(dayz_characterID != _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID != _ownerID) then { Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now open up player_upgrade.sqf you copied before and find _needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246"; below that insert _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then find if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file Now open up player_build.sqf you copied before and find (This is also relatively easy to do if you use my or otternas version of snap build) if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_43"), "PLAIN DOWN"];}; just below add _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then find if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Then find (if you use otternas or my version of build snap _tmpbuilt is _object) _tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true]; and replace with _tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true]; Then find (if you use otternas or my version of build snap _tmpbuilt is _object) PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname]; and replace with PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname]; Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf" to your custom folder and open player_buildingDowngrade.sqf up and search for _needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246"; and add this just below
    _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then Search for
    // check if friendly to owner if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with
    // check if friendly to owner if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Then search for 
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true]; _objectCharacterID = dayz_characterID; and replace it with
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true]; _objectCharacterID = _playerUID; Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      In your fn_selfAction.sqf find "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf" and replace with "custom\remove.sqf" there is 2 places it has to be changed.

    Now search for player_upgrade.sqf and change the path to "custom\player_upgrade.sqf" Then search for _ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; just below add _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now search for if(_isModular and (dayz_characterID == _ownerID)) then { and replace it with if(_isModular and (_playerUID == _ownerID)) then { Now search for //Packing my tent if(_isTent and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (_ownerID == dayz_characterID) then { and replace it with //Packing my tent if(_isTent and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (_ownerID == _playerUID) then { Now search for //Sleep if(_isTent and _ownerID == dayz_characterID) then { and replace with //Sleep if(_isTent and _ownerID == _playerUID) then { Now search for player_buildingDowngrade.sqf and change the path to "custom\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf"

    Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now you'r done and all build objects are now tied with your PlayerUID instead of CharacterID's. Friend system is also converted same goes for upgrade and remove. Just remember if you die the player has to refriend the players he was friends with before but they don't have to do it back unless they die themself. This also works perfectly if you run multiple characters as all characters have the same PlayerUID and they can all build. on the same plot.

    So go tell your players to rebuild their plot pole!

    I will not give any other install instructions or help in any other way as there is simply too many factors involved. i have tried following this guide before i posted it and it works if you follow it step for step. I will not help installing it on your server and i don't take any responsibility if you break anything on your server. Remember always to do backup!

    If you want to test it out visit my Napf server

    I do NOT allow anyone to repost this on other sites, if you have a translated version into any language post it in the thread and I will merge it and give credit for translation. If I find a translated version or same version posted on other sites I will do what I can to get it removed and that person will never get any sort of help ever again from me!
  22. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to Sequisha in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    ...and this is precisely the attitude that warrants our crispy replies.
    No different from standalone? Then go play Cod.
    2 posts.

    no face.
  23. Like
    CartoonrBOY got a reaction from MGT in Anyone know of any servers that will possibly be hosting a Arma 3 Epoch Namalsk after server files are released   
    I think I just fell in love...awesome MGT!
  24. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to MGT in Anyone know of any servers that will possibly be hosting a Arma 3 Epoch Namalsk after server files are released   
    It's like you read my mind!

    I started working on a port to Namalsk yesterday 
    Map loads fine, no big errors, it runs nice and smooth
    To do
    Loot table
    Antagonists and possibly blood suckers
    Traders and cities
    Snow/Cold weather/Warm Clothes
    Package Namalsk map into a simple download
    Will be getting help from the devs as the setup could be applied to any of the Arma 2 maps
  25. Like
    CartoonrBOY reacted to jaspoe30 in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    Sandbird, I definitely understand your frustration and anger. Your contributions to the Epoch community are hugely appreciated and please don't feel undervalued because a couple of miscreants treat your hard work with disrespect. I hope I speak for 99% of the community in saying that the majority of us don't condone or tolerate the stealing of someone else's hard work. I hope the Epoch moderators also feel the same way and give you the respect you deserve.
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