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Posts posted by jahangir13

  1. It should not be an issue to get the select/insert/update statements i guess. If zupa wants people to use this also on linux he will help us if soul for whatever reason says no. Don't want to have the source code of the dll...just the statements.

    @zupa: i had a quick look this week into the project thread and there are 4 different dlls mentioned if i saw that correctly. Which one is the right one here or does the server owner needto choose what does fit best to what other mods he uses?

  2. Variables now need to be initialized or checked if these are 'nil' before using them.

    if (!isNil "variable") then {

    Use the variable.



    For all the server_menu variables I set -1 for all of them at the end of init.sqf.

    s_player_servermenu = -1;
    s_player_servermenu1 = -1;
    s_player_servermenu2 = -1;
    s_player_servermenu31 = -1;
    s_player_servermenu32 = -1;
    s_player_servermenu4 = -1;
    s_player_servermenuCancel = -1;


    in fn_selfAction:

    if((speed player <= 1) && _canDo) then {
                if (s_player_servermenu < 0) then {
                    s_player_servermenu = player addAction [("<t color="#ff9900"">" + ("Server Menu") +"</t>"),"servermenu\server_menu.sqf","",-1,false,false,"", "];
            } else {
                player removeAction s_player_servermenu;
                s_player_servermenu = -1;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenu1") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenu1;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenu2") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenu2;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenu31") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenu31;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenu32") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenu32;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenu4") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenu4;
                if (!isNil "s_player_servermenuCancel") then {
                    player removeAction s_player_servermenuCancel;


    ...as an example.

  3. 50 Euro for my dedicated root server with 16 GB Ram (they now offer 32GB for same price) with 3TB hardsisk (2 - but no SSD) with a nearly new Intel core in Germany and I can do what I want on it and my Tekkit Lite users pay for it ,)

    20 TB throughput until they switch it down from 200Mbit to (don't know, never reached it).

    There are better/cheaper ones I guess, you just need to search for it a bit. The expensive stuff is the pre-configuration with Overpoch/napf or whatever. I just got it with an OS, but I did not need to change/install too much. Webserver and everything was already in the OS package. 2 days of reading and you know for yourself how that works on a dedicated box I guess.




    And never had any problem with them for 1 1/2 years. Never had a server before but I would never live without one from now on (even if I need to pay the 50(-100 for a better box) EUR each month on my own).

  4. There is no real world and a seperate database world. Both are the same. If you delete things in the db they are gone.

    to get rid of objects damage is added to them. I am on linux and have no idea of hive. But i think it's configured in the hive.ini to put damage on objects in a specific timeframe. An database event running from time to time then deletes objects with damage = 1. The event is included in the sql folder of the release as far as i know. Maybe you need to allow/enable executions of events in your mysql database.

  5. @Sandbird: I thought I've send another reply but it does not seem to be here. For your dialog initialization I've found this:



    There are different Null types for different kind of objects. Maybe that can be used ;)



    @ZUPA: if you will look into zombie_agent.sqf, please let me know how Zeds can react more accurately, hehe. I was searching for this for so long and I cannot figure this out. What I mean: I have walking Zeds...and if I move along them, they still continue with their move , I guess until it finishes, bevor they recognize where I am and then slowly turn into my direction. What I want is: I walk along them and in the moment I am in their back, they should already follwo me. Don't know if that can be accomplished (but I know that you have a very good understanding how things work here and how they fit together...maybe you have an idea) ;)

  6. Good, will also do this.

    I am wondering, and encountered that already months ago...that if there is an error somwewhere, other errors are not far.

    What I mean: if there are errors nobody else has (and I guess they would hopefully not release a new Epoch version if there are errors like in zombie_agent.sqf in there) there must be something else wrong and there are maybe subsequent faults from something else.


    So I need to check why I get this error now and did not get this the last days. Really, I hate this language/interpreter. I have not a fraction of the trouble with any other scripting language whatever that is ;)

  7. I've seen this post today for the first time and I really like changing textures a bit.

    But what does it help if you need to put everything into the mission file which get's easily oversized then (also true for custom sounds).


    How difficult is it or who has experience with creating a mod (is this the right word) which just contains additional texture/sound files.


    If someone wants to use it, he needs to download it and load it via an additional start parameter. If someone does not know or don't want to download it, the normal textures (and/or no sound) should be used.


    I guess this is not possible.


    Or is there a way to automatically download stuff client side from server if it's needed (like in counterstrike long ago)? I know this can be a security issue...but maybe only possible for specific types of files (jpg, ogg somthing like that).


    Does anybody has experience with stuff like this?

  8. @ Rusty/Mark88: (to your post here: )


    If you want to use several textures for the same class/model you could use a switch/case method to randomly select one and nothing will break (took me hours as always to get this to work...but ok, I hate this scripting language ,) ).


    So the texture will look different for every vehicle you spawn from this class.

  9. Seems that DayZCommander is back working again. Just found my linux server there which was not working all the time now ;)

    Also the overall number of servers changed. The last weeks it was always the same number.


    Greets, jahan.

  10. Hi guys,


    just to let you know: DayZ Commander seems to be working again! My server is found again and also the overall number of servers changed ;))

    Had a look now every dy as I thought I am doing something wrong...but seems that is ficed on DZC side now.




  11. You see. I don't know sould coins (and did not find anything on a quick search in google) but someone who installed this alreay on a different map than Chernarus may help now. But this was essential information missing before. So people know where to start. Cause I've found so many posts about your error message (as you might also have found) that I knew that it must be related to something you changed or did wrong manually.

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