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Posts posted by jahangir13

  1. Hi,


    I am using admintools and if I spawn an item crate I get kicked by battleye. So far so good as it's set that s.o. gets kicked for creating a vehicle 'box'.



    1 "" !="WeaponHolder" !="TinCan" !="Rabbit" !="Goat01_EP1" !="Goat02_EP1" !="Goat" !="WildBoar" !="Sheep" !="Sheep02_EP$
    1 "SeaGull"
    5 "box" !="DebugBoxPlayer_DZ" !="MedBox0" !="AmmoBoxSmall_556" !="AmmoBoxSmall_762" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox" !=$
    5 "Mine"


    The createvehicles.log:

    04.10.2014 04:17:28: [666] jahan ( - - #2 "USOrdnanceBox" 3:112 [8918,16172,31]


    I want: not to get kicket if the box USOrdnanceBox is created from the admintools script file admintools\crates\items.sqf


    What I don't want:

    - switch 5 (kick) to 1 (log) in front of the line (#2)

    - make an exception at the end of the line for USOrdnanceBox, like !="USOrdnanceBox" (as then everybody, as I understand it, can spawn such a thing.


    I want not to be kicked if the command to create this vehicle was called from the file/script mentioned above only. In all other cases the player should get kicked.


    In the script file:

    _classname = "USOrdnanceBox";

    // Location of player and crate
    _dir = getdir player;
    _pos = getposATL player;
    _pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];
    _spawnCrate = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];


    What I read in forums etc. was to make an exception for the line of code which actually spawns this vehicle...so I tried to add this at the end of the createvehiclex.txt line:


    !"_spawnCrate = createVehicle \[_classname"

    and also this:

    !"_spawnCrate = createVehicle \[\"USOrdnanceBox\""


    Also don't know if the syntax is !="xyz" or just !"xyz". And do I need to put the FULL line of code here? Don't think so...it just parses for the text which is here...if it matches, the execption should work?


    Everything I tried here did not work. Anyone an idea how this is done the right way?




  2. I will have a look how that is on my server. Seems that player 2 of character 12 is loaded after logging in but character 13. I think I remember that something like that happened when I was playing around with the gender/zombie stuff. There is something wrong as it seems. Did you logout completely or only to the lobby? I am not sure if that makes a difference. What you could also test: if you logout (to lobby or completely)...are that values then correct in the database but NOT in the latest cache files (after Save Player...).


    It's a bit late to see anything anymore but isn't this in the wrong order:


    my $sth = $dbh->prepare ('UPDATE Character_DATA SET Inventory=? WHERE CharacterID=?');

    my $res = $sth->execute ($cid, $inv);


    ...in h_player_split_inventory? I mean my $res = $sth->execute ($inv, $cid); should be correct or not?

  3. Yes, I see it in DZ Launcher. Dean Reed already told me...but there I could not see it (maybe takes some time until it shows up there). Im wondering what's the difference between DZC and DZ Launcher.

    I was in a discussion with the DZC developer, but we did not figure this out so far. But there are some servers which show up there (DZC). If you refresh the server list and search for linux (if not some server owner under windows just put 'Linux' into the hostname ,) ) you will see some > 10.

    I was wondering about the modstring which is showing up if you put your mouse over such a Linux server entry in the list. I see nothing for my server. Also detectedMod string shows Dayz for my server and DayZEpoch for these Linux servers.

  4. Yes, as I wrote in the other post by devd (steam update). Set verifySignatures back to 2 and get rid of the old dayz epoch key file in server-root-dir/keys

    That is just caused by an old signature file. verifySignatures set to 0 will allow everyone to use any mod on your server.


    The 'other' set. What does it contain? The normal custom loadout you defined or some previous stage (you ate something but it is back there)? Sometimes you need to 'change' something in order to get things saves at all. If you for example go into a car...and you drive around. You are still in the car and logout/close the game. The next time you login you will be at a previous position. The game (or DB) did not recognize that you drove around. If you stop the car and you leave it. Maybe walk some meters...the new position you have will be saved. Sometimes that works as designed I guess (or you need to 'train' your players). That's what I can remember when I had my server. What I mean is: everything is triggered by an specific action...there is no realtime check for everything a player is doing. With 'train your players' I mean let them know that if they move with a vehicle they need to get out again (if the client crashes or there is a server restart everthing done in the car is lost).


    If you tell me a way how to exactly reproduce this I may figure out why that is (maybe still an error, but maybe works as designed in the linux version). Does that works for all players (all the time or just sometimes) or only for a set of players...where for whatever reason something got corrupted in the db?

  5. I tried your script today.



    Maybe one thing to mention on the github readme (It failed, what to do):
    The clone command you mention there fails for me: Permission denied (public key).
    I used: git clone https://github.com/emestee/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic.git (clone url from the github page)...and via the url it then worked.


    I can not get over 'Wait for Host' as I've already mentioned in the other post (steam update of devd).

    This is the error mesage in console when the server freezes: NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(xxxxxxxxxxx): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

    This is caused by a wrong key file in epoch/keys. How can you get over this step? Does that maybe mean that something with my client is not ok...even if I am able to connect to any other server? Cause I guess others can connect to this installation (or do all have verifySignatures set to 0 ?)


    Hm, but I hoped (that's the reason to try this) that I forgot something on my installation so that the server does not show up in DZC...but it's the same here for me :(

  6. Hm, whatever I'm trying I do not get my server shown in DayZCommander. But I can see a few others there. Don't know what they've configured differently.


    If I install and launch steam (GUI) via an WIndows X server I do get rif of these messages:

    [s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
    [s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so


    But then the server shutsdown at the moment a player connects and the mission is being read (without any message).


    If I do not launch steam GUI I am getting these 2 warning/error messages and I can connect.


    But it never shows up in DZC. Any idea from someone where the server shows up in DZC?

  7. As far as I know a plane sometimes has a GPS onboard...so that's the reason you see the way points. That has nothing to to with linux or windows version but from the settings you have in your user profile.


    class Veteran
                    class Flags


    That's an example of my veteran class in cfgdayz/users/cfgdayz.arma2oaprofile. I guess hudWp and hudWpPerm needs to be set to 1.

    In class veteran this is normally switched off. You can change it here or change the class which should be used in server.cfg (difficulty = "xxx"):


    class Missions
            class DayZ {
                    template = dayz_epoch_11.chernarus;
                    difficulty = "veteran";


    P.S.: i have 2 files cfgdayz.arma2oaprofile, one in cfgdayz and one in cfgdayz/users...you need to try a bit which one is the right one here. I cannot remember what I did to have 2 ;)

  8. Lol, the JSON model fix devd provided yesterday was exactly what was still missing for me here. My problem is that I have no idea what JSON does.

    But ok...logging out and back in as a zombie now also works. Need some more testing tomorrow and also to figure out what I've changed altogether (which was not too much)...then I will provide some details how to manage Gender Selection, playing as a Zombie and as a side effect the normal (windows) way for custom loadouts.

  9. As the video shows you are not a Zed again after logging back in. Therefore I've asked how that behaves in the normal Windows version.

    Don't want to visit 10 servers and try that out until I am infected. Could take hours and then I recognize that the server has the parameter to play as Zed disabled ;))

  10. Great ;)

    The writer json part is what I've commented out yesterday on my server to get female models to work. That's a good hint, then I can enable that again.


    Maybe (if you have some time) you can confirm that the key files (at least one - maybe only the old dayz_epoch1042) are not ok with the server or/and that you had config option verifySignature = 0 enabled.

    Everybody should set this to 2. Otherwise any mod (with bad code in it) can be used on the client....what, I guess, nobody wants ;)

  11. @*OCB* Trollspace: Do you have a link to see that this is a bug?



    @ Albertus Smythe: In dayz_code/init/variables.sqf...is the skin contained in AllPlayers there? Is Camo1_DZ the name of the skin or was it just an example?


    AllPlayers = ["Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorWcombat_DZ","SurvivorWdesert_DZ","SurvivorWurban_DZ","SurvivorWsequishaD_DZ","SurvivorWsequisha_DZ","SurvivorWpink_DZ","SurvivorW3_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","Bandit2_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","BanditW2_DZ","Soldier_Crew_PMC","Sniper1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Rocket_DZ","Rocker1_DZ","Rocker2_DZ","Rocker3_DZ","Rocker4_DZ","Priest_DZ","Functionary1_EP1_DZ","GUE_Commander_DZ","Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","Haris_Press_EP1_DZ","Pilot_EP1_DZ","RU_Policeman_DZ","pz_policeman","pz_suit1","pz_suit2","pz_worker1","pz_worker2","pz_worker3","pz_doctor","pz_teacher","pz_hunter","pz_villager1","pz_villager2","pz_villager3","pz_priest","Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","Drake_Light_DZ","CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ","FR_OHara_DZ","FR_Rodriguez_DZ","CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","Graves_Light_DZ","GUE_Soldier_MG_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ","GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1_DZ","TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","TK_Commander_EP1_DZ","RU_Soldier_Crew_DZ","INS_Lopotev_DZ","INS_Soldier_AR_DZ","INS_Soldier_CO_DZ","INS_Bardak_DZ","INS_Worker2_DZ"];


    If it's NOT in AllPlayers array it will be overwritten in dayz_serber.pbo/compile/server_playerLogin.sqf. So if It's not contained there, it just need to be added, I guess, and then it should be still available after login.


       if (!(_model in AllPlayers)) then {
            _model = "Survivor2_DZ";

    Seems that all skins are contained here.


    Did you get this message in dump.log: Error h_player_update(): model invalid json! ? I had the problem after getting gender selection to work...that if the model was a woman model I've got this error message. I've just commented out the json check in writer.pl (I do not really understand what the check is doing to be honest, but after commenting this out it worked to keep the woman skin.

  12. Nobody? I am already able to get the gender selection screen and I can play as a zombie. But after logging out and in again I am again a man.

    Just want to know if that is the normal behaviour of the game or if there is still something wrong within my changes.



  13. Yes, download works now. Seems to be another version. And the error was not related to setting the plattform to winddows. It's needed to download arma2oa and then 219540. You cannot download it alone. That was all.

    I try now to setup a completely new server. I tried just downloading/copying the new files.


    But what is the advantage? As I said: who wants to setup scripts and everything again, hm ;)

    I just want to see if this version (which claims to be the steam version) helps to let the server show up in DayzCommander. If not, I do not need it. My server runs without expansion beta directory. So I did still not understand for what this might be needed.



    I guess that this version does not run as it has been uploaded.


    As this guy (-sc-) explains (or figured out) the key files are somehow not compatible with the server version:



    After I've deleted all keys in the /server/keys directory and just kept the dayz_epoch1051.bikey key file there, it worked to reach the lobby. You then get over 'Wait for Host' which stayed there for hours.

    But after a short while the server just shuts down.


    Can anyone confirm that this works for him? @Devd: did you have verifySignature = 0 in your config (which is a bad idea)??



    With dayz.bikey and dayz_vb.bikey additionally in the keys directory I can connect to the game.

    Maybe some others can also be used....but at least 1 key file does not work here (don't know if any others are needed. As I can connect now, I guess not. Maybe also one of the 2 last ones I've added are not needed (dayz_vb.bikey?))).

    I am to tired of testing this any further.


    But I would still be very happy if you could explain a bit what has been changed. That does not need to be a complete changelog. But without any comment it's a real pain to figure out these errors.

    I guess dayz_server.pbo has been changed to have english texts in it now only?

  14. Steam>app_update 33900 validate
    ERROR! Failed to install app '33900' (No subscription)


    Hm, is this a second arma2 version (US or something)?



    Steam>app_update 219540 beta112555 validate
    ERROR! Failed to install app '219540' (Invalid platform)


    --> ah ok. This cannot be downloaded individually.



    @Devd: could you explain a bit more about the changes and what the advantage here is?

    I mean...why does the mission file need to be updated (I guess that nobody wants to install all the scripts again).

    Why the dayz_server.pbo and why writer.pl (where I also did some changes)?


    I hoped that this will now show up in DayZCommander again, but it does not. Maybe I have overseen something. But at the moment I feel more comfortable keeping my old server ,)

  15. Who can tell me how this is in the Windows version:


    You spawn as a zombie after dying infected. Now you logout. You login again. Are you now still a Zed or a normal player again?

    If the second statement is true (normal player), what about the inventory...is it still empty as it was when being a zombie before?

  16. You told me you will keep the server private. But for others out there I cannot mention often enough not to run a 'productive' server without signature check V2 enabled.

    Take an older server e.g. 1.63 112555 where this (for me) works. A link to the file is in my video description ([video TUTORIAL] Epoch Linux Server Download all Files to the Server) or find it in Google.

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