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Posts posted by jahangir13

  1. Windows...and I played on other server to see if it works before I started with the linux server. I've uploaded tge files.

    I don't want to say that it will not work in your way...just that I don't know exactly what to do here or what is different...but I guess you will find some answers on Google from people who installed this via wine. Or just do it the way I've suggested above...compare the files. So you do not need to upload everything again...just what is different.

  2. Yes but I guess that not all files are the same after starting the games in your windows. There is a difference somewhere which causes the server not to start properly.

    The problem is that I did not do it that way...so I cannot really help.

    The only thing I can suggest is to compare your files with the list I provided in the description of the video to see if all files are there and in the right directories and if the file sizes matches.

    On my first try I did NOT start Arma2/Arma2OA on my windows...uploaded all the files and dayz_code.pbo had a different file size. Server did not start. If I remember correctly 2 other files had a size difference also. Compare the file&folder structure and you are good to go I would say.

  3. To  install steam with wine to download it? Hm. But however the rest is the linux version I hope.

    You need to execute Arma2 and Arma2OA 1 time as far as I know to get the files right. Even if it don't run correctly.. I don't know how that works.

    Or have a look at your installation (where you can connect to other epoch servers) on your windows and just upload all the files which have a different file size. Not all files are different, a lot are always the same. Maybe that helps but it's some work. I guess I cannot help here anymore though ;) Hm.

  4. When you changed the mysql user/pass: did you change that also in writer.pl?

    Can your epoch user with pass connect to the mysql database. Are the ports open to connect from outside?


    I the above is true, I guess, you need to send your dump.log and a clean RPT log from your client. Maybe something can be seen there. A remote diagnosis is difficult, hm ,)

  5. No I mean. You started the server before and for whatever reason it was not closed properly or something. Checked your error messages in google and a lot of things pointed to that. I do NOT mean a second game or server running...just the same one but hanging or whatever.

    Did you do a: ps aux | grep epoch?


    Or do you mean you can connect to the server and play but it does only not show up in DayCommander?


    What do you mean: I only changed mysql login?

    The user/password you use for that?

  6. I used 'ldd epoch' to see if any shared library is missing to run the program.

    Is that all the output you get doing 'ldd epoch'?


    I don't know if that is an issue...did you try to execute epoch.sh afterwards. To me it looks like the needed libraries are not dynamically linked, these are statically linked...but I don't know if thast means they are missing.


    Did you try to go on and start the server with epoch.sh? And what kind of Linux are you using?

    What does the dump.log say if you start the server. Maybe there still some files needed you dod not copy or a ./tolower is missing. Maybe your main folder or any folder still contains capital letters?

  7. I've created and released a short video tutorial for newcomers to the Linux Version of the Epoch Server which hopefully
    helps you guys out to get the Basic Installation done (and as a reference for the more experienced ones among you).

    It shows all commands neccessary from after downloading the files from the GitHub Repo up to a working Linux Epoch Server.
    (I tried to keep it as short as possible, no need to talk minutes about my desktop or other crap ,) )

    Please have a look at the Video Description(!) as it contains additional useful information like the commands used (for copy&paste), all the links as well as the file and directory structure after completion of the installation/setup process (for a comparision).



    Have fun, guys!




    Edit (17.05.2014): I've added a section on my Epoch faq page (link in video description) for Common Issues and how to solve these. It is a collection of issues people asked me via PM.

  8. Hi all,


    maybe someone has an idea or solution for this:


    If I load a file from the file system, e.g. via loadFile or preprocessFile, I can only load it once per mission load/reload. Means I change the content of the file each x seconds and if I login with my player and have a look at the output of the diag_log command I have in my script the output always has the same content, until I relogg again.


    Is there any way to switch off this caching of files (or how to call it). I mean if I create a new file with a new name (file1.sqf, file2.sqf, file3.sqf,...) this new file gets loaded with the updated content...but if I read the same filename again and again it shows always the same content.


    2.) Is there a way to delete files from the file system via the game?



  9. Lol, I was not sure if Events work in the Linux Version of the server and it took me quite a bit to figure out what the issue was:


    There is a typo in the initial post: "hello_word" instead of "hello_world".


    @vbawol: maybe you can correct this in the OP so that others may not struggle into the same thing again.

  10. Hm, I do not use hive. I am using the linux version. But think doing things in the DB directly should be always better from a performance point of view.


    But...if you use indestructable bases...what will you update then? You can only maintain things if there is some damage. You would need to change the maintain_area.sqf script I guess to allow maintenance even if there is no damage.

    It's just setting the if condition to always true where it checks how much damage the objects have (did not have a look into the code now). And you need to check if the objects get updated if there is no change...but they should.

    It's too late here currently...I could have a look tomorrow if you cannot figure it out for yourself.

  11. Imapper: yes, and the second thing with the if for checking player speed? I have the feeling with my server menu that it only appears if there is a change, like I run or stand still...or you have a look at a cursurtarget or something. It does not apear if the condition is just set to true. It needs some kind of update or change if you understand what I mean?

  12. That was exactly my issue as debian has 'old' packages to be safer.




    You need a newer version if gcc if I remember correctly. I got this from a testing repository. If you got this...the rest should work fine.


    EDIT: hm, I am not sure about a newer gcc. Enter your error message in google and you find a lot of hints. Maybe adding something so the LD_Library path was enough. That was in january...I cannot really remember unfirtunately. I guess I've added a testing repo and installed the missing lib from there.


    These sound good:




    (...and it was related to a newer gcc...at least 4.6.2 or something.)

  13. Hi,


    first parameter is the radius the plotpole 'reaches'...the second, I am not 100% sure, the distance how far the next plotpole needs to be away. Not sure, as always...just guessing what could make sense. 80% chance that it fits ,)

  14. If you type in your name you will get the same error.
    just means that it cannot find a command with that name
    check if the gcc package is installed and if so check if it has a different name.

    on my system for example it's gcc-4.7 .
    Do a 'which gcc' to check or type gcc <tab><tab> for command completion to see if there is a program starting with 'gcc'.

    if there is nothing install the gcc package: yum install gcc

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