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Posts posted by jahangir13

  1. To 3:

    I have the following settings in my arma2oaprofile file:


            class Veteran
                    class Flags

    There are 2 files on my server...1 in cfgdayz and cfgdayz/users. I have the same seetings in both of the files as I did not want to test which one is talen ;)

    With that I do NOT have Player-markers on the map but I can set waypoints.



    In server.cfg make sure that you have these settings at the end (if you changed that in veteran above);

    class Missions
            class DayZ {
                    template = dayz_epoch_11.chernarus;
                    difficulty = "veteran";



    As my server is still a test server...I do not have many players on it. But I never lost an item so far.Is it that xou have e.g. 5 items in a safe and then there are only 4 or 3. Or is the whole safe or whatever gone?

    For Cars I could imagine that there might be an SQL event which takes old cars away? Are that always bought cars then or cars they found around the map?


    If I remember correctly that happened to me only if I restarted the server (for whatever reason) without restarter.pl. Or I logged out being in a car sometimes before server restart or I just did not logout.

    If I put something into a car inventory I always get into the car and get out again to update it (sometimes I move it 1m). Don't know if that's really neccessary or if my observations above are 100% correct (personally feeling ,) ).

    But if I tow/lift a car and do NOT get in again it will be at the old position after a restart as it's not newly updated. So always get into the car and leave it as a try.


    I sometimes in the beginning had a look into dump.log and the server was running. That's not a good idea ,) If you want to have a look there copy it to another file and have a look there or do a screen -r to see it live. That also caused issues for me. (All of that are only personal observations where I don't know exactly if these are true...so not forensically excessively tested).



    I have a short desync if the server restarts and all the object files are loaded and server_cleanup.fsm executes.


    I put a output line into server_monitor.sqf just to see when it's finished:

                _id = [] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm";
                ////////// jahan: message to clients that vehicles can now be bought
                [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Server Cleanup complete. It's now safer to buy vehicles at traders.", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

  2. Hm, ./tolower should do the same thing?


    Your error message... Cannot open file '/home/dayz/arma2overpoch/@dayzoverwatch\addons\sbh_paranoia.pbo

    ...looks a bit like having normal slashes and backslashes in the command. Maybe it's just how the command shows it, but looks like copied from windows.

    But if it is running now, should be ok :)

  3. No, that are PBO files. And in my server the are located in the expansion/addon....for what I've seen.

    Maybe you are missing the beta version installed. I do not exactly know where these files are from...but from the location I guess these are from ArmaOA (normal or beta).

    If you say these files do not exist anymore...how can you then have completely the same files that I show in my list? ;)

  4. Do you know the Linux port? Do you ask too many questions ;))


    No, you can use these functions from the server files and it will read files from the server directory.


    Example from the server_playerLogin.sqf (server pbo):

    //Do Connection Attempt
    _doLoop = 0;
    while {_doLoop < 5} do {
        _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName];
        diag_log (_key);
            _key = format["\cache\players\%1\%2.sqf", MyPlayerCounter, _playerID];
            diag_log ("LOAD PLAYER: "+_key);
            _res = preprocessFile _key;
            diag_log ("PLAYER CACHE: "+_res);



    ...and so on. The files are loaded from the server file system (here e.g directory cache). All Hive calls (which are non-existent for Linux so far) are handled by logging to the server-log and parsing these things (CHILD:xxx:yyy:) via perl. All database communication is then handled by this script. Answers are written into these files and loaded back into the server.


    But as I said. 1 file only once per player login or mission read (or don't know exactly). I can load another file name but not the same (or with the same old content).

    But ok...seems that this is the way it works and I need to go around this which is a bit annoying.


    Never used Arma2net...but sounds a bit like this (for windows then). Custom sql calls, is it that?

  5. Warning Message: Addon 'CALanguage_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CALanguage_missions_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_Missions2_PMC' requires addon 'CAAir_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_Missions_BAF' requires addon 'CA_Missions_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CARoads_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CARocks_E'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CAStructures_E'
    You are missing the expansion/addon files, I guess. Have a look at the file&folder structure (link in the video description) to compare.
    Mayber you are missing more files or have them at the wrong location.
    I have no clue about the torrent files. I took mine from my local Epoch installation.
  6. Just want to know if there is a way to do it ,)

    No, I am using the Linux server version. Everything going via Hive is not available there. So everything is loaded via files.

    It's a real pain if you want to load changing things via files due to this caching mechanism. Real events are not working just as an example. I wrote a 'Hive' function to get freash date/time to a file. I now need a new file everstime I want to allow the player to get the updates values. Things like that.

    Did not read anything so far which gows around this...so I think it's not possible (and I always need a mechanism how to change the files).

    But maybe someone know a way which I did not think of or heard of so far.

  7. 1.) ["any","any","any",20,35,"abandonedvault"] You are correct here. [Year Month Day Hour Minute]


    2.) ["any","any","any","any",10,"abandonedvault"]


    3.) Don't know. These events (from how I understand how the Hive function is used) use the real operating system time (database server time).

    I guess the army2 time functions (date,...) can be used to check how long the mission is running and how much time is gone so far. These funtions are all mission (ingame) related.

  8. cron:

    * * * * * /path/to/check_server_running.sh




    somethine like:

    if [ ps aux | grep epoch == 0 ]




    (pseudo code only).


    Cron will check each minute if the process is still running. If not execute restarter,pl.

  9. You just need to set a absolute path in your restarter, that's all (did oversee your restarter line in the OP).



    ###use constant PATH      => $ENV{'PWD'}.'/'; # Set your epoch server dir
    use constant PATH      => '/home/dayzepoch/server1042/';



    0 */4 * * * /home/dayzepoch/server1042/restarter.pl >> /home/dayzepoch/server1042/restart.log 2>&1


    It's always a good idea to use absolute paths in my opinion.So you can execute a script independantly in which directory your user currently is.



    @DeanReid: I guess the root user in your screen was just an example? ;)

  10. What *nix do you have? The crontab entries sometime look a bit different.


    # m h  dom mon dow   command

    0 */4 * * * /home/dayzepoch/server1042/restarter.pl >> /home/dayzepoch/server1042/restart.log 2>&1


    Log to a file like I do  so you can see if there are messages (like binary not found or something).

    Or check your mails with 'mail' to see if you see the error messages there.

  11. Hi Dew,


    I've installed B3 and it's running. However I am not quite sure what to use it for ;) I mean, what can it do what I cannot do with the php scripts in this post and cron to restart?

    If I want to use it with epoch...I guess it's needed to download and install the Arma2 plugins additionally? Do these plugins support auto-restart and things like that?

  12. There is one post...I guess on the second page about whitelist. To be honest, I do not know exactly what is meant by a whitelist.

    I would add a password in server.cfg...then the server is whitelisted. Or not?


    For debug monitor and things like this...don't know how others see that here...the normal forum should be used. To keep here the things which are olinux server specific.


    This is just my opinion or better: how I understand this forum.

  13. ;))

    The howto/way is like this:


    - install arma2/arma2oa with wine

    - compare the files and upload all missing or with wrong sizes


    I guess that's all ;)


    You can write a howto how you got this to work with debian maybe.  I have squeeze (not the testing repositories) and I did not get it to work.

    I am missing some windows libs...even if I upload these it does not work. Something wrong with 64bit/32bit wine.

    On Ubuntu I never had any issues, hm.

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