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Posts posted by jahangir13

  1. You save 1 character in the file, that's all ;)


    But as far as I understand it...for this:


    _isalb = cursorTarget isKindOf "AH6J_EP1_DZE";
    _mgQTY = {_x == "2000Rnd_762x51_M134"} count magazines player;
    if (_mgQTY >= 2 and  _isalb) then {


    ...you evaluate _isalb with the code 'cursorTarget isKindOf "AH6J_EP1_DZE";' And you evaluate _mgQTY with the code '{_x == "2000Rnd_762x51_M134"} count magazines player;'.



    If you would do it like:

    if (_isalb && ( {_x == "2000Rnd_762x51_M134"} count magazines player; >=2 ) ) then {


    ...then you save the evaluation of the second part if _isalb is already false. The second part/code in the if will only be executed if the first part is already true. So the command which creates less load should be always first and more expensive code second. I did not check if the systax is really correct here (with brackets and so on)...just as an example.


    Depending on the code used as part a or b in the condition I guess this can really save some performance by avoiding unnecessary statements.

    But ok, it's easier to read if you evaluate the expressions first and then do the if ,)

  2. I went to the page where you can download DZC. There is a support link I've used to create a ticket to contact him (green support center button at the bottom of the DZC download page).

    I got an answer within 1 or 2 days but that didn't really help me. Thought using the Linux Server port of Epoch caused that my server is not showing up there until I've realized that a lot of other people are having similar issues.

  3. @CordlAsis: this bury corpes script gives the player who does it some humanity for this (for the Hero guys). The opposite of it is Gut Humans which takes some humanity for Bandits.

    In bury corpses there will be a grave after using it on a dead body with a box of the items the player had (so it's not really hidden) ,)


    So it's nothing essential to have but gives a bit more options you can do.



  4. What I always don't understand is: If you take the line from the error message and enter that in Google (class E_Class_ButtonSelect: E_RscButton), I get exactly 2 results links.

    First is your post here and second is where the code is coming from in Github (the file you posted).

    If you go one step back (into the ESS/Overwatch0.2.5/Chernarus/spawn directory) you see another hpp file where the class is defined (defines.hpp).

  5. Hi RussionCaliber:


    1.) I don't understand what this exactly means ;)


    2.) This cannot be answered clearly as everybody has different battleye files (I guess). You need to have a look into the publicvariable.log and see there what the kick reason was (there is the name/playeruid in the line, then somewhere #1 and behind that in " " the kick reason (here the publicvariable which was not allowed to be set). #1 means it's line 1 of you publicvariable.txt file. Comments ( // ) do NOT count...and the first line is 0.



    // blabla

    1 abcdef

    5 dgdgd !="sdadad" ... <-- this is your line #1


    3.) You need to search a bit in the forums for that. There are several ways I guess. Or you could just create a statement that deletes character_data rows where ALIVE = 0 (dead characters). But if there is no line available for that player with Alive = 1 so far you will delete the old humanity value for that player. Could be done via timestamp I guess (delete only if 5 days old or something). When I am at home I will have a look how I did that.

  6. Yes, these days I read something in a bug report for arma that if there is someone on the server with a very bad network connection (ow bandwidth), it blocks all other players which want to join. If you kick this single player, the others all join again.

    Maybe this is your problem...don't know. And if I remember correctly there was no real fix/workaround. In battleye you can define that a player gets kicked if the 'ping' is too high. But there is no kick option for players where the bandwidth is very low (as far as I know).


    Edit: here is the link: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/27001


    Let me know if the procedure of locating such a player worked and kicking this player helped ,)

  7. You cannot have the same classname twice (class CfgSounds).


    You define CfgSounds only once and in this class you create the other classes (introsong, siren,...).



    class CfgSounds
        //sounds[] = {};
        sounds[] =
        class playerSnoring
        titles[] = {};
        class cureEffect
        titles[] = {};
        class lockcar
        name = "lockcar";
        sound[] = {\custom\sounds\lockcar.ogg,0.1,1,40};
        titles[] = {};
        class lockbeep
        name = "lockbeep";
        sound[] = {\custom\sounds\lockbeep.ogg,0.1,1,40};
        titles[] = {};

  8. Thanks Harkness! Didn't know that the query ports needs to be used for favorites. Works again now ;))


    But do you have an idea what to do if a server is not showing up in white font there? I read something that the length of the text of the hostname parameter in server.cfg is important. I tried so many things but I did not manage that so far. But I see other servers showing up white.

  9. Yes, this was written from my phone. It should just give a hint that 2 lines with exitWith will always leave the script independantly from which of the 2 items you have in your inventory.

    So this needs to be handled in 1 condition.


    The problem here is how it is written. '"ItemXYZ" in _array' takes capitalization into account (but I also tried 5 times now ;)) ).


    This is the diag_log of _inventoryItems:

    "Items: ["ItemCompass","ItemRadio","ItemToolbox","ItemMachete","ItemMatchbox_DZE","MeleeHatchet_DZE","ItemKnife","ItemKeyYellow262","ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","Hatchet_Swing"]"


    ItemMap is the correct classname. Not ItemMAP.



    if ( !("ItemGPS" in _inventoryItems) && !("ItemMap" in _inventoryItems) ) exitWith {systemChat "JVP: You either need a map or GPS for the marker! Exit.";};

  10. Ah, the [ ] around _soundArray in the BIS_fnc_selectRandom line is too much.



    _soundToPlay  = [_soundArray] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


    needs to be:

    _soundToPlay  = _soundArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


    In your description.ext you also need other songs?? How would you randomly select if you only have 1?

  11. Why not make it random.


    _soundArray = ["introSong","introSong2","introSong3"]; // add your sounds here in a list/array


    _soundToPlay  = [_soundArray] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // select a random one from that array


    playsound _soundToPlay; // play the random sound

  12. The messages ok. You can ignore them.

    I had the problem that 1 key file in the servers 'keys' directory was not compatible with this version. Nobody said: yes, it's the same for me...so it's just an assumption. But after I've deleted the key files I do not need and just let dayz.bikey, dayz_epoch1051.bikey and dayz_vb.bikey in there, it worked for me.

  13. Do you use an old ui_selectSlot.sqf (that's the file in the spoiler?)?

    I will have a look this evening. I'm now at work and cannot look into my mission from here.

    I also use admin tools...so this does not interfere with the right click stuff for me so far.

  14. Tricks: one of the 2 condition get false and the script exits with exitWith if you don't have both of the 2 items.


    You would need 1 condition like: if !( ("ItemGPS" in _inventoryItems) && ("ItemMAP" in _inventoryItems) ) exitWith {systemChat "JVP: You either need a map or radio for the marker! Exit.";};

    If you negate an OR you get an AND. So if BOTH are not available throw the message.


    But how should the player see the map marker without map? Or does a GPS 'contain' a map which can be seen by pressing 'M'?

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