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Posts posted by Thug

  1. 1 hour ago, _Lance_ said:

    Also a couple weeks back you mentioned that you knew the cause of the issue where players login and get pushed back to the lobby

    This is what @salival told me to do. Remove this from AH.sqf: That is if you are running infistar . 

    [] spawn {
    	_INIT_OBJECT ='HeliHEmpty' createVehicle [0,0,0];
    	_INIT_OBJECT setVehicleInit "
    			[] spawn {
    				while {1 == 1} do
    					waitUntil {hintSilent str time; !isNull findDisplay 46};
    					diag_log '<infiSTAR.de> connected too early, server is still starting..!';
    					findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0;
    					sleep 0.3;
    	waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer" && !isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone" && !isNil "BIS_fnc_init" && !isNil "infiSTAR_INIT"};
    	clearVehicleInit _INIT_OBJECT;
    	deleteVehicle _INIT_OBJECT;
  2. We are putting together a Takistan server. Running good. The only thing is when you are logging into the server and you get to "Setup Completed, please wait". It will put you back into the lobby. Time is around 50 seconds when it does it. Once in the lobby, you can click ok and you will go into the game.

    Any thoughts what may be doing this.

    Only error is on Client Side RPT

    "<infiSTAR.de> connected too early, server is still starting..!"   (I waited 10 minutes to join and still get this)
    Service Point: loading config...
    "Res3tting B!S effects..."
    "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE],any]"
    "MPframework inited"
    "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Network simulation, time = 0.000
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x31357400) - network ID 2:1694
     - no main subgroup
    "Loading custom client compiles"
    DEPLOY: loading version 2.8.2 ...
    "DZE_Hotfix_1.0.6.1A: dayz_NutritionSystem patched"
    CLICK ACTIONS: loading...
    DEPLOY: waiting for login...
    "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\scripts\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
    ["Sent to server: PVDZ_plr_Login1",["players uid",B 1-1-A:1 (Thug)]]
    ["Sent to server: PVDZ_send",[B 1-1-A:1 (Thug),"dayzSetDate",[B 1-1-A:1 (Thug)]]]
    "PLAYER RESULT: true"


  3. Ok, I went around Taviana and found all the crates that are part of the map.  These are the ones that the circuit boards spawn on. Since in epoch they have no use.

    What I would like to do is spawn very good loot on them, but out of the 35 crates, every restart it will only spawn 6 items. Leaving 29 crates with nothing on them.

    Does anyone have a script that can be modified to do this. I have the world space cords needed and will share.


  4. 3rd Edit


    @Tech_Support So now I start your batch file.  It starts, server starts and bec starts.  When I shut down the server, the server closes and your batch file closes and after about 30 seconds the bec shuts down. Then nothing???

    Never mine about the below:  Forgot to put the bat file in the root of server. New problem.  When I start the bat file it start the bec and the server starts. Whats wrong is that bec shuts off. Whats left is the server running and your dos batch file running.

    Edit: I fixed the above by adding  --dsc  to the end of start BecTavi13.exe -f Config.cfg. So it looks like this:  start BecTavi13.exe -f Config.cfg  -- dsc


    @Tech_Support  When I run the bat file, the dos screen comes up. Then it starts the backup and I checked the backup location to see that they were there.  That part works.

    Then it says: bec started.  Then I get a white popup error that says:


    Windows cannot find 'BecTavi13.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.


    I set the following up in a .bat file called SERVER_RESTART_Tavi.bat

    This is what I put in the file below, you will notice that I changed BEC.exe to BecTavi13.exe. I always rename the bec and they alway work.


    @echo off

    ::CREDITS::Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor, f3cuk Database backup, juandayz
    set becPath="E:\Taviana 1061\instance_13_tavi\BattlEye\Bec"
    set serverPath="E:\Taviana 1061"
    set DB_USERNAME="Blah blah blah"
    set DB_PASSWORD="Blah blah blah"
    set DB_NAME="Blah blah blah"
    set PATH_TO_BACKUP_FOLDER="C:\backup"
    set PATH_TO_MYSQL_BIN="C:\xampp\mysql\bin"
    echo (%time%) Backing up database.
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=/ " %%F IN ('date /T') DO (set v_date=%%F%%G%%H)
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=: " %%F IN ('time /T') DO (set v_time=%%F%%G%%H)
    set fname=database_%v_date%_%v_time%.sql
    mysqldump.exe -e -u%DB_USERNAME% -p%DB_PASSWORD% %DB_NAME% > %PATH_TO_BACKUP_FOLDER%\%fname%
    echo (%time%) DIR %PATH_TO_BACKUP_FOLDER% FILE %fname%
    ping -n 5 >NUL
    echo Watching DayZ Overpoch Main Server For Crashes/Restarts...
    echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
    title Overpochins Taviana
    cd %becPath%
    echo (%time%) bec started.
    start BecTavi13.exe -f Config.cfg
    cd %serverPath%
    echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
    start /wait "arma2" /min "E:\Taviana 1061\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2415 -autoInit -noSound -noPause "-config=instance_13_Tavi\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_13_Tavi\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_13_Tavi" -name=instance_13_Tavi "-mod=@DayzOrigins;@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
    echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
    goto arma2oaserve



  5. 9 hours ago, kingpapawawa said:

    Thats your steam query port probably

    The steamqueryport is 2366. When 2365 starts it always shows it being 2366.

    I  posted this on Friday the 11th at 08:56 PM. Has not happened again. Prior to Friday, the last time it happened was on Monday the 7th. So it does not do it all the time. :huh:

    6 hours ago, Tech_Support said:

    I use a batch file server monitor script to launch the server and BEC to run the shutdown command then the monitor script restarts the server

    Would you be willing to share?

  6. Don't know if I posted in right section.

    I have an Epoch Taviana server. the port is 2365.  Sometimes when BEC restarts the server, it starts 2365 and 2377. One thing I noticed is that it starts port 2377 first.  It causes players to lag and it affects their ping.  Does anyone know why it would start two ports? OR where would I look? I don't see anything in server or mission RPT.


  7. 2 hours ago, salival said:

    Once again survival servers doing things wrong and making it harder for the end user

    What are they doing wrong? I have been using them for well over 2 and half years.


    Are you talking about the mission pbo?  When I setup a server with them, the first thing I do is delete the server side and mission side PBOs. Then download the ones from Epoch.  

  8. 1 hour ago, DAKA said:

    I will try it again. which code do I use, there are a couple of them listed here. which would you suggest.

    Sorry for the double post, having trouble with the spoiler.


    here are some pics

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/Napf Bridge (1).jpg

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/Napf Bridge (2).jpg

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/Napf Bridge (3).jpg

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/Napf Bridge (4).jpg

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/Napf Bridge (5).jpg

    Like I said, this goes from the north airfield to the island to the east of it. 

    If you want you can use this. It has some add-ons in it, like a store, house and so on. 
    There is a road leading up to the bridge and the bridge goes to the house on the south end of the island. 

    Create a file and call it bridge.sqf copy and paste the information above in the pastebin file. 

    copy and paste the following to the very bottom of the server_function. sqf  

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\bridge_to_AI.sqf";


  9. On 7/19/2017 at 8:31 PM, kingpapawawa said:

    This bridge starts behind AWOLS and goes to the island. 1400+m away (well it should) 

    My bridge is south of that, with no bumps or gaps. Thanks for the information.  I am going to try this. If it works, you will have proven that I wasted way to many hours in editor lol

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