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DayZ Vet

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Posts posted by DayZ Vet

  1. Player stats and forums activity says it all. it's a shame as ive been playing this since 2 months before release, but really has failed to keep up with the survival expectations, as other mods/games have filled it's place. the only thing that would save epoch is to start the mod from scratch or start a different project altogether, as i can't see you winning players back with that building and traders system, and mod breaking bugs. and evey youtuber/streamer i know IRL thinks the same, non of them can imagine spending time using that building system ever again.

  2. On 06/12/2015 at 0:35 AM, robowarrior1000 said:

    Two years ago I built this computer with a Radeon HD 7950 and an AMD FX 4100. dayz was running how i expected (low ish fps) my cpu was bottlenecking my gpu. about a month ago I upgraded my cpu to the AMD FX 8350 thinking that I would get better fps in dayz. I did notice an increase but not what I was expecting, after upgrading my cpu I have been getting around 30-40 fps out in the open. in any town it is terrible, I am lucky if i get 15 fps. I am concerned about this because a cousin also built a computer at the same time with about the same performance parts, (Intel i5 3570k and GTX 660). my concern is that he gets 50-70 fps in the open and 30-50 in towns while I get only half that. thanks

    i got a 8350oc @4.5 and a 270x and the game runs fine on max setting with view distance on 2k. my mate only gets 5fps more then my on the same server standing in the same place facing  the same way and he's got a i7 4960k with a 970

  3. On 16/12/2015 at 8:53 PM, MartinisGod said:

    Yeah I was looking at the DayzLauncher and A3Launcher statistics and Arma 2 has around 3000 people and Arma 3 has around 400. Also is there any site(s) that have lists with epoch/overwatch mods, and is learning how to script for arma difficult?



    The numbers don't lie KPABATOK LOL

  4. I had two servers with fastpoint but two weeks ago they went down and haven't been up since. They are not responding to emails or tickets. Also check their forum, lots of complaints of late. Something went wrong there. Don't get caught. 

    yeah we had a couple of servers with them, always lagging and going down and when they messed something up there end, we was left with one server that we couldnt use for last 3 weeks when they messed something up there end and refused to reset it back. 


    im currently playing on a server hosted by them and it's still lagging endless desync even tho my ping is 12 and my bandwith is 4k.

  5. Yeeaaah, they better not charge much more than that.  We need the damned objects now though...  wish they would release an update including clutter, veg, buildings and such and save other things for the DLC.

    Didn't BI say that marksman was the last payed dlc for Arma 3 and the rest will be free!

  6. "With a ground surface area of 270 km2". (source: http://blog.moricky.com/post/59384853947/game-maps)


    P.S. with water included it is 1000 km2. Like 30x30 km. I think now Chernarus+ with all those new added locations is around 230 maybe 240 km2 but it still looks small to me personally because of how the map is designed (just random corner/square).

    i'm sure it will cool what ever the size of the map as long the server owner picks the right amount of player slots accordingly, to what mod or mission file pvp and pve and so on, it's what we have all been doing all along even before this map came along!

  7. I like that it is finally a kind of a real jungle forest, not some random trees like in Altis. Really love it, however I am skeptical about playing Epoch on it...100 km2 is too small in my opinion, but I will definitely try it :) but yeah bright green everywhere looks really appealing.

    i'm going to use this on loads of different things epoch, wasteland, custom arma missions and so on. the forests do look sweet.


    i'm sure it will cool what ever the size of the map as long the server owner picks the right amount of player slots accordingly,

    I remmber ages ago playing the original dayz on a 10man server on Utes lol :ph34r: Small map low pop = Ridiculously good fps lol not that's a big deal

  8. i like how when the novelty wheres off and you put the server back to normal, you get some new players come to the server and bang on about wanting the nights to be longer, a week later they want it put back, then a week or two later you get some more new players on the server and guess what they want? YEP longer nights and so it continues lol :blink:

  9. One of the problems is that they spawn in and move right to the player, right over them completely giving them away instantly. If they gave more distance from the player and could patrol for any players nearby, not just the one that triggered it, it would be golden imo. I still think they should be lowered a bit too. They shouldn't be that hard to take out, let alone impossible since they're too high above your head.

    Sounds like trying to balance a problem that does even need to be there in the first place.

  10. Raise that A3 Epoch flag. Many have come and gone. But yet the dev's are still here. These poor bastard's are still hard at it pushing content, update's and patches. Like A2 Epoch I waited patiently and was pleasantly surprised. I feel this will be no different. 

    Like a fine wine

  11. I dont think drones are the only problem, i had 16 friends to play with on A2 epoch and A3 epoch when it first came out. now none of them play epoch anymore. only A2 epoch :o i'm still flying the A3 epoch flag

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