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DayZ Vet

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Posts posted by DayZ Vet

  1. Not a Gangster, i do have the ability to sense a whiney little cunt though. I wish you put as much effort into fixing your own problem than you did crying here. After all, you have wicked sick skills in making your own admin tools.

    Sounds like your the one crying!!

  2. Me and my mate have setup are own server and is already better than most of the pve servers ive played on in over 1700hrs of gameplay, so much custom stuff, once you play it you wont accept anything less, and all thanks to a badass scripter. We owe him big time lol

  3. Sorry for my lengthy post, didn't realize I was typing so much lol.

    And yes, this... It's how I play and keep having fun. I only TP if it's for some urgent admin thing, I find all my guns and ammo, buy all my vehicles, etc. But being an admin can still suck at times, like when your friends get banned, for example. And by the way DayZ Vet, you did show me a lot of helpful stuff, like when we got Infistar which I was completely unfamiliar with. Good luck in your future DayZ ventures.

    Booch you will be more than welcome to come and work on are new server!

  4. I wonder if possible or if anyone know how to change the in game green waypoint direction marker as I find this hard to see against the green foliage on the maps.  It would be great if We could change this to red or yellow ?.

    not sure, but when i find it hard to see it i look up or down so it goes to the edge of the screen making it more easy to see. hope this little trick helps in the meantime,

  5. DayZ Vet, the best possible solution for this is to find an new enjoyable server which you like playing on ^_^  There is plenty out there which are great.

    me and a friend are thinking of starting are own one to make sure we have a solid and respectful community, (not saying others don't) only had one server with this problem in the whole time of playing!


    p.s can anyone tell me how to delete my old threads on here?

  6. Simple solution. Find new server. Why would you want go back on that if admins are shit.

    i didnt want to go back, just wanted to know more about that tool and if it stopped me going on another server that was running it, they where the worst admins ive have ever came across i had to teach them so much, apart from booch he was cool.

  7. FastPoint Gaming has 1 click installs. Though they aren't open for business yet. Expect them to open this week.

    I've had a look around their services and had a trail server with them. 

    Very good servers, haven't had any issues with them at all. I for one will be switching to them when they go live.

    Currently they have 3-4 1 click install scripts but I spoke with the main developer there and he is going to be regularly adding the newest scripts as 1 clicks.

    thanks thats good to hear

  8. Of course you can unban someone you ban with Dart. Just edit the bans.txt on the server. Personally, I use BigBrotherBot and ban players from in-game but that's not really relevant.


    Server owners pay for their servers, so they have every right to do what they want on the server when it comes to deciding who they allow to play on it. I have never understood the people that complain they were banned from a server. Obviously if they are banning you and you didn't do anything wrong it's just a bad server to be on so why even bother? Find another server. There's plenty of good ones out there.

    yeah ill have to try another server as this one has had one of the worst admins i have ever came across in over 1600hrs of gameplay,


    P.s thanks for the feedback

  9. Banned with the dart tool is a problem, because even the admins that use this tool, can not unban.


    The next problem is, that every Server-owner is a little god on his server. If he does not unban you for "his" server, no one will do.


    Best will be, you change the server, Try the pve server in my signature or any else.

    Ok thanks for the feedback, ill try out your server



    Now ive been banned after not playing for 2 days, had not played because i had been racial discrimination and harassed by 3 of there players infront of two of there admins one being the owner, and they didnt do anything about it because im from the uk, and now they have admin banned me with the dart thing, is there a way to get off the list when you have been put on there unfairly. these kids should not have this power!!

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