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DayZ Vet

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Posts posted by DayZ Vet

  1. not just co-pilot seat, but taking over the controls and flying it as co-pilot. Actually it is the only way I fly my helis right now. Maybe you got in as co-pilot but didn't take over controls, maybe you took over controls but did not start the engine. Maybe you did start the engine but got out and got in as normal pilot and it exploded. Just too many variables.


    Personally, I am far from a lucky person, and I doubt that my helis just randomly stopped exploding on me when I started flying them as co-pilot, and I did it for over a week now. I don't want to sound like some snake-oil salesman though, but I do pray a little before getting into the chopper too..Just a tiny bit.

    of course i'd take over the controls lol but i was intending to fly from the co pilot seat but couldn't because boom soon as i got in the seat, so all your variables dont even come in to play if it still blows up soon as you get in!!

    ive tryed loads of different ways to get round this. so far shooting it seems to be the best way as ive not had a single heli blow up since doing this. not one heli has gone boom in about 4 months

  2. Really? Lol. That was exactly what I was planning on doing. Well shit I've since found an empty one and placed my jammer and a few concrete walls. Damn waste of materials. I thought since the latest update buildings are stronger?

    if any part of your base can be reached by a player then it can be glitched into!!

  3. You misunderstood, I am not complaining, I just mentioned the example with hellcat because these choppers seem to explode on me all the time, but since I found a fix (getting in as co-pilot always and taking over the controls and no heli exploded on me so far), I no longer am bothered too much about it. I now only hate when helicopters vanish for no reason and it happens as frequently as them blowing up.


    I just wanted to know more about desimulation thing.

    i've still had  helis blow up from getting in to the co pilot seat first!!

    so it's just as much a fix as shooting before getting in. witch has never blow up on me so far.

  4. What do you mean, DayZ Vet? like it is possible to somehow vault through locked doors/gates or even walls? All I know about glitching, is crawling under the floors and then standing up and looting (that's why I always build high foundations now) and another glitch was driving a vehicle very close to a gate (that's why it is better to have two sets of gates close to one another) and all that stuff. I have no idea how it is possible to warp through walls or doors though.

    its crazly easy to glitch walls and doors

  5. To get cold on the sea is a bug ? :blink:


    Don`t think so.

    it is when your not even in the water and just above it!!

    was a confirmed bug in A2 look it up, and read the whole thread before you reply then you will understand before looking silly

  6. Personally, I do not think Epoch is about raiding, as I said before, it is just a tiny feature. However, current patch made it much harder (not impossible, just harder) to destroy base parts and it is a good thing. So there is hardly a need for indestructable bases, unless servers is solely PVE.


    Either way, satchels are rare and if you play alone, it will take weeks to find enough satchels just to be able to blow up a few walls and so the bigger groups have it always easier, as the chance to find explosives doubles or triples. Furthermore, new people do not know how to build a good base which would be hard to raid or even glitch in (many do not even know about glitching in), so they for example, build bases with no foundations (I did it too in my first two weeks in Epoch), or they build foundations so low or not high enough that it is possible to crawl under them, stand up, and loot their shelfs, vehicles, even GET into vehicles which are just on the floor behind ONE set of walls.


    So what people complaining about their bases getting raided need to do, is to logically think like an attacker and try to make safer base, not some 3x3 box with 1 floor and helipad on top. It basically takes just to blow up one or maybe two walls to gain access to all their loot.


    Better to have smaller garage and smaller base, but with triple walls, 20 locked doors and keeping everything in a fricking LOCKBOXES. And it doesn't take a huge group to build something like that, you can do it alone (I play alone usually), but most people are lazy and think "eh, 1 door locked, it will do it, it is good enough protection for our loot" and I am not talking about Epoch newbies, but people who build fortresses (so obviously they have time to build) but so idiotic, that you need to blow up literally 1 or 2 walls (doors whatever) and get inside.


    Currently I am just curious, how easy it is to blow up the stairs though? 1 satchel? 4 satchels?

    if it can be touched it can be glitched, no one can even touch my base only with there eyes lol

  7. I've noticed that playing on a server with indestructible bases is popular. Now of course with, all the bases are almost indestructible, but still; some servers advertise it as a feature and obviously it appeals to plenty of people. So I'm wondering, what is it that appeals to you with the indestructible bases? Isn't raiding a critical part of Epoch gameplay? Or is the playstyle of gathering and building enough for some? 


    I'd like to hear and understand the reasons if someone would explain them to me.

    You've only decided to ask that now? as it's been a common thing since early A2 dayz epoch!!

  8. Being a admin ain't what it's cracked up to be. trust me been a admin on 10+ server A2/A3.

    I've been asked to be admin again loads of times since but i just say no. ruins the game, it's alot more fun being a normal player.

  9. Truthfully I am sick of the physics in this game, base building is such a pain in the ass. It is almost at the point where it is not fun. I want to build a helipad and its more of a 12 hour chore than a fun 1-2 hour session. Some argue that the physics gives a sense a realism; it doesnt, you can ghetto float objects in the air. I know this is not DayZ Epoch, but ffs the building in that game was decent, just combine the 2 for a perfect utopia.




    Sorry, I love this mod but I cannot stand building in it currently.

    i just finshed my base and found away around the gravity aslong as you place the roof/floor parts starting at a wall peace in a corner, then you can snap one to another without any suppots, think it only works the first time you place it from your gear.

  10. I'm sorry but fastpoint bad? Not in my experience. So far i have 3 server with them and anytime i've asked for help i've got it. 

    we had 4 and one of them they setup and it did work without us ever touching it,bcuz there messed up there own files and would not sort it out there for charging us for a server we could not use for a whole month!! about as bad as it gets!!

  11. shoot the vehicle before you enter in

    Not full proof as it has still blown up after once or twice for me,


    i wonder if a indestructible locked vehicles script could help with some player communitys for vehicles that blow up inside bases and buildings

  12. What ever happened to "Whine , Whine , Snivel " , There are no Zombies , No challenge , you can just sit around bldg all day ? :lol:


    zombies where pointless in A2 epoch, but a good roaming a.i setup was always better, and i think it still applies, sappers are pointless and im yet to die to one, but a.i that warm with drones are a challenge, just wish they did swarm so much on this patch, so overall a.i save the day again ;)

  13. Which makes complete sense, doesn't it? Lol

    i thought everyone know this lol

    lay in prone when the drone is to above you to shot it and you can aim more vertically!!

  14. A special rare trader should spawn with chiropractic skills, and for 400 krypto, can adjust your neck so you can f***ing aim up at them.

    lay in prone gives you abit more hight to aim with

  15. I've been standing in the West trader for a while, and 4 sappers have come in and exploded near me. Never took any damage, so not sure what to say there.


    You're right about the spawning issue though of antagonists. Even with all 3 set at 0.03, they still spawn quite a lot even when just standing still not doing anything.

    ive still not died to a sapper blowing up yet, i run up to them to make them blow up. lol

  16. We have AI missions on our server, and these drones are spawning in on us while we are in a firefight. Multiple at a time if you are in a group.


    Would be nice if there was a way to disable this feature.

    Can't the new swarm system not be disabled?

    Will suck big time if thats the case, Sappers i dont mind but them drones are a pain in the butt. Had 7 on me all at once last night while i was at a trader, i had not fired my gun witch was suppressed anyways, just logged on fly to traders and sell something, i looked up and it was like being in a Sci Fi movie with loads of UFO's flying around, not quite the A2 epoch experience i was looking for!

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