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DayZ Vet

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Posts posted by DayZ Vet

  1. PvP is not what it used to be in early dayz. many reasons why,

    I have more fun playing PvE and gets more out of the mod now days, i only play PvP when me and my mates want abit of quick mindless gameplay, and save the challenging stuff for a well setup PvE servers.

  2. I love how you get into a vehicle and it just decides to blow up.


    Just did it to me in a chopper I was using.. It had ZERO damage.



    I've had it happen so many dam times it's not funny.


    I wouldn't really care if I could go back and get my body gear and krypto but it's history (again).


    You are better off walking at the state of the mod right now until they address and fix it cuz it's a freaking joke.

    ATM if your the one piloting the heli and it blows up or creashed the pilot can't see his own body but others can, try getting a team mate to look for your body, this has happened to me everytime so far on every server ive played on, in short if you have no one else to look for ya then your stuffed :-(

  3. so I wanted to ask if the settings in the mod can be server side or made server side , as currently there are a lot of places around altis where you are not allowed to build I would like to suggest that you make this a server changeable setting or remove it completely.


    my reasons for this are that if my crew wish to block off an area and defend it then we should only be limited by our ability not by some magical partition that serves no purpose , since the new update will not allow loot to spawn within 300m of a jammer ten I don't see a problem with cutting access to a loot area by placing a jammer there.

    this something you should be asking your admin about!!

  4. It's kind of silly, to go and replace what, 30 wind turbines when the dev's can add them in by typing 2 words.

    Guess we'll fix it eventually, but it's not a major issue, is it? :)

    As for changing buildings, what are you implying?

    Replacing A2 buildings with A3?

    i think Taviana is one of the maps which already has a nice set of enterable buildings.

    Replacing buildings (for example appartments in sabina etc) would ruin the map's 'harmony'.

    That's my opinion tho :)

    Anyway, the files can now also be downloaded from SIX Launcher for the ones that use it.

    Yeah i couldnt carelees about turbines.


    You have done a sweet job of this santa. and with the enterable buildings you have already put in/replaced theres no need to change sabina, it's not like it was on A2 and get shit fps in sabina, runs like a dream on the A3 engine.


    I've been trying to get someone to start a pve server as the Bigsl A2 tavi overpochins server was massive with the community, But no one has done it for A3 yet,

    There's a hole in the market and it need filling lol hint hint anyone :P

  5. Also adding from what i've seen the ability to "Smash" the yellow singular pallets from the altis map with a sledgehammer to recieve cinder blocks. So for the cherno and taviana hosters i'd start adding those around the map :)

    and metal from scrap vics around the map from what i've heard

  6. So, on the road to 0.3.0... it says that the building materials (walls/floors) will now go into the ground without consequence. 


    Am I to assume that maybe this means that you'll be able to anchor building materials into OTHER world objects as well? (aka: Rocks, Sides of Buildings, Towers, etc?)


    (let the speculation begin)

    i think that was self explanatory! :-P

  7. Building in places that swarm loot normally means your vics will blow up at some stage, so alot of players are build free standing bases so i dont see the point of this stopping loot with jammers. it's only going to stop other players from being able to loot in a 600m circle from your base. on a map like chernarus it wont be long till there is nowere to loot as you can overlap the range of jammers.

  8. I personally think that each player should only be allowed to place one jammer and no more.  If the database has an entry indicating they have a jammer placed then simply they should not be allowed to place another.


    Do players really need more than one base?

    it's more about where they put that base and if the jammer can be configurable to lower the amount of loot being stopped away from there base.

  9. I'm sure they've taken that into consideration. They said they're using the plot pole to reference the area from, not the area radius that's being used to prevent other players from constructing things. Pretty sure these would be two different variables, you know what I mean?

    Ie. I'm fairly certain the radius variable for the construction-prevention is separate from the radius variable used to determine where the jammer owner can build, no?

    Or am I wrong?

    sort of right if your thinking about A2 epoch, but not sure what any of that has to do with the current situation on A3 EPOCH and what we are talking about?

  10. I thought the jammers radius was changing to 30m like the old plot pole anyway.

    Configurable like the old plot poles is what has been asked for already. But not sure if it's going to be in the next patch with this no loot and jammers thing,

    It wont stop trolling tho.

  11. Hope they have made it so you can change the jammers range, because if jammers stop loot from swarming for 300m then the admin will have to go round making sure people aint stopping whole industrial areas and so on from swarming loot, as i can see this being a big problem!!

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