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DayZ Vet

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Posts posted by DayZ Vet

  1. I play on the number 1 epoch server in the world they don't have them enabled.

    Did you base that by gametracker? be handy if owners that have turned them off put it in the server name bar.

  2. I think the point Henry may be trying to make is the money that comes from GTX makes them the top donor listed on this forum. Which in turn goes to reasons as to why they are still an official host of Epoch even though they seem to have a bad reputation when you go looking around. Then again please bear in mind as a man with no patience I dont spend hours doing research. I search a topic look at 4-8 links and I am done.

    you have to remmber that most people who are happy with things dont go on forums to complain, only the people that have problems complain on forums, there for paints a inaccurate picture of things , this goes with anything your ever see online if its a phone pc hardware or server hosts!!

  3. Brian question are you more of an experienced tech type? Where perhaps most all problems you could handle without help?


    I know I am new to all this, learning but still new. I wonder if GTX is not better suited for those that can handle most everything on there own. I did notice a lot more files at my disposal with GTX.

    Probably not. most host still need you to know what your doing

  4. you are a prime example of a moron ... lets just leave it at that.




    there is not much to tell other than what i already explained ...


    1. rented server from gtx
    2. installed server
    3. started server and had an unexplainable error in the logs causing my server to crash
    4. contacted support that told me it was my fault and i should not be using any mods (even tho it was a default install)
    5. reinstalled server and had same error (repeat from step 2 about 3-4 times)
    6. within a week requested my money back and was told it was not possible when there was no fault on their end
    7. they shut down the server cause i asked for a refund
    8. they are still sending me spam mail about renting servers from them.

    thats the basic drawup of what happend between me and gtx servers ... i still do not see how it could ever be my fault (or mods for that matter) causing the server to crash on a default installation, but this is what happends when its all about stacking money with little or no customer service.


    bad service and bad servers ... dont go there.

    Wow you really are a knob. give your mum back her laptop and play with your toys!!


    i hate seeing threads ending up like this.

  5. well we had 4 different servers with them in the past. all arma 2 tho epoch overpoch and origins pvp and pve and the only problem we had with one of are servers was one was lagging a little. we told them about it as it shouldnt of been happening. and within a hour they did something there end and it was fixed other than that there was nothing else to report as we didnt have any other problems. cheap for the slots good ping as im the uk witch might help with custmer service with them being on the same time zone as me.

  6. ROFL ... so you are saying it was my fault that they delivered a faulty server to me, when i paid money to rent from them?

    (guess i should have known better, lol)

    not to mention the part where they decided it was my fault the server was broken and refused to refund my money even tho i did not even have the server for a week and was unable to use it at any point.


    great host ... ROFL.


    pretty sure you can find better .

    no. what up with you today you get out of the wrong side of the bed or something. the guys asked about are experiences and thats what i said. then you reply calling me a lier lol i said "half the time it's the guy renting the server thats at fault!" where did i say you??

    poeple who reply like that are aids to this forum!!


    anyways dedi is the way to go!

  7. I don't hate them, I only wish they gave me more time to take em down. usually I am preoccupied with something else until I get my bearings, I'm already down without cover. If you're ready for them, they can be quite easy, they move slow enough.

    it's not that there hard. they have just been done wrong. i hate how they sit right above ya so you can aim up and shoot them. or soon as you hear a drone and go to shoot it and you find out the hard way that they swarmed right behind ya giving ya no chance. that's just the two main things i think are wrong with them. but you can find in other threads about this and see all the reasons players dont like the way they work.

  8. that is a straight up lie ... gtx are among the worst i think only beat by survival servers.


    they should spend more money on upgrading their servers and customer service than they do on donating to epoch, just to be on the front page ...


    however GSP's like this is are in general very rude to the users and will usually blame all errors on you (even tho sometimes its quite obviusly their fault/problem), in general it is just a bad choice, but there are some out there that are better than others.

    Gtx has always been good to us in the past and that is not a lie. and the worst we used was fastpoint. the guy wanted are experiences. and just you didnt have a good experience with them dont mean everyone did . half the time it's the guy renting the server thats at fault!

  9. Yeah i hate them things group playing or on my own. it's hard to find a server with them disabled as server pwners dont put it in there server name bar. if they did they would get alot more players as almost everyone i've ever spoken to about it hates them to.

  10. Today I somehow warped through my cinder wall while I was equipping a weapon and pressed sprint. Thankfully it wasn't high, so I didn't die. But it was weird, like that wall did not exist at all. Is this how it's done? :D Don't tell. Either way, I couldn't reproduce it second time,

    This happens all the time for me and a couple of streamers i watch. one of the main reason rushly123456 is not a big fan of A3. the rest of us play around the bugs like we have in the past will all the arma's and mods lol


    In arma 3 you pass though any object from epoch building parts to map buildings and even vehicles. not sure if this can ever be fixed, till then we are always going to have this problem. :unsure:

  11. I got banned for glitching in to my own base, When i left the group by mistake and could not unlock the door, Thankfully my friends was able to get me unbanned as they didnt have a website or teamspeak to get hold of the admin. so if i was playing that server on my own i'd still be banned now LOL

  12. Id like 2 new types of storage


    -Personal Safe from Arma 2 with lockable combination.


    -Team Storage container that would either be some kind of a ship storage container or a vault.


    All lockable devices should be unlockable, packable and or available for removal after 7 days of no interaction and remain there for another 7 days.

    Forget the codes and tie them to the jammer.

    the thing i hated the most about A2 EPOCH was having to write 100's of codes down for all my clans bases on every server we played on, thank god the door codes are tied to the jammer this time round.

  13. That locking myself in a car glitch I couldn't reproduce, it happens accidentally, not sure maybe it relates (probably it does) to server or client lag etc.


    That looting locked vehicles, though, isn't very hard to reproduce, but again, it happens only once per restart (at least in my case). Let's say vehicle is locked, I get closer open my inventory and can loot the vehicle. I close inventory tried to perform same steps again - failure. So it would be pretty hard to explain. But I heard one person said that Arma 3 is just all triangles and shapes (regarding interaction) so you have to usually be very specific where you aim and yada yada (which is true) and basically it is Arma 3 thing and I don't think Epoch devs are to blame here.

    But they made the interaction thats ment to override it in the first place. so they should be able to fix it

  14. Mind reproducing a few of the situations and post an issue about it in the Epoch Issue Tracker on Github? The more people that post issues (In a way that clearly states the ISSUE, provides reproduction steps and inform about what the server is running besides just Epoch). 

    (Emphasis and Bold is what I deem important in any issue reporting, be it for Epoch or professionally. So if you do enter something, please make sure anyone reading it will get all teh info - that way developers can better troubleshoot and fix things.)   :)

    i think most people are aware of this and should hopefully be being looked at already

  15. there is a glitch when it happens sometimes. I once locked myself in a car and many weeks later, one of my friends, He didn't even notice it since I unlocked it instantly. But it is possible.

    yeah i know of the glitches, But in most scenarios like above it's highly unlikely

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