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GOD mode for fast rope

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Change the fastrope init to this

#include "=BTC=_functions.sqf"
BTC_fast_rope_h = 40;
BTC_AI_fast_rope_on_deploy = 1;
BTC_roping_chopper = [	"CH47_base_EP1","Mi17_base","Mi24_Base","UH1H_base","UH1_Base","UH60_Base","MV22","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D","Ka60_Base_PMC","Mi24_Base"];
	_rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Deploy rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_deploy_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] != ""1"" && ((getPos _target) select 2) < BTC_fast_rope_h && speed _target < 2"];
	_rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Cut rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_cut_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""];
	_out  = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Fast rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction2.sqf",[[player],BTC_fast_rope],7,true,false,"","player in (assignedCargo _target) && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""];
} foreach (nearestObjects [[3000,3000,0], BTC_roping_chopper, 50000]);
And add this file called =BTC=_addAction2.sqf


_array = _this select 3;
_param = _array select 0;
_code  = _array select 1;
_spawn = _param spawn _code;
titleText ["God on.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
playsound "fastrope";//take out if you dont have the sound file
		player_zombieCheck = {};
		fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
		_thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
		_thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
		_thePlayer allowDamage false;
		sleep 8;
		player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
		fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
		_thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}];
		_thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
		_thePlayer allowDamage true;
titleText ["God off.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;		
For the sound add this to the description.ext

class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {fastrope};
	class fastrope
    titles[] = {};
for the sound file


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Just a player climbing a ladder

If you want the rope you have to add the mod it

This is just a script

Ok and my last question: What parameter is it, where i can define at what alt the option pops up?

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I'm looking to add this to but I want my players to be able to see the rope.. How do I add that?


This won´t work, because the rope isn´t an Epoch file.

All clients would have to download the added files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cant get this to work. Since adding it, it keeps kicking people off before they can get into the server fully. there is no errors in the rpt at all


The only thing that does come up in the console is "Signature check timed out"

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  • 4 weeks later...

How do i trigger this script? The only changes i made were the vehicle list:


BTC_roping_chopper = ["CH_47F_EP1_DZ","CH_47F_EP1_DZE","AH6X_DZ","MH6J_DZ","BAF_Merlin_DZE","Mi17_DZE","UH1H_DZE","UH1Y_DZE","UH60M_EP1_DZE","UH60S_EP1_DZE","MV22_DZ","MV22","Mi17_Civilian_DZ"];


and BTC_fast_rope_h = 30; from 40


When im in a chopper i cant get the option, nor the player inside it from the altitude of 30m, and besides that someone told me this was working, they managed to use it the day before but when i try to do it i just cant.


Is there a specific way to trigger this script? Im confused :(

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Hmm, i think figured out what was the problem, when i installed this script  my charecter was alive so i couldnt get the option, i killed myself and spawned again and now i had the option,  but its glitchy i have to click 2 times on deploy rope and fast rope to execute it, i wonder if its because its calling 2 actions, 1 to give normal fast rope and one for god mode.

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hey does anyone know if you can make ai fast rope out of the heli because it looks like theres a part in the script to make ai fast rope but I cant seem to get them to do it when ingame. I have rope deployed and tell them to depart and nothing happens. Thanks

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  • 3 years later...

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