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Shortened day/night cycles?

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I actually have a really easy way of doing this.  It works for me but before I put it out to the public, I would love to have another person or 2 test it.  I have no desire to keep it private, just would like a couple testers to vet it for me.  It does require you have access to your HiveExt.ini and BEC scheduler.xml


Are you talking about time speedup or something else?


I could test if you like

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Im also interested in a method to speed up the time process although the extra hive ext is a great idea its not for people who want to have almost a full day in 1 3HR restart like me.

Im currently using the VFATS speed up time script and whenever it turns night everyone starts complaining becuase of the jerky clouds and stars because it makes peoples screens blinding (currently on 5x).

If theres anything I can do to help try to find something please let me know.

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This doesn't seem to work properly it just jumps time randomly and doesn't speed up 1 sec it's day the next darkness and causes some weird issues incl Mass Client not responding kicks


Here is my core_time.fsm and vanilla cleanup.fsm without the sync_time part.








For me its working great, no jerky clouds or something. The weather is running like without passing any time.

Only thing is that fresh player need 10min to be synced with all players.

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Here is my core_time.fsm and vanilla cleanup.fsm without the sync_time part.








For me its working great, no jerky clouds or something. The weather is running like without passing any time.

Only thing is that fresh player need 10min to be synced with all players.


Ok can you tell me where exactly the call goes in the init?


If!isdedicated if!isserver ect

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 just add it at the very bottom...after this:

#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf"




Why not change the 10 in the call to a lower number?


Surely that would be better and if i lower the 6 for example does that make time go faster or slower?

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Why not change the 10 in the call to a lower number?


Surely that would be better and if i lower the 6 for example does that make time go faster or slower?


If you lower the 6 then it does the time go slower.



For example with "4" you will pass 4 minutes every 1 minute and sync it after 10 minutes. 10x1x4=40 (40 Minutes every Sync)


For example with "6" you will pass 6 minutes every 1 minute and sync it after 10 minutes. 10x1x4=60 (60Minutes every Sync)


You can try to lower the 10 to something else but many people reported syncing issues.

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  • 2 months later...

My Time Control Script have a very smooth cloud transition, because it adjust the skipTime to the minimum necessary to archieve the desired velocity. Different system will be adjusted to different skypTimes because it adapt to the computer speed.

A computer that can do 30 skipTimes per second will have bigger skipTime than a computer that can do 120 skipTime per second. The two will have smooth clouds, even the first, because probably it have lower fps.

This will ensure max smoothness and a lot of small skipTimes.

I have even used 80X 160X faster time. One day in 2 minutes.

- Clients are perfect in sync with the server.

- You still can set the begin hours in hiveExt.ini.


Since skipTime is fps consuming, you will have a decrease in fps, this is the only draw back.

I'm still working on the fps decrease fix.

Possible fixs:

- Change from maximum smoothness goal to minimum smoothness necessary goal. Allow less and bigger skipTimes.

- Change clouds speed.

- Remove clouds.

Other than the decrease in fps, the script is 100% functional, simple, syncier and smooth.

It have a client and a small server side.

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My Time Control Script have a very smooth cloud transition, because it adjust the skipTime to the minimum necessary to archieve the desired velocity. Different system will be adjusted to different skypTimes.

This will ensure max smoothness and a lot of small skipTimes.

I have even used 80X 160X faster time. One day in 2 minutes.

- Clients are perfect in sync with the server.

- You still can set the begin hours in hiveExt.ini.

Since skipeTime is fps consuming, you will have a decrease in fps, this is the only draw back.

I'm still working on the fps decrease fix.

please share your Time Control Script 

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I have read through many of the threads on this and finally came up my way to achieve day night.  This can be adjusted to suit your own requirements.  We are on a 6 hour restart schedule.
I use the BEC scheduler to run a batch file that sets the time in hive.ini at each restart. I run 4am, 10am, 10am, 3pm.  
This gives you dawn though to a long day, then dusk and a full moon night for about 45mins.  

I have 3 hiveext.ini files:

Type = Static
Hour = 4

Type = Static
Hour = 10

Type = Static
Hour = 15

set timepath="D:\DayZServer\instance_11_Chernarus"
cd /d %timepath%
xcopy %timepath%\HiveExt4am.ini %timepath%\HiveExt.ini /C /R /Y

then start your server as normal

I know it is simple - no coding required, I hope someone will find this useful.  The time speed methods really mess up the server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have read through many of the threads on this and finally came up my way to achieve day night.  This can be adjusted to suit your own requirements.  We are on a 6 hour restart schedule.

I use the BEC scheduler to run a batch file that sets the time in hive.ini at each restart. I run 4am, 10am, 10am, 3pm.  

This gives you dawn though to a long day, then dusk and a full moon night for about 45mins.  


I wish I could do this, but my server is hosted. I'm not using a dedicated server so I can't run batch files. :(

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