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DayZ Epoch Hand Cuff/Arrest players [HELP]

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hey guys,

i recently found a script that let you hand cuff players http://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-1-8-0-3-handcuff-player-help.15324/page-8#post-96967

but i want to disable it in safe zones.

i use AGN safe zone Commander http://pastebin.com/WifTc5Tm

there is the script, so can someone help me. because i dont want people handcuffing and arresting other.

other than that, this script works perfectly 

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Sorry atm I don't have time but use this as example:

if (intradercity) exitwith {

s_player_handcuff = -1;



if (intradercity) then {

removeAddaction s_player_handcuff;


I hope this helps a little bit :/


EDIT: If you always need it, I will take a closer look at it tomorrow.

ill wait until tomorrow, i dont know how to do what you just said.

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Hello guys, i just try to add this script to our server, if i follow http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16289 "tutorial" appears endless menus with the option apparently works, but the player does not affect you, just being tied to you like a bug.


Next try with http://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-1-8-0-3-handcuff-player-help.15324/ and no appears option , i change the required item to "ItemWire"


these is my fn_selfactions adds

    _hasArrestItems = "ItemWire" in magazines player; // ARREST SCRIPT REQ
 //if ((player getVariable"humanity") >= 10000 or (player getVariable"humanity") <= -10000) then {

		if(_isMan && !_isZombie && _hasArrestItems && _canDo && _isAlive) then {
		if (s_player_arrest < 0) then {
			s_player_arrest = player addaction ['<t color="#0074E8">' + "Investigation Menu" + '</t>', "Scripts\Investigate\investigate.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_arrest;
		s_player_arrest = -1;


	player removeAction s_player_arrest;
	s_player_arrest = -1;

alguien lo tiene funcionando en I forgot something?


Please i need help to find where is my error. Thanks in advance.

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Getting it working on my server but going to keep it as a exclusive feature 0_o

its not exclusive.....


In  fn_selfactions add  the following code above       //Player Deaths


//Player Detain, Search, Release
    if (_isMan and _isAlive and !inSafeZone and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal && !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
        if (s_player_investo < 0) then {
            s_player_investo = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Detain")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Detain.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoTwo < 0) then {
            s_player_investoTwo = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Search")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Search.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoThree < 0) then {
            s_player_investoThree = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Escort")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Escort.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoFour < 0) then {
            s_player_investoFour = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Release")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Release.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_investo;
        s_player_investo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoTwo;
        s_player_investoTwo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoThree;
        s_player_investoThree = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoFour;
        s_player_investoFour = -1;

Add this in your mission file and change the calls for each section to fit your location  
IE:   "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Release.sqf" 
7:  Profit??!
PS: I did NOT write this. i take no credit.
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its not exclusive.....


In  fn_selfactions add  the following code above       //Player Deaths


//Player Detain, Search, Release
    if (_isMan and _isAlive and !inSafeZone and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal && !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
        if (s_player_investo < 0) then {
            s_player_investo = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Detain")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Detain.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoTwo < 0) then {
            s_player_investoTwo = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Search")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Search.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoThree < 0) then {
            s_player_investoThree = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Escort")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Escort.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
        if (s_player_investoFour < 0) then {
            s_player_investoFour = player addAction [("<t color=#ffa500'>")+("Release")+("</t>"), "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Release.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "","];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_investo;
        s_player_investo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoTwo;
        s_player_investoTwo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoThree;
        s_player_investoThree = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoFour;
        s_player_investoFour = -1;

Add this in your mission file and change the calls for each section to fit your location  
IE:   "Custom\Scripts\investigation\Release.sqf" 
7:  Profit??!
PS: I did NOT write this. i take no credit.


Ive had this on my server for months 

however the escort does not work

and a player can detain  traders.

does your post have fixes for these issues ???

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It might be possible to add 

CanDetain = false or whatever you've called it in the Safezone triggers.


Personally, I've seen issues with detaining scripts where you can run into a group of people and spam scroll options detaining 3-4 people in seconds.

To fix this I'd recommend adding the execuation to extra_rc so you have to sneak up, and open a menu. It also reduces lag on your server.

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I replace code to fn_selfaction.sqf and check to humanity dont work 
My code:
Please help corect make code to check humanity and player in trader zone

if ((player getVariable"humanity") >= 100000 or (player getVariable"humanity") >= -100000) then {
    if (_isMan and _isAlive and !inSafeZone and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal && !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
        if (s_player_investo < 0) then {
            s_player_investo = player addAction [("<t color='#ffa500'>")+("Detain")+("</t>"), "scripts\investigation\Detain.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        if (s_player_investoTwo < 0) then {
            s_player_investoTwo = player addAction [("<t color='#ffa500'>")+("Search")+("</t>"), "scripts\investigation\Search.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        if (s_player_investoThree < 0) then {
            s_player_investoThree = player addAction [("<t color='#ffa500'>")+("Escort")+("</t>"), "scripts\investigation\Escort.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        if (s_player_investoFour < 0) then {
            s_player_investoFour = player addAction [("<t color='#ffa500'>")+("Release")+("</t>"), "scripts\investigation\release.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
		if (s_player_investoFive < 0) then {
            s_player_investoFive = player addAction [("<t color='#ffa500'>")+("Stop Escort")+("</t>"), "scripts\investigation\stop_escort.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_investo;
        s_player_investo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoTwo;
        s_player_investoTwo = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoThree;
        s_player_investoThree = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_investoFour;
        s_player_investoFour = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_investoFive;
        s_player_investoFive = -1;
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