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wishes and suggestions


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I personally also would like to see the non entrable churches and houses with entrable ones. I'm not talking about the ones inside towns, im talking about the ones in the middle of nowhere. It sucks to run for a while, finalyl find a church in the middle of nowhere and then find out that you can´t even enter it. The loot wouldnt really imbalance the game either.


There are also a lot of houses spawned in the air, i´ll ask my community to make a list of coordinates perhaps to make your job a little bit easier.

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at first i´d like to say that´s a very nice map and a great achievement for a singlemapper.


Is it possible to post here the Sauerland-Map with markered regions, in which you planning to build something in the future. So i can avoid a collision with my 3d editor basebuilding. Of course, only for the great changes and plannings.


regards Weylyn

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any Mines availiable on this map?if not would be nice to have some mines  :D!Good work mate i find this map more exciting than boring old Chernarus !!!Keep up the good work!!

Merle...have you not blow enough up this week:)

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No mate i havent hahah well mining is one of my vices lol shhh dont tell anyone lol!! heheh ,Well another thing would be a nice Chernobyl-sque city or place to be added in the map so we can have any creepier things happening,Falconsan any ideas to raise the creepyness factor?

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Today I secured a barn up in the northwest corner of the map near the large water feature. The barn has a fuel tank next to it so I can top off my vehicles. I added a portable generator and a fuel pump, but the fuel pump will not build because it does not "see" the fuel tank nearby. When I try to build the fuel pump I get a message that it needs a fuel tank within 30 meters. This is my typical set up on the Chernarus map. I verified that the the fuel tank has fuel with a Jerry can. Any ideas? I don't understand why it won't work. I can use a fuel truck if necessary.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have heard that in the Sauerland skiing and other winter sports are very popular. I was thinking it would be cool to add/build on to a large hill or mountain and cover the top with snow and some snow covered trees, and make a ski lift leading from a town or village up the mountain to a ski lodge or resort. Of course, it could get very cold, but zombie spawns would be at a minimum. It would also be a very nice location for AI missions. It would make some sense to have a colder, higher elevation snowy area because the map does seem to take place in the fall.

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  • 2 months later...



The Arma I + II engine don't let you make rivers. I have spend a lot of time to try making a DAM (Hennesee). Trust me, the result is not pleasable. So i have made a river with a pond model. This result is not pleasable, too. The ARMA engine has only one "Sealevel". If you want to make a river it must be on the sealevel at 0 Meters. A river at a 700 Meters mountain is not possible. :)



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Verdammt ....das heisst, du müsstest die ganze Map dafür "tiefer" setzten? Wäre ja schon sehr nice wenn der Fluss bei Arnsberg sich durch die gesamte Map "schlängelt" und in einem oder mehreren Seen mündet :)




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