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wishes and suggestions


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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned. It probably has at one point.





Sauerland is a great map... It's got lots of features and an immense area to explore.


Sauerland's downfall is .. it's almost too big. AKA FPS drain.



The fella's server that I play on fired up a Sauerland map and it's been running for a few weeks.


At first it has a growing population of players but now it seems to be dropping.


The main reason I think is it's an FPS drain. I've seen lots of players indicating their FPS is extremely bad on it.




Some of the players have confirmed if they go back to other maps their FPS is back to an acceptable value. All signs point to the map.



My one question is.. from an admin perspective what things can be removed to help prevent FPS drains and make the map more attractive for players to actually stay on.



Someone mentioned removing the clouds.



Anything else to suggest removing?

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Don't set up the viewing distance to high.  


On my testingserver the frames are 50 between 70 with an Core i5 at 3,4 Ghz and a Nividia gtx570.  From my friends, i know that somebody pushes the graphical options to very high with G-force 4 Ti or something and then wondering about less fps. :)


In Meschede is the fps going down to aprox. 40 fps. 



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When we ran a Sauerland server we had 60+ FPS at all time with aroun 30 players peaking at 60, It's not the map causing the problems :)

Read the RPT logs and see what is being spammed, could be a typo in a script, could be too many objects in the database, could be a few things


The big cities do cause frame drop, same as going to Sabina in Taviana, put that down to the ArmA engine.

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great map, please go on.. looking foward for further updates..


now that you have included a highway...


wishes: something like http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemiepark_Marl possible?? maybe some big oiltanks or somewhat??


suggestions: the big hotel in meschede has only one floor?? we want more.. :)


many thanks!!

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