FuelLF Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 This is a basic script so please don't judge :) Add this to your init.sqf Where default loadout would usually be, Or create a new sqf file in mission instance directory and call via init.sqf using execVM. I don't know if "else if" is the correct syntax but i'm sure you guys can figure it out if i'm wrong. NEW: Spoiler donorA = ["",""]; donorB = ["",""]; if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorA) then { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorB) { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; }; }; //Thanks to juandayz OLD: Spoiler if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0"]) then { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0"]) { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { // Default Loadout DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; }; Relentless 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 @FuelLF your missing a { here } else if donorA = ["",""]; donorB = ["",""]; if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorA) then { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorB) { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; }; }; Remember donations its not allowed by the staff. Relentless 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FuelLF Posted June 27, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 2 minutes ago, juandayz said: @FuelLF your missing a { here } else if donorA = ["",""]; donorB = ["",""]; if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorA) then { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { if ((getPlayerUID player) in donorB) { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; } else { DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; }; }; Remember donations its not allowed by the staff. Alright man can i put this code in the OP?, I'll add your name ect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 I am not judging in any way but it seems like you are a beginner. No problem, everyone of us started once and I personally prefer releasing stuff to the community then just crying around on the forums and requesting things. Firstly, thank you for the release. This could be good for someone new to understand how loadout works and if they don't want the spawn selection of ESS from ebay where a default loadout selection is also included. Anyways I want to give you an answer to your "else if" question. This doesn't exist like @juandayz already said. Just keep that in mind for the future. Also this isn't really needed though. You could leave that out and just start a new if condition, like this: if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0","0"]) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0","0"]) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0","0"]) then { whatever; } An else command isn't needed anywhere but you CAN keep it like that. There are always many way to do something. And if you want to continue developing and releasing stuff, I want to give you some hints. Normally, you would include this codeblock into your init.sqf. But if you do that everytime, it will get messed up. Ofcourse there is the way of "execVM" to call this in an external script but here's what I usually do: Admin-Arrays are often used in scripts for example in admin menus, spawn selection, management and things like that. That's why I prefer making a global array with the admin UIDs and after that you can use these UIDs everywhere. This will also keep the init.sqf clean. So first you can decide whether you want to put this into init.sqf or configvariables.sqf. Then you put something like this in there: adminArray = ["12344321","43211234","56788765"]; //you can add more, this is just an example devArray = ["87655678","13577531"]; modArray = ["75311357","24688642","86422468"]; After that is done, these arrays are global. Now you can change your code to your use. Let's say all of these arrays get different loadout, so different start gear for admins, developers and moderators (or more if you added more), then you can just write a script like this: if ((getPlayerUID player) in adminArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in devArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in modArray) then { whatever; } This could be an own sqf file, something like "defaultLoadout.sqf" and you could save it in "mission.pbo\custom\scripts\" and then you just call it in init.sqf BELOW the declaration of the arrays with: execVM "custom\scripts\defaultLoadout.sqf"; And you are done and now whenever you need the UIDs of admins, devs or whatever you can do the same. And now just a security hint from my side: Whenever a client connects to the server, the mission file is stored on the computer (locally) so everyone is able to take a look into it. If you want to keep all the staff UIDs secret, then declerate the array in dayz_server and not mission so it's safe. That's what I did. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FuelLF Posted June 27, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 3 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said: -snip- What about players who's UID's aren't defined in an Array, Would i make another if statement like (this isn't right syntax i know but just for ease ) if ((!getPlayerUID player) in array1 && array2) then { }; ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 1 minute ago, FuelLF said: What about players who's UID's aren't defined in an Array, Would i make another if statement like (this isn't right syntax i know but just for ease ) if ((!getPlayerUID player) in array1 && array2) then { }; ? So you mean for everyone else like normal players? Yes, you could do it like that. But I guess the condition isn't needed for that. You would have to try this out but you could set the default loadout for everyone like it's done in init.sqf with: DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; and after that you include the: if ((getPlayerUID player) in adminArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in devArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in modArray) then { whatever; } to overwrite the default loadouts for specific UIDs. So the additional if condition wouldn't be needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FuelLF Posted June 27, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 2 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said: So you mean for everyone else like normal players? Yes, you could do it like that. But I guess the condition isn't needed for that. You would have to try this out but you could set the default loadout for everyone like it's done in init.sqf with: DefaultMagazines = [""]; DefaultWeapons = [""]; DefaultBackpack = ""; and after that you include the: if ((getPlayerUID player) in adminArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in devArray) then { whatever; } if ((getPlayerUID player) in modArray) then { whatever; } to overwrite the default loadouts for specific UIDs. So the additional if condition wouldn't be needed. Oh alright i see. So the if conditions for donators/admins overwrite the default loadouts. I thought that you'd have to define the default loadout after calling the custom ones. This makes more sense now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 Quote What about players who's UID's aren't defined in an Array, you define it collaterally... for example.. if (im juandayz) then { im juandayz; the guy from argentine you know :D }else{ im not juandayz; im not DamnReleentles; im not Fuel im not the rest of epoch community so im not the rest of the peoples in the world :D }; if ((getPlayerUID player) in adminArray) then { im an adm and i be able to running the followings codes; //codes }; //we close here.. do not need else but thers a "virtual" else here. this means: if ((getPlayerUID player) in adminArray) then { im an adm and i be able to running the followings codes; //codes }else{ im the rest of players who are not adms so im not be able to running the codes inside the section from above. }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JakeQue Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 Can you not just create an array here to add into ESS3 spawn selection? Something like ["ADMIN LOADOUT 1", "Skin_USMC_Soldier_Officer_DZ","SurvivorWpink_DZ", [HUMANITY_ITEMS,"ItemMorphine","20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2], [HUMANITY_TOOLS,"DMR"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["AdminUid"],[],0, 0,0] juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 @JakeQue for ESSV3 user yes. i do the loadout with skins not with uids.. something like this Spoiler load_out = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "load_out.sqf"; waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord")}; if (PVCDZ_plr_Login2 select 2) then { player spawn load_out; }; Spoiler if (typeOf player in DayZ_Female) then { _morph = ["SurvivorWdesert_DZ","SurvivorWcombat_DZ"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; }; _morph = DZE_CUSTOMSKINS call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; removeBackpack player; removeAllItems player; removeAllWeapons player; {player removeMagazine _x} count (magazines player); sleep 1; if (typeOf player in DayZ_Female) then { player addMagazine "CinderBlocks"; player addMagazine "5Rnd_762x54_Mosin"; player addMagazine "5Rnd_762x54_Mosin"; player addWeapon "Mosin_DZ"; player addWeapon "ItemToolbox"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; }; player addMagazine "ItemBloodbag"; player addMagazine "5Rnd_762x54_Mosin"; player addMagazine "5Rnd_762x54_Mosin"; player addWeapon "Mosin_DZ"; player addWeapon "ItemToolbox"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_morph] call player_humanityMorph; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted June 27, 2017 Report Share Posted June 27, 2017 3 hours ago, JakeQue said: into ESS3 4 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said: his could be good for someone new to understand how loadout works and if they don't want the spawn selection of ESS from ebay where a default loadout selection is also included. JakeQue 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JakeQue Posted June 28, 2017 Report Share Posted June 28, 2017 15 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said: Doh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LadyVal Posted May 6, 2018 Report Share Posted May 6, 2018 I revive this post. I have my spawn (not the initial but the one when you died and respawn) like this: Spoiler class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog #define START_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemMorphine",2,"FoodMRE",2,"ItemBloodbag" //Custom Loadouts #define VIP_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemPainkiller","FoodMRE",2,"ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine",2 #define VIP_TOOLS "ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass" class_public = [ // These are visible to anyone on the server [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl1","Bandit1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,-50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl2","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl3","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl3",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar"],"DZ_CompactPack_EP1",[],[],0,0,0] ]; halo_selection = true; // Enable HALO selection dialog halo_force = false; // Skip HALO selection dialog and force HALO spawn. halo_type = ""; // Type of plane. Tested with C130J_US_EP1_DZ, AN2_DZ, MV22_DZ. Use "" to disable the plane and use regular HALO. the public loadout was chosen by the owner of the server. I would like to have, beside the public one, a private one by uid's (thats why I did the vip's) but It is not working so I remove it. So thats the question... how I add a UID loadout with the spawn selection? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted May 6, 2018 Report Share Posted May 6, 2018 3 hours ago, LadyVal said: I revive this post. I have my spawn (not the initial but the one when you died and respawn) like this: Hide contents class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog #define START_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemMorphine",2,"FoodMRE",2,"ItemBloodbag" //Custom Loadouts #define VIP_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemPainkiller","FoodMRE",2,"ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine",2 #define VIP_TOOLS "ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass" class_public = [ // These are visible to anyone on the server [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl1","Bandit1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,-50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl2","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl3","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl3",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar"],"DZ_CompactPack_EP1",[],[],0,0,0] ]; halo_selection = true; // Enable HALO selection dialog halo_force = false; // Skip HALO selection dialog and force HALO spawn. halo_type = ""; // Type of plane. Tested with C130J_US_EP1_DZ, AN2_DZ, MV22_DZ. Use "" to disable the plane and use regular HALO. the public loadout was chosen by the owner of the server. I would like to have, beside the public one, a private one by uid's (thats why I did the vip's) but It is not working so I remove it. So thats the question... how I add a UID loadout with the spawn selection? Thanks Hi Lady, You do that server side with ESSv3: https://github.com/ebayShopper/ESSV3/blob/master/spawn_config.sqf#L15-L31 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LadyVal Posted May 6, 2018 Report Share Posted May 6, 2018 I tried it Salival, and it didnt work. My character has no Spawn choice dialog. I did this but something was wrong because it is not working... ((the entire config.sqf from spawn) Spoiler /* ESSV3 Client Side Config For detailed information about these variables see: https://github.com/ebayShopper/ESSV3/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md */ class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog #define START_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemMorphine",2,"FoodMRE",2,"ItemBloodbag" //Custom Loadouts #define VIP_ITEMS "ItemBandage",4,"ItemPainkiller","FoodMRE",2,"ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine",2 #define VIP_TOOLS "ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass" class_public = [ // These are visible to anyone on the server [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl1","Bandit1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,-50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl2","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl3","Bandit2_DZ","SurvivorW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,-200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[],[],0,50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2],["M24_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemFishingPole","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,100000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl3",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"20Rnd_762x51_DMR",4],["DMR_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFishingPole","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemSledge","ItemCompass"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],[],0,200000,0,"M4A3_CCO_EP1"], [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",4],["M4A3_CCO_EP1","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemCrowbar"],"DZ_CompactPack_EP1",[],[],0,0,0] ];//Lady's Loadout class_customLoadout = [ "76561198814642535" // Lady ]; class_customLoadouts = [ // These are only visible to their owner ["Lady's Loadout","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_762x51_M240",4,"15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",4,VIP_ITEMS],["m240_scoped_EP1_DZE","M9_SD_DZ",VIP_TOOLS],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",10],["BAF_LRR_scoped"],0,"MeleeHatchet"] ]; halo_selection = true; // Enable HALO selection dialog halo_force = false; // Skip HALO selection dialog and force HALO spawn. halo_type = ""; // Type of plane. Tested with C130J_US_EP1_DZ, AN2_DZ, MV22_DZ. Use "" to disable the plane and use regular HALO. spawn_selection = true; // Enable spawn selection dialog spawn_bodyCheck = 2000; // If a player has a body within this distance of a spawn that spawn will be blocked. Set to -1 to disable. spawn_nearGroup = false; // Allow players to spawn near their group. BodyCheck can override. spawn_nearPlot = false; // Allow players to spawn near their plot. BodyCheck can override. spawn_radius = 800; // Distance around spawn to find a safe pos. Lower is closer to exact coordinates. Do not set too low or BIS_fnc_findSafePos may fail. spawn_public = switch (toLower worldName) do { case "chernarus": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[4523,2444,0],[12037,9100,0],[6723,2562,0],[10417,2120,0],[1896,2242,0],[13470,6306,0]],0,0,1], // Random will never be blocked, so always keep it if using body check. [localize "str_location_balota",[4523,2444,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_berezino",[12037,9100,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_chernogorsk",[6723,2562,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_elektrozavodsk",[10417,2120,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_kamenka",[1896,2242,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_solnichniy",[13470,6306,0],0,0], // Above are defaults [localize "str_location_loc_devilscastle",[6900,11419,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_gorka",[9659,8839,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_grishino",[5967,10323,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_guglovo",[8472,6754,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_gvozdno",[8654,11832,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_kabanino",[5346,8630,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_kamyshovo",[12073,3490,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_komarovo",[3643,2473,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_krasnostav",[11342,12232,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_loc_capkrutoy",[13395,4159,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_lopatino",[2731,10000,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_petrovka",[5035,12459,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_pogorevka",[4461,6424,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_prigorodki",[8059,3381,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_pusta",[9178,3928,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_vybor",[3893,8883,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_vyshnoe",[6612,6065,0],0,0], [localize "str_location_zelenogorsk",[2858,5313,0],0,0] ] }; case "tavi": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[9093,2614,0],[17588,4952,0],[15954,15847,0],[16674,13930,0],[11361,6685,0],[17744,10299,0],[18292,7537,0],[13561,19300,0],[15246,17425,0],[12268,9763,0]],0,0,1], ["Topolka",[9093,2614,0],0,0], ["Stari Sad",[17588,4952,0],0,0], ["Sevastopol",[15954,15847,0],0,0], ["Martin",[16674,13930,0],0,0], ["Komarovo",[11361,6685,0],0,0], ["Dubovo",[17744,10299,0],0,0], ["Byelov",[18292,7537,0],0,0], ["Khotanovsk",[13561,19300,0],0,0], ["Dalnogorsk",[15246,17425,0],0,0], // Above are defaults ["Kameni",[8350,18937,0],0,0], ["Lyepestok",[11238,14413,0],0,0], ["Marina",[10184,1542,0],0,0], ["Race Track",[1529,7271,0],0,0], ["Chernovar",[5904,10519,0],0,0] ] }; case "napf": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[5411,16676,0],[1511,11479,0],[12231,16319,0],[6946,17385,0],[12862,14850,0],[4672,14940,0],[2720,12226,0],[4104,13026,0],[1461,10584,0],[10283,18449,0],[10709,17085,0]],0,0,1], ["Seltishafen",[5411,16676,0],0,0], ["Hubel",[1511,11479,0],0,0], ["Lausen",[12231,16319,0],0,0], ["Seewen",[6946,17385,0],0,0], ["Bunig",[12862,14850,0],0,0], ["Bubendorf",[4672,14940,0],0,0], ["Hindelbank",[2720,12226,0],0,0], ["Huttwil",[4104,13026,0],0,0], ["Ittingen",[1461,10584,0],0,0], ["Hordstern",[10283,18449,0],0,0], ["Magden",[10709,17085,0],0,0], // Above are defaults ["South Airstrip",[18291,1790,0],0,0], ["Buckten",[5906,5637,0],0,0], ["Giswil",[17101,5282,0],0,0], ["Horw",[17262,13502,0],0,0], ["Romoos",[12694,11878,0],0,0], ["Sachseln",[15554,10651,0],0,0], ["Schangen",[9412,5882,0],0,0], ["Sissach",[11111,8326,0],0,0], ["Waldegg",[8538,852,0],0,0] ] }; case "lingor": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[2085,5501,0],[1355,315,0],[4550,913,0],[8880,1703,0],[580,5547,0],[3250,2556,0],[6143,2753,0],[1269,2858,0],[8295,8667,0],[9072,7323,0],[6899,3971,0]],0,0,1], ["Vidora",[2085,5501,0],0,0], ["Alma",[1355,315,0],0,0], ["Calamar",[4550,913,0],0,0], ["Pikawas",[8880,1703,0],0,0], ["Benio",[580,5547,0],0,0], ["Aguado",[3250,2556,0],0,0], ["Prospero",[6143,2753,0],0,0], ["Rago",[1269,2858,0],0,0], ["Cemarin",[8295,8667,0],0,0], ["Conoteta",[9072,7323,0],0,0], ["Sanvigado",[6899,3971,0],0,0] // Above are defaults ] }; case "namalsk": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[4620,10916,0],[7600,6020,0],[6498,11851,0],[7668,11707,0],[4340,4960,0],[7885,7206,0],[3013,7506,0],[4673,10004,0],[7859,9096,0],[8756,10119,0],[5823,5641,0]],0,0,1], ["Lubjansk",[4620,10916,0],0,0], ["Old Sawmill",[7600,6020,0],0,0], ["West Vorkuta",[6498,11851,0],0,0], ["East Vorkuta",[7668,11707,0],0,0], ["Brensk",[4340,4960,0],0,0], ["Tara Harbor",[7885,7206,0],0,0], ["Norinsk Tunnel",[3013,7506,0],0,0], ["Lubjansk Bay",[4673,10004,0],0,0], ["Nemsk Factory",[7859,9096,0],0,0], ["Jalovisko",[8756,10119,0],0,0], ["Brensk Bay",[5823,5641,0],0,0] // Above are defaults ] }; case "sauerland": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[15448,8466,0],[19488,7462,0],[19478,12440,0],[20210,14501,0],[16453,6895,0],[19666,10377,0],[11000,10157,0],[10669,13320,0],[11349,12225,0],[12104,8936,0],[12879,14983,0]],0,0,1], ["Buersfeld",[15448,8466,0],0,0], ["Hoeinghausen",[19488,7462,0],0,0], ["Berghausen",[19478,12440,0],0,0], ["Heggen",[20210,14501,0],0,0], ["Heidermuehle",[16453,6895,0],0,0], ["Remblinghausen",[19666,10377,0],0,0], ["Schueren",[11000,10157,0],0,0], ["Schmallenberg",[10669,13320,0],0,0], ["Calle",[11349,12225,0],0,0], ["Oberdorf",[12104,8936,0],0,0], ["Burg Calle",[12879,14983,0],0,0], // Above are defaults ["Strelingen",[3437,18843,0],0,0], ["Berghoven",[18734,21955,0],0,0], ["Oeventrop",[8668,22650,0],0,0], ["Arnsberg",[1134,24264,0],0,0], ["Suederbarup",[13260,543,0],0,0], ["Osterholz",[2580,8344,0],0,0], ["Uhlenbusch",[4092,12942,0],0,0], ["Ihrhofen",[9640,19193,0],0,0], ["Old Airfield",[17253,2167,0],0,0] ] }; case "panthera2": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[2354,5213,0],[3281,3348,0],[4793,1862,0],[5969,944,0],[7873,1403,0],[8425,3152,0],[8679,5043,0],[7961,4949,0],[6420,6127,0],[4823,6512,0],[3354,6649,0],[5549,7227,0],[4624,8042,0],[2267,9042,0],[1062,9359,0],[1646,8814,0],[5406,3876,0],[7883,1936,0],[7022,1134,0],[5840,2363,0],[2688,3400,0]],0,0,1], ["Sella Nevea",[2354,5213,0],0,0], ["Kobarid",[3281,3348,0],0,0], ["Taff Grove",[4793,1862,0],0,0], ["Zappado",[5969,944,0],0,0], ["New Skooma",[7873,1403,0],0,0], ["Zelezniki",[8425,3152,0],0,0], ["Begunje",[8679,5043,0],0,0], ["Bled",[7961,4949,0],0,0], ["Mojstrana",[6420,6127,0],0,0], ["Podkoren",[4823,6512,0],0,0], ["Tarvisio",[3354,6649,0],0,0], // Above are defaults ["Hoopsberg",[5549,7227,0],0,0], ["Arnoldstein",[4624,8042,0],0,0], ["Mello",[2267,9042,0],0,0], ["Vatra",[1062,9359,0],0,0], ["Borna",[1646,8814,0],0,0], ["Ukanc",[5406,3876,0],0,0], ["Smugglers Den",[7883,1936,0],0,0], ["Foxhill",[7022,1134,0],0,0], ["Koritnica",[5840,2363,0],0,0], ["FOB Boriana",[2688,3400,0],0,0] ] }; case "smd_sahrani_a2": { [ [localize "str_disp_srvsetup_random",[[11369,5348,0],[9343,5953,0],[7645,6408,0],[12369,7108,0],[9131,8319,0],[10697,9490,0],[13197,8848,0],[14307,12496,0],[9763,14424,0],[10690,16186,0],[17314,14304,0],[18952,13913,0],[4541,15297,0],[9691,11021,0],[8311,9058,0],[2106,2679,0],[7767,15806,0],[6222,17336,0],[14230,1691,0]],0,0,1], ["Parato",[11369,5348,0],0,0], ["Cayo",[9343,5953,0],0,0], ["Arcadia",[7645,6408,0],0,0], ["Ortego",[12369,7108,0],0,0], ["Somato",[9131,8319,0],0,0], ["Paraiso",[10697,9490,0],0,0], ["Corazol",[13197,8848,0],0,0], ["Bagango",[14307,12496,0],0,0], ["Pacamac",[9763,14424,0],0,0], ["Mataredo",[10690,16186,0],0,0], ["Masbete",[17314,14304,0],0,0], ["Pita",[18952,13913,0],0,0], ["Isla Del Vassal",[4541,15297,0],0,0], ["Rashidah",[9691,11021,0],0,0], ["Chantico",[8311,9058,0],0,0], ["Rahmadi",[2106,2679,0],0,0], ["Hunapu",[7767,15806,0],0,0], ["Cabo Valiente",[6222,17336,0],0,0] ] }; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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