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Jobs Agency ??



Hello All,


So i've been trying to look for a job script were you go up to the banker (global banking) and scroll wheel and you get the option to "Get A Job!" and it gives you a job say "Your Job Is Now A WoodCutter, You Get $15,000 Every 10 Minutes". I've been trying to search for a script like this but i can't find one, i know its out there because i see loads of servers running it?


Any Help?



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wow.. @Wizz  this is a great idea but you need write a lot..

maybe you can use it.. or adapt it to your taste..

so you spawn the places location with the post from above.. and set a variable on player when he goes to the job agency.. and if player is worki9ng in the area and the variable is true.. then he wins money

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1 hour ago, Wizz said:

get the option to "Get A Job!" and it gives you a job say "Your Job Is Now A WoodCutter, You Get $15,000 Every 10 Minutes".

I like the idea ...... but only when the player MUST chop trees for that time time! Just the say "your job is now a wood cutter" and gave him 15.000 bucks after 10 minutes is no job.


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25 minutes ago, Anhor said:

I like the idea ...... but only when the player MUST chop trees for that time time! Just the say "your job is now a wood cutter" and gave him 15.000 bucks after 10 minutes is no job.


ik but it kinda makes it more interesting for the player.

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42 minutes ago, Anhor said:

Give the players 10 million coins and 10.000 free vehicles ......... and then they want more.

My motto: No pain, no gain!


lol i agree. it is a survival mod. But that is why server owners can customize it the way they prefer. Not everyone is alike. We run PVE, and the type of environment is great. No negativity at all (cept trolls of course). These days there are too many kids that dont know what the word respect is, and not just kids... So running a PVE community, it weeds those type of people out. Basically we want a peaceful game play, with mature people. We love to build and work together at missions. So as a new player, jobs is a good way to get started, on our servers.  And yes, you can get killed at your base by roaming AIs... still get the PVP feeling of having to watch your back, but dont have to worry about losing weeks if not months of building in a couple hours...  anyways I get your point of view, and why you say it often lol, but we all have one...and its why the mod is the way it is.  < and dont take this is a bad manner, i always get a chuckle when i see you emphasis your point of view on it ;)

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5 hours ago, theduke said:

lol i agree. it is a survival mod. But that is why server owners can customize it the way they prefer. Not everyone is alike. We run PVE, and the type of environment is great. No negativity at all (cept trolls of course). These days there are too many kids that dont know what the word respect is, and not just kids... So running a PVE community, it weeds those type of people out. Basically we want a peaceful game play, with mature people. We love to build and work together at missions. So as a new player, jobs is a good way to get started, on our servers.  And yes, you can get killed at your base by roaming AIs... still get the PVP feeling of having to watch your back, but dont have to worry about losing weeks if not months of building in a couple hours...  anyways I get your point of view, and why you say it often lol, but we all have one...and its why the mod is the way it is.  < and dont take this is a bad manner, i always get a chuckle when i see you emphasis your point of view on it ;)

We run ours as PVE too ........ incomprehensibly dies 90% of new players within less than 10 minutes :rolleyes:

No, we know why :biggrin: we run well boosted DZAI with foot, vehicle and air patrol, because we prefer this (No markers, can appear anywhere and at any time. The thrill). And we have only many running aggro zed´s too.

But if a new player shout out for help, mostly he is completely surprised when two vehicles and a helicopter with 4 or 5 heros arrive at the scene to rescue him.

They argue at most who can help him now :blink:


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18 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said:

Such a nice script idea. I wish I had more time. /:

Is there a script that i need in order to display the right clicks on the toolbox for deployables? The Suicide script + the deployables script don't work when it comes to right clicking the toolbox/gun. However there are also no errors in the logs.....

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4 minutes ago, Wizz said:

Is there a script that i need in order to display the right clicks on the toolbox for deployables? The Suicide script + the deployables script don't work when it comes to right clicking the toolbox/gun. However there are also no errors in the logs.....

This is done trough an extraRc class or rightclick options script. The last one is the more updated one but I still prefer the exraRC.

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Just now, DAmNRelentless said:

This is done trough an extraRc class or rightclick options script. The last one is the more updated one but I still prefer the exraRC.

Could you give me a link to something that would work xD

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1 hour ago, DuMa said:

	if (_isMan && {!(isPlayer _cursorTarget)} && {_typeOfCursorTarget in ZSC_bankTraders} && {!_isPZombie}) then {
		if (s_bank_dialog1 < 0) then {
			s_bank_dialog1 = player addAction ["Bank Teller","Shared\Scripts\Currency\atmDialog.sqf",_cursorTarget,3,true,true];
    if (s_player_GetJob < 0) then {
			s_player_GetJob = player addAction ["<t color=""#8A0004"">Get a Job</t>","Path to Job.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_bank_dialog1;
		s_bank_dialog1 = -1;
		player removeAction s_player_GetJob;
		s_player_GetJob = -1;


Make sure you put s_player_GetJob into reset actions and at bottom , else player have chances getting stuck in loading screen.


EDIT : In the Jobs.sqf line #2 change 

player removeAction s_player_RGcareer;


player removeAction s_player_GetJob;


You will get infinite action loop if you dont do that.

Weird, Everytime i log in i get automatically put to a job like before.....

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