Cherdenko Posted April 11, 2017 Report Share Posted April 11, 2017 As some of you guys may have allready seen, the journal kicks coz of a script restriction, if you open the last page. Also some of you guys might allready have a custom ui and don´t want the journal, coz you simply don´t like it. So here ill present you a way to disable the journey completly: 1. for people who don´t have a custom keyboard Spoiler 1.paste this into your compiles.sqf in the if(isDedicated){ section: DZ_KeyDown_EH = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "YOUR\PATH\HERE\keyboard.sqf"; 2. paste this in a file you will call keyboard.sqf // (c) [email protected], licensed to DayZMod for the community #include "\ca\editor\Data\Scripts\dikCodes.h" _dikCode = _this select 1; _shiftState = _this select 2; _ctrlState = _this select 3; _altState = _this select 4; _handled = false; if (isNil "keyboard_keys") then { _cancelBuild = { DZE_cancelBuilding = true; call dayz_EjectPlayer; _handled = false; if (r_player_dead) then {_handled = true;}; // Disable ESC after death }; _dze_f = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_F = true;}; }; _dze_q = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Q = true;}; if (!_ctrlState && _altState) then {DZE_Q_alt = true;}; if (_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Q_ctrl = true;}; }; _dze_z = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Z = true;}; if (!_ctrlState && _altState) then {DZE_Z_alt = true;}; if (_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Z_ctrl = true;}; }; _autoRun = { if (!dayz_autoRun) then { dayz_autoRun = true; dayz_autoRunThread = [] spawn { _weapon = currentWeapon player; while {dayz_autoRun} do { // SurfaceIsWater does not work for ponds // Check weapon to detect Arma action (dayz action is handled in dz_fn_switchWeapon) if (player != vehicle player or (surfaceIsWater getPosASL player) or ((call fn_nearWaterHole) select 0) or (currentWeapon player != _weapon) or r_fracture_legs) exitWith { call dayz_autoRunOff; }; player playAction "FastF"; uiSleep 0.5; }; }; } else { call dayz_autoRunOff; }; _handled = true; }; _filterCheat = { //Overriding default engine handling does not stop cheat input, need manual disableUserInput too _handled = [displayNull,_dikCode,_shiftState] call dze_filterCheats; }; _openGroups = { if (dayz_requireRadio && !("ItemRadio" in items player)) then { localize "STR_EPOCH_NEED_RADIO" call dayz_rollingMessages; } else { if (isNull findDisplay 80000) then { if (!isNil "dayz_groupInit") then {[] spawn dayz_openGroupDialog;}; } else { findDisplay 80000 closeDisplay 2; }; }; _handled = true; }; _muteSound = { call player_toggleSoundMute; _handled = true; }; _rifle = { 2 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _pistol = { 3 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _melee = { // Also works for rifle on back if DZE_TwoPrimaries = 2; 4 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _throwable = { // select next non empty throwable weapon if (vehicle player == player) then { _ammo_throwable = []; _muzzles_throwable = []; _weapon_throwable = []; { _weapon = _x; _muzzles = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "muzzles"); if (count _muzzles == 0) then { _muzzles = [_weapon ]; }; { _muzz = _x; { if (_x in magazines player) then { _ammo_throwable set [ count _ammo_throwable, getText(configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo") ]; _muzzles_throwable set [ count _muzzles_throwable, _muzz ]; _weapon_throwable set [ count _weapon_throwable, _weapon ]; }; } forEach getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> _muzz >> "magazines"); } forEach _muzzles; } forEach ["Throw"]; _magCount = count _ammo_throwable; if (_magCount > 0) then { if (isNil "KB_CurrentThrowable") then { KB_CurrentThrowable = -1; }; _currentAmmo = (weaponState player) select 3; _idx = _ammo_throwable find _currentAmmo; if (_idx >= 0) then { KB_CurrentThrowable = _idx; }; KB_CurrentThrowable = (KB_CurrentThrowable + 1) mod _magCount; player selectWeapon (_muzzles_throwable select KB_CurrentThrowable); _handled = true; }; }; }; _surrender = { call player_surrender; _handled = true; }; _gear = { if ((vehicle player != player) and !_shiftState and !_ctrlState and !_altState && !dialog) then { createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"]; _handled = true; } else { if ((vehicle player == player) and (speed vehicle player > 0)) then { //[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE; _handled = true; };}; }; _forcesave = { dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_ticktime; call player_forceSave; call dayz_EjectPlayer; }; _forcesave2 = { if ((!isNull (findDisplay 106)) OR dialog) then { call player_forceSave; }; }; _drop = { if (r_drag_sqf) then { _doors = nearestObjects [player, DayZ_DropDrageeObjects, 3]; //Prevent dropping dragged player through objects if (count _doors > 0) then {_handled = true;}; force_dropBody = true; } else { _doors = nearestObjects [player, DZE_DoorsLocked, 3]; if (count _doors > 0 && {speed player > 0}) then {_handled = true;}; //Prevent sprint and prone through doors glitch }; }; _interrupt = { if (vehicle player == player) then { //allow med actions in moving vehicles r_interrupt = true; }; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off}; if (dayz_autoRun) then {call dayz_autoRunOff;}; }; // TODO: left/right, when gear open: onKeyDown = "[_this,'onKeyDown',0,107,0,107] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\system\handleGear.sqf'"; _noise = { //Overriding default engine handling does not stop combination binds, need manual disableUserInput too _handled = [displayNull,_dikCode,_shiftState] call dze_filterCheats; if (diag_ticktime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10 && !(_dikCode in channel_keys)) then { dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_ticktime; [player,20,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies; }; }; _build_left = { DZE_4 = true; // fence construction if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { _angleRef = Dayz_constructionContext select 1; _dir = _angleRef - (getDir player) -5; if (_dir > 180) then {_dir = _dir - 360}; if (_dir < -180) then {_dir = _dir + 360}; if ( _dir > -75) then { _new = floor((_angleRef - 5)/5)*5; Dayz_constructionContext set [ 1, _new]; // favorite angle r_interrupt = true; }; _handled = true; }; // tents and stash construction _object = player getVariable ["constructionObject", objNull]; if (!isNull _object) then { _dir = getDir _object - 3; _object setDir _dir; _handled = true; }; dayz_dodge = true; }; _build_right = { DZE_6 = true; if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { _angleRef = Dayz_constructionContext select 1; _dir = _angleRef - (getDir player) +5; if (_dir > 180) then { _dir = _dir - 360; }; if (_dir < -180) then { _dir = _dir + 360; }; if (_dir < 75) then { _new = ceil((_angleRef + 5)/5)*5; Dayz_constructionContext set [ 1, _new]; // favorite angle r_interrupt = true; }; _handled = true; }; // tents and stash construction _object = player getVariable ["constructionObject", objNull]; if (!isNull _object) then { _dir = getDir _object + 3; _object setDir _dir; _handled = true; }; dayz_dodge = true; }; _build_camOnOff = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_buildCamera.sqf"; _build_str8OnOff = { if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { Dayz_constructionContext set [ 5, !(Dayz_constructionContext select 5) ]; _handled = true; r_interrupt = true; }; if (animationState player in ["bunnyhopunarmed","bunnyhoprifle"]) then { //Fixes invisible weapon switch glitch if double tapping vault with no weapon in hands _handled = true; }; if (player isKindOf "PZombie_VB") then { _handled = true; // do not allow player zombies to vault or jump } else { _nearbyObjects = nearestObjects[getPosATL player, dayz_disallowedVault, 8]; if (count _nearbyObjects > 0) then { if ((diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 4)) then { [objNull, player, rSwitchMove,"GetOver"] call RE; player playActionNow "GetOver"; dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime; } else { _handled = true; }; }; }; }; _block = { _handled = true; }; _addArray = { { keyboard_keys set [_x, _this select 1]; } forEach (_this select 0); }; keyboard_keys = []; channel_keys = []; voice_keys = []; {voice_keys = voice_keys + (actionKeys _x)} count voice_actions; {channel_keys = channel_keys + (actionKeys _x)} count ["NextChannel","PrevChannel"]; keyboard_keys resize 256; [[DIK_ESCAPE], _cancelBuild] call _addArray; [[DIK_INSERT], {DZE_Q_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_A,DIK_D,DIK_LEFT,DIK_RIGHT], _interrupt] call _addArray; [[DIK_F], _dze_f] call _addArray; [[DIK_PRIOR], _dze_q] call _addArray; [[DIK_NEXT], _dze_z] call _addArray; [[DIK_Q], {DZE_4 = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_E], {DZE_6 = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_0], _autoRun] call _addArray; [[DIK_NUMPADMINUS,DIK_LSHIFT], _filterCheat] call _addArray; [[DIK_SPACE], {DZE_5 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User6", {DZE_F = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User7", {DZE_Q_ctrl = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User8", {DZE_Z_ctrl = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User13", {DZE_Q_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User14", {DZE_Z_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User15", {DZE_Q = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User16", {DZE_Z = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User17", {DZE_4 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User18", {DZE_6 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User19", {DZE_5 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Surrender", _surrender] call _addArray; [[DIK_1], _rifle] call _addArray; [[DIK_2], _pistol] call _addArray; [[DIK_3], _melee] call _addArray; //[[DIK_4], _throwable] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Gear", _gear] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Prone", _drop] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Crouch", _drop] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveLeft", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveRight", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveForward", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveBack", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TurnLeft", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TurnRight", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalk", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkAll", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkCommand", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkDirect", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkGroup", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkSide", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkVehicle", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "VoiceOverNet", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "NextChannel", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PrevChannel", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Chat", _noise] call _addArray; [[DIK_F1], _muteSound] call _addArray; //[[DIK_F4, DIK_TAB, DIK_DELETE], _forcesave] call _addArray; //[[DIK_F4, DIK_RMENU, DIK_LMENU,DIK_LSHIFT,DIK_RSHIFT,DIK_ESCAPE], _forcesave2] call _addArray; [actionKeys "LeanLeft", _build_left ] call _addArray; [actionKeys "LeanRight", _build_right ] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PersonView", _build_camOnOff ] call _addArray; // Camera Mode [actionKeys "GetOver", _build_str8OnOff ] call _addArray; // V // [[DIK_NUMPAD7], _rotate_left] call _addArray; // [[DIK_NUMPAD9], _rotate_right] call _addArray; [actionKeys "ForceCommandingMode", {DZE_5 = true;_handled = true;}] call _addArray; [[ DIK_F9,DIK_F10,DIK_F11,DIK_F12, DIK_F8,DIK_F7,DIK_F6,DIK_F5,DIK_F4, DIK_F3,DIK_F2,DIK_9, DIK_8,DIK_7,DIK_6,DIK_5,DIK_4], _block] call _addArray; if (dayz_groupSystem) then { [[DIK_F5], _openGroups] call _addArray; [[DIK_LWIN,DIK_RWIN], {dayz_groupNameTags = !dayz_groupNameTags;_handled = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TacticalView", _block] call _addArray; }; diag_log "keyboard_keys reset"; if (!isNil "bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh") then {bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"];}; // halo in progress }; if (r_player_unconsciousInputDisabled) exitWith {true}; _code = keyboard_keys select _dikCode; if (!isNil "_code") then { call _code; }; _handled for people who do have the custom keyboard.sqf: Spoiler first of remove these lines : _journal = { if (!dayz_isSwimming and !dialog) then { [player,4,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies; createDialog 'horde_journal_front_cover'; }; _handled = true; }; after that remove the next occurences [actionKeys "User20", _journal] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Diary", _journal] call _addArray; [actionKeys "NetworkStats", _journal] call _addArray; and you are good to go. juandayz and S4M 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 If your journal is kicking for a script restriction, why not fix the script restriction? BigEgg and Petite 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherdenko Posted April 12, 2017 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 mine isn´t kicking. that was just for a guy that wanted to have his journal removed because of that. maybe others don´t want the journal, because they don´t like it. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petite Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 Mine still kicking whatever I'm doing, @salival do you have the right thing to add in the BE? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 49 minutes ago, Petite said: Mine still kicking whatever I'm doing, @salival do you have the right thing to add in the BE? Hey, It depends on what it's kicking for, I'm guessing you're not using the stock epoch battleye filters? I am not sure if infistar has them whitelisted or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petite Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 1 hour ago, salival said: Hey, It depends on what it's kicking for, I'm guessing you're not using the stock epoch battleye filters? I am not sure if infistar has them whitelisted or not. Kick me for that #7 ""_2","_1","_b","_idc_arr","_extra_kills","_tally_kills","_full_box_count","_partial_box_tally","_add_kills"]; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 5 hours ago, Petite said: Kick me for that #7 ""_2","_1","_b","_idc_arr","_extra_kills","_tally_kills","_full_box_count","_partial_box_tally","_add_kills"]; It's kicking you for _box (which is stupid) I would either remove line #9 from scripts.txt: 5 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" Or add the exception to it: 5 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" !="private [\"_count\",\"_kills\",\"_5\",\"_4\",\"_3\",\"_2\",\"_1\",\"_b\",\"_idc_arr\",\"_extra_kills\",\"_tally_kills\",\"_full_box_count\",\"_partial_box_tally\",\"_add_kills\"];" I haven't tested this but it should work okay @infiSTAR Petite, DieTanx, S4M and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petite Posted April 12, 2017 Report Share Posted April 12, 2017 1 hour ago, salival said: It's kicking you for _box (which is stupid) I would either remove line #9 from scripts.txt: 5 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" Or add the exception to it: 5 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" !="private [\"_count\",\"_kills\",\"_5\",\"_4\",\"_3\",\"_2\",\"_1\",\"_b\",\"_idc_arr\",\"_extra_kills\",\"_tally_kills\",\"_full_box_count\",\"_partial_box_tally\",\"_add_kills\"];" Its working with that, Thanks! @infiSTAR I will try that but probably change the 5 to 1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherdenko Posted April 13, 2017 Author Report Share Posted April 13, 2017 if you change the 5 to a 1 the line should look like this: 1 "_box" so nothing behind the "_box" or it won´t be logged Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted April 13, 2017 Report Share Posted April 13, 2017 3 hours ago, Cherdenko said: if you change the 5 to a 1 the line should look like this: 1 "_box" so nothing behind the "_box" or it won´t be logged or just add the exception like I posted so you still get the protection there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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