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[RELEASE] Mystery Briefcase UPDATED for 1061


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I feel this topic needs updated install instructions to reflect the changes made. Albeit that some people may be able to work out what they need to do (changes wise) themselves to get this working, there are differences between the way 1051 and 1061 are cofigured in files. For example there are some differences between the two that people may get confused with when trying to work out what they need to do to install this on 1061. In the original post it says Find:

class DayZ_loadingScreen


Then place some code below it (CfgSounds) in description.ext. Seeing as this instruction does not exist in (at the very least MY) description it MAY very well confuse some admins reading this. Obviously that may well be overcome if they already have a cfgsounds section already. Also the way you configure cfgSounds seems to be slightly different to how it was done in 1051. This is the part i am trying to work out how to do for myself. I'll give you an example of the subtle differences:

Im using juandayz workshop cfgsounds as a comparison.


workshop[] =
    class alarm
    titles[] = {};
    workshop2[] =
    class electric
    titles[] = {};


Compared to the mbc cfg sounds:


	sounds[] = {Brief_Open_Sound};
	class Brief_Open_Sound
		name = "Brief_Open_Sound";
		sound[] = {addons\mbc\brief_open.ogg,0.4,1};
		titles[] = {};


Do you notice the differences? They are only subtle BUT they could be a source for potential problems for someone who may not completely understand everything about scripting (and yes that does include me to some extent). The rest of the install instructions seem to be straight forward onwards but those two minor issues may cause the entire script not to work for someone who might not fully understand what they need to do. I feel that IF a script is updated for 1061 then at the very least instructions on installing it should ALSO be updated as well to reflect any changes made regarding the differences between the way 1051 and 1061 are configured.

In the meantime ill be pushing on and seeing if i can workout what needs to be done...


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first of download the files listed on Dukes github.

then create a new folder inside your mission file called mbc

move all the files that you downloaded into there.

next up goto the description.ext  and find the class CfgSounds.

and paste this into there:

	class Brief_Open_Sound
		name = "Brief_Open_Sound";
		sound[] = {addons\mbc\brief_open.ogg,0.4,1};
		titles[] = {};

so it looks like this:

class CfgSounds
	sounds[] = {Brief_Open_Sound};
	class Brief_Open_Sound
		name = "Brief_Open_Sound";
		sound[] = {mbc\brief_open.ogg,0.4,1};
		titles[] = {};

next goto the bottom of the description.ext

and add this:

#include "mbc\dialogs.hpp"

next goto the bottom of your compiles.sqf, outside of the if(!isDedicated) section so as a last line and add

// Mystery Briefcase by Rocu
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mbc\config.sqf";

next goto your click config files:

and add this as the last line

["ItemBriefcase_Base","Open Mistery Briefcase","execVM 'mbc\open_brief.sqf';","true"] // remember no Komma in last line


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I had already done that, I wasnt in particular saying that I was getting confused BUT would you not agree that under any circumstance when things change especially in the case of a version change for epoch, then if there are major difference between how they are structured from on versus the other then instructions should be updated also. In my case I've installed mbc, I just need to test it to verify its working in my case.

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