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[EMS] Epoch Mission System - Release 0.2.1


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Axe Cop is right..


The SARGE variable is only added to the server cleanup to stop it from deleting the AI


U need something like





What u need todo is  create a map marker (invisible no point players seeing patrol area map markers for ai).

Some of the SARGE code is run client side, so i wouldn't try use local markers just incase it breaks something.


U then need to call on SARGE AI code to spawn the AI i.e

_group1 = [_markername, 3, _snipers, _soldiers, _ai_setting, false] call SAR_AI;

Look @ https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge/SAR_AI-1.5.0/blob/master/addons/SARGE/SAR_setup_AI_patrol.sqf   to figure out the various settings.

Its a similar story with AI land & air vehicles...




edit:- U really should change that timer code with the code i showed u  a previous post...

If someone sets the timer values to close together that has potential to kill the server fps


edit2:- The vehicle SARGE code doesn't return the vehicle group... u will need to alter the sarge code to return the value if u want it.

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Thanks for the tips guys. We definitely need to look into this and determine how to fix / adjust the system to use whatever AI system the server admin wants.

Yea the problem is if you do that it needs to be specific to every AI system, you can't simply switch from Sarge to DZAI then.. only reason you can until now is because you never use it in the first place :D

But what you can do is add a special file for every AI system, so admins can just switch that out,, for the first release you can only add support for Sarge and then extend it later to other Ai systems, maybe..

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Yea the problem is if you do that it needs to be specific to every AI system, you can't simply switch from Sarge to DZAI then.. only reason you can until now is because you never use it in the first place :D

But what you can do is add a special file for every AI system, so admins can just switch that out,, for the first release you can only add support for Sarge and then extend it later to other Ai systems, maybe..

Exactly what I was thinking already.


Have one set of files for DZAI, one for Sarge, and one for stock Arma. Then the server admin can pick.

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Yep, theory is correct then. The EMS does use the basic ArmA AI and Im currently testing a fully SargeAI integrated version of the mission.

Shouldnt be much of a problem to set a variable in the EMS config files to have a "case" statement that, according to what is chosen (SargeAI, DZAI, vanilla Arma) uses the correct spawn mechanic in the add_unit.sqf's.


Ill give feedback if the Sarge things work as intended, then will likely have the case-thingie integrated in short time. Only thing is, Im not familiar with dzAI so someone else would need to integrate that, but shouldnt be any sort of problem.


Additional advantages of using SargeAI is that you can specify the unit behavior and thus, create more challenging and diverse mission-setups by just changing how the AI reacts (e.g.: road camp and ambush, just a usual patrol around a spawned building etc.).

Im not at all seeing it as a downside of having it use the Sarge AI config files, you just need to supply an Epoch specific config that fits the npc's with appropriate weapons, but that would have to be edited anyway and for most people should be. What I remember, a few were set to use too powerful guns (AS50, DMR etc.) and most epoch servers have these disabled or other more appropriate ways of getting hands on these, other than easily killing off a few AI and looting a DMR with plenty of ammo.

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Anyone h aving issues with minor missions not seeming to want to spawn?  Had no problem getting major missions to spawn back to back after editting the spawn timers, but I changed the minor missions to the same spawn times and never saw one spawn.


Nevermind, it is indeed spawning the other missions.  The difference is size of the markers was just h ard to notice - going to look into a way to changing the colour so that its easier to identify which mission is which.

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Anyone h aving issues with minor missions not seeming to want to spawn?  Had no problem getting major missions to spawn back to back after editting the spawn timers, but I changed the minor missions to the same spawn times and never saw one spawn.

Please post the code you're using for your Major and Minor timers.

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I'd be up for it if everyone else is.

 I'd also be happy to help out and test or even gather new spawn locations for various maps :)

BIS_fnc_findSafePos might be okay for Chernarus but for Taviana is chooses mountains every time, I'll select 30 or more good spawn locations for every map if it'll help, just let me know.

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have you guys not thought of working together ? There's 3 mission scripts all with different pros and cons at the minute, imagine what you could achive together :D



I'd be up for it if everyone else is.



just pm'ed him ...

Edited by Fuchs
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Any Idea on fixing the Config.bin error. I'm on a report spam fixing mission just getting most of them widdled out. 


Other than that it is a wicked mission system. Anyone tried the Wicked mission system? 




We know what's causing this and it will be fixed in the next release, coming soon.

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ok guys . i have a piece of time today for fixing some things ,starting 21:00 CET


Edited some or most of the mission complete text's 

Changed distance to 30meters for completing a mission so the next one starts up then

# Deleted all pistols fo AI in progress

# axemurderer  _ailoadout= ["MeleeHatchet_DZE"]

# fillboxes1 should be working fine now, if (not) then [ {inform},{us} ] ^^

Edited by Fuchs
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Yes thought about that aswell, but as far as i can see i've done it correctly, but i'll just post my code, so please have a look and tell me if im wrong :)

      "	if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && ((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n


Anyone ? :)

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Typing on my phone right now so I'll keep this short. I think I may explain the confusion about server_cleanup:

In server_cleanup there is a HACKER CHECK that will kill a player when he enters a vehicle that was spawned in by a hacker. To let the server know which vehicles isn't spawned in, the server puts exceptions.

So there are exceptions for Epoch cars (DZE_...), and the line we put with SARGE. This line is just adding an exception that every vehicle that has the variable SARGE, is a legit spawned in carx, and not a hacked one.

With other words, it's called SARGE, because he chose the name, it could've been 'Ruben' as well. It has nothing to do with the actual AI. In the case of Sarge AI it made sure nobody died while entering AI vehicles.

Here we apply the same logic. It makes sure nobody dies entering the mission spawned vehicles.

I hope this clears the situation up :)

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Typing on my phone right now so I'll keep this short. I think I may explain the confusion about server_cleanup:

In server_cleanup there is a HACKER CHECK that will kill a player when he enters a vehicle that was spawned in by a hacker. To let the server know which vehicles isn't spawned in, the server puts exceptions.

So there are exceptions for Epoch cars (DZE_...), and the line we put with SARGE. This line is just adding an exception that every vehicle that has the variable SARGE, is a legit spawned in carx, and not a hacked one.

With other words, it's called SARGE, because he chose the name, it could've been 'Ruben' as well. It has nothing to do with the actual AI. In the case of Sarge AI it made sure nobody died while entering AI vehicles.

Here we apply the same logic. It makes sure nobody dies entering the mission spawned vehicles.

I hope this clears the situation up :)


Okay thanks for the clearing that up.

But i still got the issue when ppl enters missions vehicles, they simply disappear, got any thoughts on that ? :)

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Okay thanks for the clearing that up.

But i still got the issue when ppl enters missions vehicles, they simply disappear, got any thoughts on that ? :)

did you add this to your dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, if not vehicles will despawn..

if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

why shoot soldiers ai not at all?

i have set:


// the humanity value below which a player will be considered hostile


Because the AI is not using Sarge atm, read the topic. :)

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did you add this to your dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, if not vehicles will despawn..

if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};


Yes it's in there and under the code specified in the install instructions:

if ((typeName _objectID != "string") || (typeName _uid != "string")) then
    diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
    //force fail
    _objectID = "0";
    _uid = "0";
if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};
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