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[UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07


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Gotcha, I have no idea then. I made no other changes to any of the files, not getting any errors in the report, by all accounts it looks like it should be working, just isn't (sad face).

Bigger problem. Despite it not working, it deleted eveyone's vehicles from the map lol.  xD  I restored a backup, so all is ok, I just really want to be able to use this thing.

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Hey you are doing an amazing job thanks for your works IT07! I installed this and tried 3 vehicles and this is what I get:


"[EPOCH VGS] Starting server-side code..."
"[EPOCH VGS] all Code loaded!"
"[EPOCH VGS] Client BigSL requested his/her vehicles. Result: [[],[],[],[],[]]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,784b1600# 1823682: mrap_01_hmg_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,50b45600# 1823794: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,7b0a8100# 1823877: heli_transport_04_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (BigSL) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_6972uSwX70fYuI2lV7524oV"]"
"[EPOCH VGS] Client BigSL requested his/her vehicles. Result: [[],[],[],[],[]]"


Interface pops up and I select the slot and try to move a locked vehicle "In" but no response. Slot is still empty and vehicle is still there. I get a "loading done." message but the vehicles are still in front of me. Result doesn't show it being actuated to the database it seems? I'd really love to try this awesome script but kinda stuck at the moment :s

Thx again for the great work!

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  On 9/18/2015 at 8:27 AM, IT07 said:

"it deleted everyone's vehicles from the map". How did that happen? It sounds like you're having some database problems.

I honestly have no idea what that's about, I hadn't actually logged in to see it myself, but one of our other admins hopped on right after the restart and said vehicles were gone. I did a quick roll back (like 5 mins) and it hasn't happened since. Might not have had anything to do with this mod, or he might have just been totally losing his mind lol.  

Not sure how I would confirm if the issue is with our database? I mean, it seems to be doing everything else fine - vendors, their inventory, cars people purchase, storage, etc. It just doesn't seem to want to let us store cars. Is there anything else I could try to get it working? Or to at least track down where the issue might be?

Edit: Missed bigsl83's comment - That's pretty much the same thing I'm having. Maybe it is something with the latest Epoch version then?

Thanks again!

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  On 9/18/2015 at 6:16 PM, IT07 said:

VGS now works with Epoch

You're a rockstar, thank you so much!! Is working perfectly now... except one more thing (haha) everybody on the server is now able to use this, no problem, works fine, even other admins... just not me. When I open the menu, it still gets stuck on loading. Does that mean there's something wrong with my character data? I mean, as I said, perfect for all other players now. I assume I must be broken?

Edit: Ok, not working for me and three other people xD Everybody else is fine. 

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Hey blue, I know why I think. It might be because your data on the server has been corrupted. It is really hard for me to explain to you how to fix this.... I will do my best:

Execute this using SERVER EXEC on your infiSTAR's debug console:

_playerUID = getPlayerUID (playableUnits select 0);
[format["EPOCH_vgsOwnedVehs_%1", _playerUID], _playerUID, []] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET;

The first row of code where it says: select 0. Change that 0 to the zero-based index of the position of your player's object in the playableUnits array. Sound weird probably. But if you join first and you're the only one in the server, then select 0 should work fine.
That will simply wipe your garage allowing the server to generate the slots again. After your execute the code, relog from lobby.

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Change that 0 to the zero-based index of the position of your player's object in the playableUnits array. Sound weird probably.

To be clear, you're taking about the number slot assigned when joining the server? So, if I'm currently in slot 20, i would want that to read...

_playerUID = getPlayerUID (playableUnits select 20);
[format["EPOCH_vgsOwnedVehs_%1", _playerUID], _playerUID, []] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET;

Edit: Apparently not xD tried with that, no effect... just not sure how to find that playableUnits info. 

Edit: New problems! lol, so sorry. I feel like I'm totally raining on your parade. (Have I mentioned both you and this mod are awesome?!) Some who were able to access it and put cars in, no longer have the option to take them out. They're saying the can't get VGS to come up on the scroll wheel. Have tried relogging, etc. I still see the entries in the database, they just aren't able to use it anymore, so their cars are stuck in there :/

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^ Same problem actually, some people (self included) are unable to get the garage to load (stuck on "Loading...") It IS working for other people without incident, just not sure what they're doing right and those others of us aren't lol. 

Thanks for all your hard work on this!

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You are the man! I just added it to both my epoch servers and so far so good. I tested a few vehicles and others as well. It's working and I can retrieve vehicles after relogin as well. Seems like only vehicles on ground will work and no helis on rooftops. One concern is the epoch vehicle limit is decreased when storing vehicles and after restart the max limit might be offset and might cause problems for vehicle retrieval when that happens? I will test this theory today. Thanks for the quick fix and you definitely rock, luvin the script :-)




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@blue00: nope it is nothing like the slot you select. Let's say that you join as the 3rd player. Then this is what the playableUnits array would look:

[B Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE, B Alpha 1-2:1 REMOTE, B Alpha 1-3:1];

The last one in that array is you. Instead of using playableUnits select 3 you will need to use playableUnits select 2 because you select using the zero-based index.
The first one is select 0
The second one is select 1
The third one is select 2 and so on.
So to find out which one you are, it will simply be the one that does not have REMOTE in it. Calculate the 0 based index with the position your unit is in. Then do that code I posted in one of my previous post to reset your garage with.

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So if I'm B Alpha 1-2:1 I would put...

_playerUID = getPlayerUID (playableUnits select 1);
[format["EPOCH_vgsOwnedVehs_%1", _playerUID], _playerUID, []] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET;

But how does it tell me then from someone who is B Alpha 2-2:1 ? Sorry for the noob question xD Just trying to understand it so I get it right lol. Have ~5 people with the issue I need to try and get squared away.

Thanks again for all your help!

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if you want to find the player by name, do this (on the server):

    if (name _x isEqualTo "YourName") exitWith
        diag_log text format["%1 is %2 with index: %3", name _x, _x, _forEachIndex]
} forEach playableUnits;

It will output the one you're looking for into the server's logs.

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Thanks for the info :) simplifies my life a bit haha. Tried it on myself first, locked the server so I was the only one in, did the... 

_playerUID = getPlayerUID (playableUnits select 0);
[format["EPOCH_vgsOwnedVehs_%1", _playerUID], _playerUID, []] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET;

Then relogged, still isn't working :( hangs on the "Loading inside vehicles..." and doesn't show any slots. Any other method for un-breaking us? I mean, beyond having to wipe the characters?

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hi blue00, I have tried everything I can do through this forum. If you want me to actually be able to fix it you can give me access to the debug console of infiSTAR and I'll figure it out.
Just let me know if you feel comfortable with that.

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  On 9/19/2015 at 9:08 PM, IT07 said:

hi blue00, I have tried everything I can do through this forum. If you want me to actually be able to fix it you can give me access to the debug console of infiSTAR and I'll figure it out.
Just let me know if you feel comfortable with that.

I'm having the same issue and I'd be totally fine with it xD Only a handful of us aren't able to use it, but would obviously like to be able to get everybody sorted. 

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Actually I might have had a breakthrough. I'll report back after the next restart.

- Update - Nope nevermind still not working lol. I tried the... 

_playerUID = getPlayerUID (playableUnits select 0);
[format["EPOCH_vgsOwnedVehs_%1", _playerUID], _playerUID, []] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET;

...thing, which did end up generating a database entry for self, and other effected players. Although it didn't look quite right. Instead of the normal... [[[],[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[],[]]] like other people had, we just had []. Thought maybe it would work after restart, but no. Then I thought I could manually edit the database entry with the correct slot thingies, and then restart, but alas...still no. Now it all looks fine, but we still can't get it to load lol.

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