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The Phantom


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That is awesome, love it ! I can see it being so creepy,


Cultis and Phantom are my fav now :D please more creepy stuff!


Can you tell me how to upload images, videos to post like you done? i am forum noob!


You seen a Cultist?   I haven't seen any since the last update.  I think they left the mod.  LOL

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Well, My first encounter with the phantom, was very spooky indeed.

I was first looting in the big red barn, in Stary Sobor, when i heard three heavy footsteps on the walkway above. i stepped back and saw a distortion glide past.

I then went to the supermarket to sell some gear and managed to capture it. It appeared to follow me all through Stary Sobor



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Like a snake bite but is very rare and will only happen indoors.


i gather, it will increase your temp. like you have a fever?

the reason why I ask is that a couple of guys have had random temp. increases while looting but not noticed/seen a phantom

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Or some kind of sound or visual effect right before receiving damage so the player at least has a chance of dodging? When I was playing last, the Phantoms usually weren't that noticeable if at all, and our temperature kept spiking out of the blue. We figured it was those pesky silent, invisible snakes. Also, you would treat it with an cold pack but it eventually returned to overheating, no cure that we could find. This was last patch though, I uh *achem* haven't had time to play this patch yet so I don't know if you've changed anything since then.

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Yup, might add some hurt effect in so is more obvious.

Not too obvious please, maybe increase or decrease in BP. Something that needs to be diagnosed rather than plain old damage indicator ( just a thought )

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Could you imagine some footsteps and shortly after a blood curdling scream? ;)

The thing is with that you'd need to get the spawn rate right or it would get real damned annoying.

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