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[RELEASE] Random Loot Crates v1.25


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No RPT errors. RPT shows it is loading the PBO file, but I'm not getting any info at all in the RPT about the loot crates. Shouldn't I at least see this if it's loading in correctly?


diag_log "Static crates loaded successfully!";

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That dialog is posted after all the other lines have successfully loaded.  What map are you using this for?  If it's anything other than Bornholm you will have had to change the coords on the crates, otherwise they could be anywhere on a map like Altis or Chernarus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To have it start only once more than 20 players are on the server you could add

diag_log "[Loot Crates]Loading Static Loot Container Spawning System";
diag_log "[Loot Crates]Waiting for sufficient player count....";
waitUntil {count playableUnits => 20};
diag_log "[Loot Crates]Minimum Player count reached.  Beginning loot crate spawning!";

to the top of the file.  That "should" work.


As for limiting the number of crates at a time, that's a question for someone smarter than me.   :)

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To have it start only once more than 20 players are on the server you could add

diag_log "[Loot Crates]Loading Static Loot Container Spawning System";
diag_log "[Loot Crates]Waiting for sufficient player count....";
waitUntil {count playableUnits => 20};
diag_log "[Loot Crates]Minimum Player count reached.  Beginning loot crate spawning!";

to the top of the file.  That "should" work.


As for limiting the number of crates at a time, that's a question for someone smarter than me.   :)


Metalfoundry, this could be done. Shoot me a PM with more about what you'd like to do.

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Thanks for the reply.... I must be doing something wrong then... all I changed was the locations for the 4 crates here


switch (_worldName) do {
    case "altis":{
        diag_log "Altis-specific settings loaded";


and they wont show up ? Have I done something wrng with this ?



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Check your server RPT for a confirmation that the crates are loaded.  It should look like "Static crates loaded successfully!"  If you have that, then they are loaded and you should double check your coords to make sure they are correct.  If you use Infistar you could turn on "Construction Markers" which will show the crates on the map.  It will also show many other things but it will help find them at least.  

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Check your server RPT for a confirmation that the crates are loaded.  It should look like "Static crates loaded successfully!"  If you have that, then they are loaded and you should double check your coords to make sure they are correct.  If you use Infistar you could turn on "Construction Markers" which will show the crates on the map.  It will also show many other things but it will help find them at least.  


Thanks Darth


I checked the RPT it shows


11:55:15 "Loading Static Loot Container Spawning System"
11:55:15 "Altis-specific settings loaded"
11:55:15 "[crateLoot.sqf] --- >>> worldname is altis"
11:55:15 "Static crates loaded successfully!"
So is working.... I double checked my cords and they are the same as the previous version of this I was using before and they are correct ? I don't have infistar loaded so pretty hard to check.... I may have to install it to check this out.... It must be something with the cords
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Yeah I agree.  Make sure you haven't missed any commas or [] as that could keep them from spawning properly.  If one character is missing early in the array it could prevent all of them from spawning in.  If you want to paste your whole file to pastebin or something I would be happy to take a look.  

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I am very impressed with the speed that you reply, its awesome thanks :)


If you wouldn't mind having a look for me that would be great.... The file is here in zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/rccbjj4ki9jp75j/a3_custom_crates.zip?dl=0 


All I changed was the 4 locations for the crates to spawn at two of my AI bases... pbo it and put epochhive/addons



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