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Is this still a problem if I am not using AH?

Cant seem to get either Sad Boy's or Kilo Swiss' script to work. I am not using infistar.

I cant find the "Use Anti Teleport" but I disabled AH and still had no luck.

Using this in the init:

//HALO Spawn

[] execVM "scripts\para.sqf";

And then I have tried a variety of suggestions in my para.sqf but no luck. Just thought I would see if there were any updates to this as its been two months since the last post.


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Is this still a problem if I am not using AH?

Cant seem to get either Sad Boy's or Kilo Swiss' script to work. I am not using infistar.

I cant find the "Use Anti Teleport" but I disabled AH and still had no luck.

Using this in the init:

//HALO Spawn

[] execVM "scripts\para.sqf";

And then I have tried a variety of suggestions in my para.sqf but no luck. Just thought I would see if there were any updates to this as its been two months since the last post.


I use this code now

if ( alive player ) then {
sleep 3;
                                    removeBackpackGlobal player;										
                                    player addbackpack "B_Parachute";
                                    player addWeapon "EpochRadio0";
                                    player addWeapon "NVG_EPOCH";									
                                    player addWeapon "Rollins_F";
				    player addVest "V_mas_rus_TacVest_o";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";
                                    player addItemToVest "5Rnd_rollins_mag";									
                                    player forceAddUniform "U_C_Poor_1";
                                    EPOCH_playerEnergy = EPOCH_playerEnergy + 50;
                                    EPOCH_playerCrypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto + 20 ;									   
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Am I doing this correct by using the init file calling a .sqf file with what you suggested? I am trying to run it in the mission pbo. I guess, according to your billboard post I could do this in the hive using the fn_init but I just want to get it working some way.

Honestly, I am not even trying to give gear, just a parachute.

I see you are using the B_Parachute. Is there a reason to use that as opposed to the Steerable Parachute (Steerable_Parachute_F I think its called).

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Am I doing this correct by using the init file calling a .sqf file with what you suggested? I am trying to run it in the mission pbo. I guess, according to your billboard post I could do this in the hive using the fn_init but I just want to get it working some way.

Honestly, I am not even trying to give gear, just a parachute.

I see you are using the B_Parachute. Is there a reason to use that as opposed to the Steerable Parachute (Steerable_Parachute_F I think its called).

To use start gear script you need to make sensor inside mission.sqm above class Markers

	class Sensors {
		class Item0 {
			name = "Spawn_Box";
			position[] = {23600.1,0.1,18000.1}; //Default altis spawn box
			a = 5; //sensor radius
			b = 5; //sensor radius
			angle = 1;
			activationBy = "ANY";
			repeating = 1;
			interruptable = 1;
			age = "UNKNOWN";
			expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                        expActiv="dome = execVM ""your_folder\your_file_name.sqf"";";//your start gear script
			expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""You Leave Spawn zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
			class Effects{};
	class Markers
		items = 3;
		class Item0
			position[] = {14939.934,0.053499073,15083.272};
			name = "center";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item1
			position[] = {23600.3,0.23,18000.1};
			name = "respawn_east";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item2
			position[] = {23600.3,0.23,18000.1};
			name = "respawn_west";
			type = "Empty";

So everytime when player come to respawn box after die, or new player, sensor call gear script so you can add what you like for players gear

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Well, I added it. This is what my mission.sqm looks like.  I am not 100 percent about the position however because I am not understanding the x,y,z format. Is the middle number (0.1) elevation or what?  I expanded the radius just for testing to see if something was wrong with my position and maybe I was off a little.  Guess I should put it back to 5 or 10.


I am not sure how the sensor actually works.  For instance, when you initially spawn in the box, do you want to be in the sensor area?  Or do you want to run through it after you get in game for it work properly? 

class Sensors {
                class Item0 {
                                   name = "Spawn_Box";
                                   position[] = {1024.82,0.1,2023.51}; //Using Chernarus
                                   a = 10; //sensor radius
                                   b = 10; //sensor radius
                                   angle = 1;
                                   activationBy = "ANY";
                                   repeating = 1;
                                   interruptable = 1;
                                   age = "UNKNOWN";
                                   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                                   expActiv="dome = execVM ""scripts\para.sqf"";";//your start gear script
                                   expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""You Leave Spawn zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
                                   class Effects{};
class Markers
items = 3;
class Item0
position[] = {6968.658,324.48145,8345.914};
name = "center";
type = "Empty";
class Item1
position[] = {1024.82,0,2023.51};
name = "respawn_east";
type = "Empty";
angle = 23.608498;

I have nothing in my init file since the para.sqf is being called in the mission.sqm.

if ( alive player ) then {
sleep 3;

removeBackpackGlobal player;
player addbackpack "B_Parachute";

Basically, sometimes when you respawn, the parachute goes on your back perfectly and immediately.  Other times, I have to run around the box and find the trigger spot.  I think I need to fine tune the sensor area, which I don't totally understand.


If anyone can dumb down the sensor logic to me I would appreciate it.


Thanks SadBoy for your help already.


Edit:  Ok, so I figured it out.  I used the editor to place a box, got the coordinates for the box, used those coordinates  for the sensor trigger and bam.  You don't spawn into the sensor, you walk over and WALK IN TO the sensor. While this may be simple for you script masters it was a bit of a head scratcher for me.





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Well, I added it. This is what my mission.sqm looks like.  I am not 100 percent about the position however because I am not understanding the x,y,z format. Is the middle number (0.1) elevation or what?  I expanded the radius just for testing to see if something was wrong with my position and maybe I was off a little.  Guess I should put it back to 5 or 10.


I am not sure how the sensor actually works.  For instance, when you initially spawn in the box, do you want to be in the sensor area?  Or do you want to run through it after you get in game for it work properly? 

class Sensors {

                class Item0 {

                                   name = "Spawn_Box";

                                   position[] = {1024.82,0.1,2023.51}; //Using Chernarus

                                   a = 10; //sensor radius

                                   b = 10; //sensor radius

                                   angle = 1;

                                   activationBy = "ANY";

                                   repeating = 1;

                                   interruptable = 1;

                                   age = "UNKNOWN";

                                   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";

                                   expActiv="dome = execVM ""scripts\para.sqf"";";//your start gear script

                                   expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""You Leave Spawn zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";

                                   class Effects{};



class Markers


items = 3;

class Item0


position[] = {6968.658,324.48145,8345.914};

name = "center";

type = "Empty";


class Item1


position[] = {1024.82,0,2023.51};

name = "respawn_east";

type = "Empty";

angle = 23.608498;


I have nothing in my init file since the para.sqf is being called in the mission.sqm.

if ( alive player ) then {

sleep 3;

removeBackpackGlobal player;

player addbackpack "B_Parachute";


Basically, sometimes when you respawn, the parachute goes on your back perfectly and immediately.  Other times, I have to run around the box and find the trigger spot.  I think I need to fine tune the sensor area, which I don't totally understand.


If anyone can dumb down the sensor logic to me I would appreciate it.


Thanks SadBoy for your help already.


Edit:  Ok, so I figured it out.  I used the editor to place a box, got the coordinates for the box, used those coordinates  for the sensor trigger and bam.  You don't spawn into the sensor, you walk over and WALK IN TO the sensor. While this may be simple for you script masters it was a bit of a head scratcher for me.

Sensor logic is simple, every second (repeating = 1;) sensor check if player are in zone, if yes,

sensor run your script (expActiv="dome = execVM ""scripts\para.sqf"";";//your start gear script).

About cords, they must to be X,Z,Y and not X,Y,Z what you get from editor.

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Ok, so the sensor script and add parachute script are working great. I changed the lines in my chernarus.h file to:

class Chernarus : Default


worldSize = 12000;

traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };

telePos[] = {

{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 5942.89, 2739.49, 1500 } }, // South West 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431

{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 13395.6, 3941.95, 1500 } }, // South East 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958

{ "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958


propsPos[] = {

As you can see I set the South West and South East an altitude of 1500 and moved the locations for X and Y a little bit as well. Now, the fun part. It WORKS!!! For a limited period of time. For example, tonight, after I moved the locations off of the static trader spawn points, I tested them all out. They worked great but over time, something is changing. After my server has been up for a couple hours or whatever, I don't spawn in the air anymore. I just spawn on the ground at the X and Y location above but not the Z.

The reason I moved the locations from the static trader was to rule out some other file using this data and overwriting. For example, if you spawn in the west, the default is that red barn at the default static trader. The altitude part was working fine and then at some point while the server was up, it started spawning me on the ground in the red barn. So, I moved the locations to see if I would spawn on the ground in the new location and I do.

I hope this makes sense. Anyway, the altitude works, for a unknown time period but at some point while the server is up it stop working and puts you on the ground. After restart, you start spawning at altitude but then at some point it stops.

I don't know where to start trouble shooting this issue so if anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.


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Ok, so the sensor script and add parachute script are working great. I changed the lines in my chernarus.h file to:

class Chernarus : Default


worldSize = 12000;

traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };

telePos[] = {

{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 5942.89, 2739.49, 1500 } }, // South West 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431

{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 13395.6, 3941.95, 1500 } }, // South East 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958

{ "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958


propsPos[] = {

As you can see I set the South West and South East an altitude of 1500 and moved the locations for X and Y a little bit as well. Now, the fun part. It WORKS!!! For a limited period of time. For example, tonight, after I moved the locations off of the static trader spawn points, I tested them all out. They worked great but over time, something is changing. After my server has been up for a couple hours or whatever, I don't spawn in the air anymore. I just spawn on the ground at the X and Y location above but not the Z.

The reason I moved the locations from the static trader was to rule out some other file using this data and overwriting. For example, if you spawn in the west, the default is that red barn at the default static trader. The altitude part was working fine and then at some point while the server was up, it started spawning me on the ground in the red barn. So, I moved the locations to see if I would spawn on the ground in the new location and I do.

I hope this makes sense. Anyway, the altitude works, for a unknown time period but at some point while the server is up it stop working and puts you on the ground. After restart, you start spawning at altitude but then at some point it stops.

I don't know where to start trouble shooting this issue so if anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.


if you have few of sensors maybe you have same names, but need to be name1, name 2, name3... 

class Sensors {
                class Item0 {
                                   name = "Spawn_Box";//************************************************************************************name1
                                   position[] = {1024.82,0.1,2023.51}; //Using Chernarus
                                   a = 10; //sensor radius
                                   b = 10; //sensor radius
                                   angle = 1;
                                   activationBy = "ANY";
                                   repeating = 1;
                                   interruptable = 1;
                                   age = "UNKNOWN";
                                   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                                   expActiv="dome = execVM ""scripts\para.sqf"";";//your start gear script
                                   expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""You Leave Spawn zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
                                   class Effects{};
                    class Item0 {   
                                   name = "Spawn_Box_2";//************************************************************************************name2
                                   position[] = {1024.82,0.1,2023.51}; //Using Chernarus
                                   a = 10; //sensor radius
                                   b = 10; //sensor radius
                                   angle = 1;
                                   activationBy = "ANY";
                                   repeating = 1;
                                   interruptable = 1;
                                   age = "UNKNOWN";
                                   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                                   expActiv="dome = execVM ""scripts\para.sqf"";";//your start gear script
                                   expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""You Leave Spawn zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
                                   class Effects{};
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@SadBoy; I only have one sensor and that from this thread, you suggestion, and I put the sensor over a static crate. People walk up, (sleep 2<--- wasn't fast enough) and get their chute. Off they go.

I get people spawning in the air sometimes, other times they go to the ground. I don't know the backend well enough (yet) to understand how the teleport code works but for some reason, it starts ignoring the altitude after a period of time and after restart it works fine.

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@SadBoy; I only have one sensor and that from this thread, you suggestion, and I put the sensor over a static crate. People walk up, (sleep 2<--- wasn't fast enough) and get their chute. Off they go.

I get people spawning in the air sometimes, other times they go to the ground. I don't know the backend well enough (yet) to understand how the teleport code works but for some reason, it starts ignoring the altitude after a period of time and after restart it works fine.



Default Altis spawnpoints

	telePos[] = {
			{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 23600.5, 18009, 0.233421 }, "", { 13326.5, 14515.2, 0.16426 } }, // Trader city 1
			{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 23585.4, 18000.7, 0.233424 }, "", { 6192.46, 16834, 0.00154114 } }, // Trader city 2
			{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 23615.5, 18000.9, 0.233423 }, "", { 18451.9, 14278.1, 0.00143814 } } // Trader city 3

First cords, from where teleporting.

Second cords, teleport destination.

X.Y.Z not like in sensor class

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 I understand. I am changing the Z cord to 1500. I spawn in the air at 1500 but then after about an hour it reverts back to spawning on the ground. I go into the chernarus.h file and re-verify and its still at 1500. AH issue possibly? I am going to drop it to 1000 and see what happens.

This is what I have for my Chernarus:

telePos[] = {
           { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 5942.89, 2739.49, 1500 } }, // South West 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431
           { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 13395.6, 3941.95, 1500 } }, // South East 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958
           { "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958

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 I understand. I am changing the Z cord to 1500. I spawn in the air at 1500 but then after about an hour it reverts back to spawning on the ground. I go into the chernarus.h file and re-verify and its still at 1500. AH issue possibly? I am going to drop it to 1000 and see what happens.

This is what I have for my Chernarus:

telePos[] = {

           { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 5942.89, 2739.49, 1500 } }, // South West 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431

           { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 13395.6, 3941.95, 1500 } }, // South East 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958

           { "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958



I made few of custom spawnbox, so when player go inside 1 teleport, he tp to custom spawnbox 1, where is sensor who run teleport script and add parashute,

same way teleport 2 go to custom spawnbox 2, and 3 go to custom 3 and each have sensor inside where it run teleport up 1500m and add parashute

player setpos [8551.81,6707.26,1500];//set up to 1500m for paradrop
 removeBackpackGlobal player;         
  player addbackpack "B_Parachute";
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  • 1 month later...

Update: Been gone for about a month with work but back playing around with the mod. I still use the .h file to set altitude to 1000. It works for a while after restart but then stops and just puts you on the ground. I have a lot of reading to do to catch up but if anyone has seen/solved this issue please let me know.


telePos[] = {

{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 5317.92, 3755.57, 1000 } }, // Stock South West 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431

{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 11535, 5008.41, 1000 } }, // Stock South East 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958

{ "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 6256.89, 7803.15, 1000 } } // Stock North East 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958

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  • 8 months later...
On 1/5/2015 at 2:21 PM, Richie said:

Change the spawn height after teleporting, I've added paraspawning on my server cause i was sick of the complaints about spawn camping or being ran over.

Now my players can spawn in and land safely away from campers :)


It's a lot easier than trying to enforce a no camping rule.

Can you help me with this?  where do you change the height and how do you add paraspawning, is it a script or just some settings?

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3 minutes ago, Thug said:

Can you help me with this?  where do you change the height and how do you add paraspawning, is it a script or just some settings?

The last values of the array is height, set that to 100 meters.

Have new players spawn with a parachute, job done

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