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[Release] Vehicle locator and key identifier


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Going to necro this thread in the hopes that someone might know a trick or two...
Infistar has an admin script which allows you to search for vehicles you have a key for.. if the vehicle does not exist it deletes the key from your inventory. I would love to add this feature to this script but since infistars works a bit differently Im not sure how to do it. Anyone have any suggestions?

Simplified explanation... Key in inventory, right click to search for vehicle, vehicle was destroyed and no longer exists so the key is removed from inventory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
32 minutes ago, J.Dominic said:

How i can install this script to Epoch with latest Infistar?


Please help me!!

pretty vague..it works well with 1051.  All you need to do is create a right click option to call this file. it can be easy depending on the scripts you have installed already.

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3 minutes ago, theduke said:

pretty vague..it works well with 1051.  All you need to do is create a right click option to call this file. it can be easy depending on the scripts you have installed already.

Sure installed. But always got kick from BE.

08.03.2016 10:49:57: Dominic ( ce7fdb8e9d535b5686331ca9761cd1bf - #66 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];
_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];
systemChat f"
08.03.2016 10:53:25: Dominic ( ce7fdb8e9d535b5686331ca9761cd1bf - #66 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];
_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];
systemChat f"
08.03.2016 10:57:02: Dominic ( ce7fdb8e9d535b5686331ca9761cd1bf - #66 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];
_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];
systemChat f"
08.03.2016 11:01:14: Dominic ( ce7fdb8e9d535b5686331ca9761cd1bf - #68 "";
_markerstr setMarkerBrushLocal "Border";
_markerstr setMarkerSizeLocal [_radius, _radius];

_markerstr1 = createMarkerLocal ["
08.03.2016 11:10:06: Dominic ( ce7fdb8e9d535b5686331ca9761cd1bf - #68 "";
_markerstr setMarkerBrushLocal "Border";
_markerstr setMarkerSizeLocal [_radius, _radius];

_markerstr1 = createMarkerLocal ["

And i can't do same script owner in AH.sqf

If you have Infistar installed, this script will work fine for the admin.
But if you want this script to work for all the regular players on your server, you must do the following:

Search your AH.sqf file and either remove these or change them from 'no' to 'yes'.


Then search for this line:
vehicles = [vehicle player];

Replace it with this:
vehicles = vehicles;


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39 minutes ago, theduke said:

add this in scripts.txt in your BE filters on line 62 for me...

!="_vehicleLocMarker setMarkerTextLocal format['%1 - %2',_vehicleName,_keyName];"

Thank you theduke. But i already have that code in my scripts.txt

5 "systemChat \"Teleporting Everybody!\";"
1 "_ZenPart"
1 "createvehiclelocal" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !="setWeaponReloadingTime='no';addMPEventHandler='no';createVehicleLocal='no';inputAction='no';" !="_agent = _type createVehicleLocal _pos;" !="_obj = _x createVehicleLocal [2500,2500,0];" !="\"#particlesource\"" !="\"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_temp = \"MBG_SNDHELPER\" createvehiclelocal getpos _house;" !="\"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal"
1 "dedicatedServerInterface"
5 "tppppNW4F"
5 "\"MMT_Civ\" createVehicleLocal"
5 "player moveInDriver _t"
1 "_unit createUnit"
1 "createUnit _array"
1 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"
1 "\"+ \""
1 "\" +\""
1 "\"+  \""
1 "\"  +\""
1 "\"  + \""
1 "\"  +  \""
1 "\" +  \""
1 "\"+   \""
1 "'+ '"
1 "'+  '"
1 "'  +'"
1 "'  + '"
1 "'  +  '"
1 "' +  '"
1 "'+   '"
1 "\"+\""
1 "'+'"
1 "+ \";\""
1 "+\";\""
1 "+ \";\"]"
1 "+\";\"]"
1 "], \"Logic\"]"
1 "],\"Logic\"]"
1 "\"FunctionsManager\", 10000000]) select 0"
1 "(createGroup sideLogic)"
1 "_g = createGroup sidelogic;"
1 "_u = _g createUnit ["
1 "_u = _g createUnit [\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\",[0,0,0],[],0,\"NONE\"];"
1 "_MissionZBoar"
1 "10000000]) select 0"
1 "join _Editor;"
1 "_Editor ="
1 "\"F\"+\"u\"+\"n\"+\"c\"+\"t\"+\"i\"+\"o\"+\"n\"+\"s\"+\"M\"+\"a\"+\"n\"+\"a\"+\"g\"+\"e\"+\"r\""
1 "Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager"
1 "allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager'"
1 "allmissionobjects \"FunctionsManager\""
1 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"
1 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"
1 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""
1 "\"Manager\""
1 "\"Fuck server\""
1 "c\"+\"reateGroup"
1 "cr\"+\"eateGroup"
1 "cre\"+\"ateGroup"
1 "crea\"+\"teGroup"
1 "creat\"+\"eGroup"
1 "create\"+\"Group"
1 "createG\"+\"roup"
1 "createGr\"+\"oup"
1 "createGro\"+\"up"
1 "createGrou\"+\"p"
1 "_BB_"
1 "_mapBB"
1 "ckpackCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _backpacks;"
1 "{_tentbox addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _items;"
1 "setDammage"
5 "setMarkerTextLocal" !="_markerstr setMarkerTextLocal _name;" !="_mrkr setMarkerTextLocal format [\"%1\",_name];" !"_vm setMarkerTextLocal" !"_pm setMarkerTextLocal format" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertextlocal \"BIS_DEBUG_CAM\";" !="_name setMarkerTextLocal format [_showMarkerSearchText + \" \" + \"%1\" + \" \" + \"[%2 m]\", _vehDisplayName, _vehDistance];" !="_vehicleLocMarker setMarkerTextLocal format['%1 - %2',_vehicleName,_keyName];"
5 "setMarkerTypeLocal" !="_pm setMarkerTypeLocal \"destroyedvehicle\";" !="_vm setMarkerTypeLocal \"" !="_mrkr setMarkerTypeLocal \"DestroyedVehicle\";" !="_marker setMarkerTypeLocal \"Empty\";" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertypelocal \"mil_start\";" !="_name setMarkerTypeLocal _showMarkerType;" !="_vehicleLocMarker setMarkerTypeLocal 'DOT';"


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  • 3 months later...
On 6/22/2015 at 0:12 PM, hekut146 said:

i change, but don't work admins normal work, players write found 1 key, don't marker

Did you or anyone ever find a fix for this? I too have this problem.

Would love to have this on my server for all of the players.


EDIT: I found a fix. I had infistar, and i had to do this in AHconfig:               /* Vehicle ID Check       */ _UIC = true;

Hope this helps someone.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/21/2015 at 11:28 AM, Logi said:

Does your AH.sqf file contain this line:

if (isNil 'vehicles') then {vehicles = [];} else {if (typeName vehicles != 'ARRAY') then {vehicles = [];YOLO = true;};};


If so, change it to this and it should work:

if (isNil 'vehicles') then {vehicles = vehicles;} else {if (typeName vehicles != 'ARRAY') then {vehicles = [];YOLO = true;};};

Reminder, this is a very needed step in recent versions of infistar.

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  • 2 months later...

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