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[Release] Vehicle locator and key identifier


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Great script!

I just wanted to point out that the car keys are completely random, so there is a not to small chance a key will match to some other vehicle that you don't own and your script will show all vehicles on the map (idk what your script exately does if a key matches to multiple vehicles?). :D

I mean that can happen to real cars also, but then you don't have a map to where the vehicle is located so the chance of finding that is very rare. :)


There are only about 10k different car keys in Epoch, if your server has many cars the chance is not to bad to find a random car, and players like to store more keys to lost cars and with this script there is no reason to dispose keys so you can keep hundreds of keys to find some cars  :P

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It's already been pointed out that this script could be abused in a PvP environment by taking a dead players keys and stealing their vehicles. That said this is more suited for a PvE environment. Keeping that in mind, players with keys that match multiple vehicles shouldn't be an issue on pve and probably shouldn't be used on PvP.

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Yeah I know but that is a completely different issue I think, if you steal a key and find the car for that or if you buy a car and that key will unlock 5 cars from other players and you know where they are :D

Also I tend to make a copy of keys for valuable cars, so if someone actually steals the car with the key I can see where it is with the copy.. that can be a nice feature but of course something like this can be abused as well...

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Great script!

I just wanted to point out that the car keys are completely random, so there is a not to small chance a key will match to some other vehicle that you don't own and your script will show all vehicles on the map (idk what your script exately does if a key matches to multiple vehicles?). :D

I mean that can happen to real cars also, but then you don't have a map to where the vehicle is located so the chance of finding that is very rare. :)


There are only about 10k different car keys in Epoch, if your server has many cars the chance is not to bad to find a random car, and players like to store more keys to lost cars and with this script there is no reason to dispose keys so you can keep hundreds of keys to find some cars  :P


There are 12500 possible vehicle keys, so unless your server was very highly populated, I don't think the chance of getting multiple matching ID's is that high.

I have only been running my server for about 5/6 weeks and it is only medium populated, so I cannot say what the effects may be over a long period on a very high pop server.


Although my script just loops until it finds a matching characterID. So if multiple vehicles did have the same characeterID, the script would only find the first vehicle.

But a couple of people have asked for it to be modified to be able to identify matching characterID's, so that it would work with the master key script.

If I did modify the script to be able to find matching characterID's, then I guess what your saying could possibly become an issue on high pop servers.

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Yeah like Axe Cop said, it is selected random from the 12500 possible keys. 

If you have had matching keys with 400-450 vehicles, then I guess the probability of having matching keys is a bit higher than I thought.


My script would only find the 1 vehicle for each key.

But if two vehicles had the same key, then the person who owns the second vehicle would end up locating the other guys vehicle instead of his own, which would be a bit of a problem on PVP servers.


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Yeah, I suppose 1/25 is a fairly high probability.

Do you know if there is a particular reason why Epoch cannot check the random selected key against the current keys and then loop until a unique key is found?

For some reason I cannot remember where the code is located.

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Yeah, I suppose 1/25 is a fairly high probability.

Do you know if there is a particular reason why Epoch cannot check the random selected key against the current keys and then loop until a unique key is found?

For some reason I cannot remember where the code is located.

sure it could be done, but it is completely random and works for most parts :D

see here, I think that is where the key is generated (for vehicles): https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/actions/trade_any_vehicle.sqf#L122-L128

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Thanks for that. I knew that I saw the code somewhere, I just could not remember where.


Like you say, it does work for the most part, but it still seems a bit strange that there is no check on the random selected key.

You could potentially have 12500 vehicles without any duplicate keys.

Although my script would make it easier to find these duplicates, even without my script, someone could travel the map and check each locked vehicle to find duplicates themselves.

That is not very likely, but it would be better if it was not possible at all.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have someone who requested a similar feature to be added to the Epoch Admin Tools and I was wondering if you would be ok with me adding some of your code from this to the tool. I can see some serious potential in having this in the tool and you would be given credit for the work obviously.

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I have someone who requested a similar feature to be added to the Epoch Admin Tools and I was wondering if you would be ok with me adding some of your code from this to the tool. I can see some serious potential in having this in the tool and you would be given credit for the work obviously.


Yeah mate that would be fine.

This type of feature is probably better suited for admin use anyway. 

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Sounds great. I know people will be very happy about it.


Hey mate, have you considered making the Admin Tool more graphical in order to reduce the number of sub menus?

After you released version 1.9 I made some custom mods to the tool on my test server. But I stopped when I noticed quite a lot of bug reports and I have not had a chance to test v1.9.1 yet.

Because of this I never got that far with the mod, but I think some of the features that I started to implement would be a nice addition to your tool.

I created a player menu that lists all players on the server. At the moment only the humanity morph is working, but this could also be used for heal, teleport, spectate ect.

I have just done a quick video to give you an idea of the mods I started to do.

As you can see most of the new dialogs that I have created are just modified versions of your vehicle dialog.



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Hey mate, have you considered making the Admin Tool more graphical in order to reduce the number of sub menus?

After you released version 1.9 I made some custom mods to the tool on my test server. But I stopped when I noticed quite a lot of bug reports and I have not had a chance to test v1.9.1 yet.

Because of this I never got that far with the mod, but I think some of the features that I started to implement would be a nice addition to your tool.

I created a player menu that lists all players on the server. At the moment only the humanity morph is working, but this could also be used for heal, teleport, spectate ect.

I have just done a quick video to give you an idea of the mods I started to do.

As you can see most of the new dialogs that I have created are just modified versions of your vehicle dialog.




Yes I have actually. Version 2.0 will have the option for scroll menu, GUI (kind of like infistar, but better construction), or both. The tool will be completely rewritten for better stability, efficiency, and usability. The general gui that you showed for the house spawn is one idea I had as well. Are you just adding the items one by one or are you pulling it from the actual epoch files? I plan to pull it from the epoch files as it will be much faster to code. My current method is incredibly tedious to code.

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Yes I have actually. Version 2.0 will have the option for scroll menu, GUI (kind of like infistar, but better construction), or both. The tool will be completely rewritten for better stability, efficiency, and usability. The general gui that you showed for the house spawn is one idea I had as well. Are you just adding the items one by one or are you pulling it from the actual epoch files? I plan to pull it from the epoch files as it will be much faster to code. My current method is incredibly tedious to code.


That is good to hear. I do like using the scroll menu for certain tasks. I will be looking forward to version 2.0.

I just pulled all of the data from the epoch files and then excluded certain items. For example from Cfgweapons I had to exclude all of the vehicle keys otherwise it added 12500 keys to the list and took ages to load.

Some items such as the player skins may be better to load from a pre-defined array, but for the buildings you are probably best to pull them all from the config file. Its quicker and requires a lot less code.




I have just had a look at the files now and by using the graphical menus, I have reduced the AdminToolsMain.sqf from around 750 lines to less than 250, whilst increasing the items available to spawn.

This would make it more manageable and less daunting for average users to modify their menu.

For example, there where around 20+ menus and sub-menus for spawning buildings. With my mod there is only 1 menu required and any building can be spawned. It is similar for the weapon spawn.

There is currently a primary weapon menu and a side arm menu, but the choice of weapons is limited. People can add more weapons to the menu, but it increases the number of sub-menus.

With the graphical approach, I can spawn any weapon in the game and it only requires a single menu slot. An it is nice for noobs to be able to see images of the weapons/gear they want to spawn.

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That is good to hear. I do like using the scroll menu for certain tasks. I will be looking forward to version 2.0.

I just pulled all of the data from the epoch files and then excluded certain items. For example from Cfgweapons I had to exclude all of the vehicle keys otherwise it added 12500 keys to the list and took ages to load.

Some items such as the player skins may be better to load from a pre-defined array, but for the buildings you are probably best to pull them all from the config file. Its quicker and requires a lot less code.




I have just had a look at the files now and by using the graphical menus, I have reduced the AdminToolsMain.sqf from around 750 lines to less than 250, whilst increasing the items available to spawn.

This would make it more manageable and less daunting for average users to modify their menu.

For example, there where around 20+ menus and sub-menus for spawning buildings. With my mod there is only 1 menu required and any building can be spawned. It is similar for the weapon spawn.

There is currently a primary weapon menu and a side arm menu, but the choice of weapons is limited. People can add more weapons to the menu, but it increases the number of sub-menus.

With the graphical approach, I can spawn any weapon in the game and it only requires a single menu slot. An it is nice for noobs to be able to see images of the weapons/gear they want to spawn.


Ya 2.0 is a huge change and will be an interesting task to make. I hope to make it as modular and easy to use as possible. There are a large number of ideas going around for it. The biggest task will be trying to find the time to do it all.

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I prefer to use this web based script: 


Anyways it will not collide with any anti cheat system or bring in more security breaks. Also you can make a password on and use this for Donators - it does not sell anything ingame related!



I did see your web based tool, but I thought an in-game solution would be a lot better.

Also isn't your web tool only for admin and only for Chernarus?

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I did see your web based tool, but I thought an in-game solution would be a lot better.

Also isn't your web tool only for admin and only for Chernarus?

My Webtool is not just for Admins. You can simply remove the "Show Gear" tab. Also it is better when it is from outside, because with some simple SQL Events you can make a delay on the vehicle. Better not to be Realtime ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys, looks like 1st post 4me on these forums, but long time reader/scavenger :P


Anyways, if any of you are using the "" from mudzereli then, you can add the same function by editing the config.sqf on the "overwrites" folder.

Whitout needing to add maca's right click function/script.


below an example that I've tested and confirmed it's operation.

//      This is where you register your right-click actions
//  FORMAT -- (no comma after last array entry)
//      [_classname,_text,_execute,_condition],
//  _classname  : the name of the class to click on 
//                  (example = "ItemBloodbag")
//  _text       : the text for the option that is displayed when right clicking on the item 
//                  (example = "Self Transfuse")
//  _execute    : compiled code to execute when the option is selected 
//                  (example = "execVM 'my\scripts\self_transfuse.sqf';")
//  _condition  : compiled code evaluated to determine whether or not the option is displayed
//                  (example = {true})
//  EXAMPLE -- see below for some simple examples
    ["ItemGPS","Scan Nearby","if(isNil 'DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE') then {DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE = 1500;};DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]); DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['CAManBase',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]);cutText[format['Within %1 Meters: %2 AI/players, %3 zombies, %4 vehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE,DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT,count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]),count ((position player) nearEntities ['allVehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]) - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT],'PLAIN DOWN'];","true"],
    ["ItemGPS","Toggle Map Marker","execVM 'overwrites\click_actions\examples\marker.sqf';","true"],
    ["ItemGPS","Locate Vehicles","execVM 'custom\locate_vehicle.sqf';","true"],
    ["ItemMap","Locate Vehicles","execVM 'custom\locate_vehicle.sqf';","true"],

@mudzereli & Logi: thanks for the great piece of coding.  B)


cheers guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does it show all the vehicles with the same key or just one? on my server it only shows the last vehicle i bought andchanged the key :\


At the moment the current release of the script only detects a single vehicle for each key. I have been meaning to update the script but I have been busy and forgot.

I have just done a quick mod that should work for people using the vehicle key changer script.

This is not an update to the script, it is just an alternative for now.


This will not let players search with multiple keys in their toolbelt like the original script, it will only search with a single key. But it should find all vehicles associated with that key.

You can just replace the locate_vehicle.sqf with the one from this file. But it has only been tested for a couple of minutes on my test server.


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Thanks, i'll give it a go.

Im adding the possibility to toggle on and off the markers, when i get it working i'll send you the result.





The script already has config options for toggling the map markers.

You just need to set this variable.


_showMapMarker = True;  // True = display the map markers, False = just identify the keys

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