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scheduled backups



I thought I had seen the SQL code to add a scheduled backup to the database, but can't seem to find it for the life of me...


So, what is the SQL to create a scheduled event for backing up the db?


Actually, what I really want to do is use the BEC scheduler to back the db up and copy/clear all the log files every reboot, but I would be happy to just get the db backup automated for now.

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Create a file called mySQLBackup.bat and add this with notepad++:

"D:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqldump.exe" --user=[username] --pass=[password] -A > D:\bak\fullmysqldump.sql

Adjust the path to your mysql server's bin directory and backup output directory. That will create a backup of all schemas. If you want to backup just one specific database use:

"D:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqldump.exe" --user=[username] --pass=[password] [database/schema name eg. dayz_epoch] > D:\bak\epochmysqldump.sql

Add that batch file to windows scheduled tasks (every hour shouldn't hurt - probably worth monitoring the load when backing up and adjust accordingly).


Place hands behind head, sit back and relax  ;)

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Here's some overkill for you.
Add a bat file I call mine dayzdbdump.bat
@echo off
REM MySQL Dump / Backup Script for Windows NT Systems.
REM This Script will dump all tables from your MySQL Instance to a 7zip archive; 
REM it will Also take care of starting and stopping the MySQL Service on the machine.
REM @author Jonny Reeves - http://www.jonnyreeves.co.uk/
REM Modified by UnboundGaming

set mysql_username="dayz"
set mysql_password="PASSWORDGOESHERE"
set mysql_service="MySQL56"
set mysql_path="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin"
set output_path="C:\DayZDB"

REM Start of Script.
IF NOT EXIST %output_path% (mkdir %output_path%)

REM Check to see if the MySQL Service is running
for /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('sc query "%mysql_service%" ^| find "RUNNING"') do set servicerunning=%%a
if "X%servicerunning%%" == "X" (goto service_stopped) ELSE (goto service_running)

    echo Starting MySQL Service: %mysql_service%
    net start %mysql_service%
    call :dump_and_zip
    echo Stopping MySQL Service: %mysql_service%
    net stop %mysql_service%
    goto end

    echo MySQL Service is already running.
    call :dump_and_zip
    goto end
    REM Dump out the MySQL Database to a timestamped .sql file
    for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE /T') do set date=%%c-%%b-%%a
    for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('TIME /T') do set time=%%a-%%b
    %mysql_path%\mysqldump.exe --user %mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --all-databases --opt > "%output_path%\%date%_%time%.sql"

    REM Check for Errors.
    if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (goto error)
    echo An error occured.
    EXIT /B 42

This will date and timestamp each db dump. (example: 20-09-Fri_05-00 PM.sql)

I set this to run every 30 minutes via task scheduler.
Next is cleanup. 
Make a new bat file dbdumpcleanup.bat
forfiles -p "C:\DayZDB" -s -m *.* /D -2 /C "cmd /c del @path"

This will delete all dumps older than 2 days.

You can set it longer or shorter at the /D -2 part
You can set this to run once a day via task scheduler, or incorporate it into a server restart.
This set up will give you backups every 30 minutes over a 2 day period, or about 96 incremental backups.
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I wrote a couple a while back for both Windows and Linux.

**These have been tested to work, but have not been extensively tested. Anything that happens IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.


For Windows


  • Create a new file in any directory and name it autobackup.bat
  • Put the following script in:

    @echo off
    set hr=%time:~0,2%
    if "%hr:~0,1%" equ " " set hr=0%hr:~1,1%
    SET backupTime=%date:~-4,4%-%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%_%hr%-%time:~3,2%
    cd "C:\path\to\mysql\bin"
    mysqldump.exe --user=MYSQLUSER --password=PASSWORDHERE --compact --replace --skip-lock-tables DATABASE character_data object_data player_data > "C:\path\to\backup\folder\%backupTime%.sql"
  • Edit the script accordingly (directories, user, password, database)
  • Set up a Windows service to run however many times you want per hour (5 minutes is ample) with the autobackup.sh to run

For Linux


  • Create a new file in any directory and name it autobackup.sh
  • Put the following script in:

    cd $location;
    while true
      file=$(date +"%H-%M")
      directory=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y")
      if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
        mkdir /home/arma/backups/$directory
      mysqldump --user=USERHERE --password=PASSWORDHERE --compact --replace --skip-lock-tables DATABASE instance_deployable instance_vehicle profile survivor > "$directory/$file.sql"
      echo "Backup Created at $location/$directory/$file.sql"
      sleep $timeout
  • Edit the script accordingly (directories, user, password, database)
  • chmod +x autobackup.sh
  • Set up a screen process or just run the script via command line, I'm sure if you're using Linux you wont need more detail



  • Install the package Screen (yum install screen, apt-get install screen, etc)
  • Create dayzautobackup in your /usr/bin directory
  • chmod +x /usr/bin/dayzautobackup
  • Copypasta the following (and edit accordingly):

    #Determine whether or not screen is already running
    RUNNING=`screen -ls | grep $screen`
    case "$1" in
        cd $LOCATION
        RUNNING=`screen -ls | grep $screen`
        if [ "$RUNNING" = "" ]
            screen -dmS $screen $file
        screen -x $screen -X quit
        screen -x $screen -X quit
        RUNNING=`screen -ls | grep $screen`
        cd $LOCATION
        until [ "$RUNNING" = "" ]
            RUNNING=`screen -ls | grep $screen`
        screen -dmS $screen
        screen -x $screen
        cd $LOCATION
        if [ "$RUNNING" = "" ]
            screen -dmS $screen $file
        sleep 1
        screen -x $screen
        echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart | view | sv (start & view) }"
    exit 0
  • Then simply run dayzautobackup from via command line and it will pop up with a usage dialog

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I'd just use the Windows Task Sheduler.


First of all: Create a .bat called "mysqlbackup.bat"


C&P this code:

@echo off
echo MySQL Backup wird gestartet...
cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/: " %%a in ('Time/T') do set CTIME=%%a%%b%%c
set DATUM=%date%
mysqldump -uroot -pYOURMYSQLPASSWORD YOUREPOCHDB_NAME > c:\mysqlbackup\dayzserver_%DATUM%_%ZEIT%.sql
echo Backup durchgeführt!

save it.


Go to C:\, create a folder called "mysqlbackup". This is the folder where all backed up databases will be stored, sorted by date and time that they have been created.


Now go to the windows task sheduler and create a new schedule. You can adjust WHEN the script will be started and HOW OFTEN. I've set up mine to run every 15 minutes, which is a good basic use. :)


I hope i could help you some way. :)

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Is there a solution for those of us renting a server from a host, since we can't set up batch files to run MySQL backups?


Personally, I use Navicat for MySQL. The built-in scheduling feature is very simple and reliable. Backups can be restored with a click, or exported to a SQL file if you want. I'm guessing there's plenty of SQL clients out there capable of this, just depends on what you're able to get your hands on.

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Personally, I use Navicat for MySQL. The built-in scheduling feature is very simple and reliable. Backups can be restored with a click, or exported to a SQL file if you want. I'm guessing there's plenty of SQL clients out there capable of this, just depends on what you're able to get your hands on.


Keeping a program running, connected to my database, to do scheduled back up isn't exactly what I'm looking for. :(

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Keeping a program running, connected to my database, to do scheduled back up isn't exactly what I'm looking for. :(


Yeah, I agree that it's not ideal. Until I (eventually) get my dedi box set up, this is what I'll need to go with. As a sidenote, my host does offer a scheduled SQL backup service, but there's a 50 file limit before older files get overwritten...that's actually plentiful for my needs, but I've found the service itself to be unreliable at time (it stops working at random times).

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I just use HeidiSQL for Windows and for Linux I usually access it via command line.


Hey Kind-Sir... I love HeidiSQL, but don't think it's capable of scheduled backups, unless there's a plugin for it or something? - Please tell me if I'm wrong, as I'd love to use Heidi for schedules backups :D

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