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Too many scripts?


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So below is my Overpoch server, thoughts on my scripts? Too many? Not enough?


Appreciate the feedback, players seem to love em but i'm not sure if we've gone too far?



Bank Robbery

New Overwatch loot spawns

New Overwatch weps Ammo & Vehic traders

New Skin Trader at stary

JAEM Heli Evac

Spawn location Select

Class Select

Spawn with motorcycle

Lift & tow

Self Blood

Build Snap Pro

Deploy bike/Mozzie

Select View Distance

3 Independant Mission systems with random Ai missions (DZAI/Wicked AI/EMS)

Protected base building

Extended trader items

Modded Airfeilds

Extra towns & City's

Custom Antihax

Protected Safe Zones

Ai heli patrols & para drops

Skalisty Bridges x 2

Service points for re arm, re fuel & repair

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It depends on what type of community you have to be honest. Are you leaning more to a vanilla overpoch. As well if your community can deal with the fact that they have to download all those. Another big factor is if your server can keep up with all the scripts. Look at your CPU when your server is just about to restart. If it seems it's struggling then you have a good reason to say you have too many scripts.

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No server performance impact
New Overwatch loot spawns

New Overwatch weps Ammo & Vehic traders

New Skin Trader at stary

Spawn location Select

Class Select

Lift & tow

Service points for re arm, re fuel & repair

Extended trader items



HUGE performance impact. EMS and DZAI are the same just merge the missions ... I use EMS missions in DZAI.

3 Independant Mission systems with random Ai missions (DZAI/Wicked AI/EMS)

Ai heli patrols & para drops

The first time you will get over 10 or 20 players your server will become unplayable after about an hour I would guess. Been there done that.

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Ok to get this out of the way once and for all!!

Scripts do NOT cause performance problems, what is causing them is running them (genius right?) Now if we have stuff like bike deploy, selfBB, tow and lift etc etc, those will not take any performance, as Arma is able to run sqf (btw a very quick script language) like butter. Now what does Arma not handle very well? First of all AI, not spawning them in as in general the SERVER handles spawning stuff in really good (allthough it might cause some lagging on the client who has to load it all), but more the general calculations that are necessary. Not with all the mission systems out there EMS is probably the worst and most outdated to use, as it goes pretty much brute force on the AI, with lots of loops running.. For example I am using a quite heavily modified version of WAai wher i only spawn in the AI when actual players get near the mission, which saves a lot of performance...

Next thing that causes desync is heavy server processes, triggered by publicVars.. Allthough in general publicVars do not affect performance very much, there is quite a few server side processes that do (mainly the updating and spawning of vehicles as there is also a database interaction involved )

Now a headless client can solve most of your AI problems, and allows you to have over 300 AI on the map without issues (at least on my setup )

For the rest as a general tip i would say, avoid loops if you can, don't go nuts with map addons that run server side, and keep the general swag up :)

Peace ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

WAai wher i only spawn in the AI when actual players get near the mission, which saves a lot of performance..




 Hi this is similar to  something I have been wanting to do, Spawn AI in a certain area only when a player get to a certain distance to the area i have selected. Can you guide me or paste a sample of how to achieve a spawning of Ai once a player has entered a certain area.



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