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1.0.5 + skin Change

Turtle II

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I made a post about this before then correcting myself thinking I was wrong. Turns out I am not. 


Change skins -> sends you into the gear of your debugged body and clears your own 


this stuff is very notable when changing skins so just test it out.

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Hello All,

Many players on my servers where complaining/informing me of this issue so I have tempfixed it until official fix is released.

All you need to do is in your custom compiles.sqf branch a version of player_wearClothes.sqf from and use this.

Doing this means players will need to remove Backpacks for the changing of skins but at least players get to keep Backpack/Personal Inventories untouched.

Since doing this adjustment this issue has disappeared completely.


This adjustment works for me until it is fixed by Epoch Dev Team until official release.

I am using @Epoch +@Overwatch 0.2.5.


Hope this helps


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Just tested on a server that has the latest infistar as well as the official dev server and had no issues changing clothes with Please post any client RPT errors related to this issue here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1361


I did notice that two female skins Skin_SurvivorWsequisha_DZ and Skin_SurvivorWsequishaD_DZ cause issues as they should not exist due to the models not existing. This would only be an issue if they were spawned in with admin tools or custom loot tables as they DO NOT spawn by default.

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I'd like to suggest changing player_monitor.fsm in next release, if skin magazine class doesn't exist, model should be reverted to Survivor2_DZ to prevent spawning invisible players in Survivor1_DZ, if an incorrect skin name is defined in DZE_defaultSkin array. (or the checking of if _model=="Survovor1_DZ" should be after the random skin selection function.)

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